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General/Other - D'Vorah D'vorah Balance changes

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
Figured we could use our own section to talk about the changes that happen to D'vorah. So far we've just seen the change to Venomous' EX Bug Spray, gaining armor and knockback on hit. This indicates to me that NRS may have decided to take the character in a radically different direction if they're taking away the restand, especially if you can't hold the spray for chip damage. It also could potentially launch for big damage in the corner, depending on recovery.

I for one look forward to whatever they do with Venomous, so long as I'm not limited to mostly gimmicks anymore. And if the chip damage is removed or reduced, well at least I won't have people acting like I'm playing some super broken character because they don't know the matchup anymore :D.

I'll try and keep this updated with whatever comes out for Debbie. Here's hoping for those BM buffs and SQ not getting beaten with the nerf bat too badly.


Note: this isn't actually Swarm Queen, just an embed of what is shown at the twitter link.

Changes in the Kombat Kast
  • f2 is a mid
  • Spray now a safe armored move, no longer restands
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i´m just waiting for the BM buffs, maybe they do the same thing with the EX bug blast
If you look closely you can see how the projectile looks almost exactly like a BM spray, I'm going to assume that its for both variations.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
It was already linked to and discussed in the OP. Also, that's not swarm queen, that's venomous. They got it wrong on the video. Look at her hands.

I'll put it there anyways for people who just want an embed.
ohh i assumed cuz the Hood lol. i don't play her often. so i figured it was Swarm. that would be cool, its what D'Vorahs Weakness is. but i guess it could be a bit much for SQ cuz she will bve Top tier after patch i assume.


FGC Cannon Fodder
Interesting. I'm most vested in what happens with Venomous. I'm hoping there isn't a big shift in strategy for her. I use her because her game plan and execution requirements are more digestible to me than SQ and I'm much better with V than I ever was with SQ for it. Be a bit of a bummer if her foundation changed, but then there may be a lot of that going around.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but the restand doesn't seem like a big loss. The only way to really get extra damage seems to be to go overhead since low, at best gave you the damage you gave up for the risk. If they block high or jump then they were pretty much guaranteed to get away for less.

I do want to see this on block. I gain a little sadistic satisfaction in forcing someone watch their life chip away at the end of a round. Actually I feel kind of bad for it, but it's been handy.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
Interesting. I'm most vested in what happens with Venomous. I'm hoping there isn't a big shift in strategy for her. I use her because her game plan and execution requirements are more digestible to me than SQ and I'm much better with V than I ever was with SQ for it. Be a bit of a bummer if her foundation changed, but then there may be a lot of that going around.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but the restand doesn't seem like a big loss. The only way to really get extra damage seems to be to go overhead since low, at best gave you the damage you gave up for the risk. If they block high or jump then they were pretty much guaranteed to get away for less.

I do want to see this on block. I gain a little sadistic satisfaction in forcing someone watch their life chip away at the end of a round. Actually I feel kind of bad for it, but it's been handy.
I actually think she might be getting a full overhaul. If they're toning down 50/50's, Venomous has very little going for it. There might be several corresponding buffs to make her fit into the new meta better.
Interesting. I'm most vested in what happens with Venomous. I'm hoping there isn't a big shift in strategy for her. I use her because her game plan and execution requirements are more digestible to me than SQ and I'm much better with V than I ever was with SQ for it. Be a bit of a bummer if her foundation changed, but then there may be a lot of that going around.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but the restand doesn't seem like a big loss. The only way to really get extra damage seems to be to go overhead since low, at best gave you the damage you gave up for the risk. If they block high or jump then they were pretty much guaranteed to get away for less.

I do want to see this on block. I gain a little sadistic satisfaction in forcing someone watch their life chip away at the end of a round. Actually I feel kind of bad for it, but it's been handy.
Depending on how they change her restand could be a huge loss. No more vortex in the corner.


Believe in Magic yet? Let us Dance
Needed for one variation of D'vorah to have a good armor. I am very curious to see what it's data is on block and how much damage it does.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
I'm optimistic about the f2 change. As venom and BM, I got most of my real damage off f3 anyways. SQ will still be able to get puddle setups, at least in the corner using f34, d1, f34, 212~puddle.

Venomous will definitely be different, but I'm a big fan of safety and having that for real should be pretty nice.


  • D'Vorah - fixed a bug causing her head collision to get smaller while running
  • D'Vorah - Spawning Puddle is now +12 on block (down from +22) and has reduced pushback
  • D'Vorah - Spawning Pool is now +27 on block (down from +47) and has reduced pushback
  • D'Vorah - Towards+BP now hits mid
  • D'Vorah - increased the hit advantage and cancel advantage of Towards+FK
  • D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - reduced the recovery of Bug Blast, Bug Bomb, & Enhance Bug Bomb by 4 frames
  • D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - increased damage scaling on Bug Blast, Bug Bomb, & Enhance Bug Bomb
  • D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - reduced the block stun on Bug Blast, Bug Bomb, & Enhance Bug Bomb by 10 frames
  • D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - reduced the damage of Bug Bomb by 1
  • D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - reduced the damage of Crawler by 1
  • D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - Enhanced Bug Bomb no longer sometimes visually stays on screen when blocked
  • D'Vorah (Swarm Queen) - Vortex Swarm is now +3 on block (down from +22)
  • D'Vorah (Swarm Queen) - Infestation is now +1 on block (down from +20)
  • D'Vorah (Venomous) - replaced Bug Spray (enhanced) with a new attack called Bug Burst
D'Vorah (Venomous) - Venomous brutality requirements changed

Overall the changes weren't the worst ever but I don't like the damage nerfs for brood mother. what you guys think?

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Her stupid stuff was normalized respectfully and handled perfectly. Good job NRS, no more dumb puddle pressure.
i wouldn't be so sure. meaty puddle might be more plus than +3 on wakeup. gotta lab it up. also she still will have safe 50/50's it looks like


Believe in Magic yet? Let us Dance
I think they also mentioned that they changed how cancels work, and it takes a full half a meter to do a run cancel. If that is true... then this has a massive effect on SQ. I think Brood Mother actually got partially viable zoning which is great, and Venomous has an armor which is also fantastic, but SQ will definitely be far less free.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
I think they also mentioned that they changed how cancels work, and it takes a full half a meter to do a run cancel. If that is true... then this has a massive effect on SQ. I think Brood Mother actually got partially viable zoning which is great, and Venomous has an armor which is also fantastic, but SQ will definitely be far less free.
yeah all RC's have only 1 additional turn, im only seeing everyone doing normal into WGC then one string or throw and thats it. she drains quick, no more Looping Combos with wGC on block to refreash it and keep it going.


Believe in Magic yet? Let us Dance
yeah all RC's have only 1 additional turn, im only seeing everyone doing normal into WGC then one string or throw and thats it. she drains quick, no more Looping Combos with wGC on block to refreash it and keep it going.
Which in all honesty.. is actually fair lol. But her F2 is a mid which does suck a lot... and is actually also fair.