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does sektor need to iTU to punish zoning or can regTU do it?

can sektor punish zoning (mileena sai, noob tackle, cyrax nets, forceballs, raiden bolts to be specific) by doing a reg TU or must he do instant teleuppercut?


"More deadly than the dawn"
It's PURELY situational, for example most projectiles are too fast to beat with a regular teleport unless you're 100% as far away as possible, even then it's rather weird to time as most of the time you have to do it the split second they do it.

You can teleport reptiles force balls, sub zero's ice ball and kitanas fans for example, But for everything else you're much better off going for the instant air because of it's speed.
Only if you are completely at full screen, and even then some projectiles can be tricky. Noob Saibot's clones and Kabal's saws can still get you, and if you're not on it Sindel's and Liu Kang's low fireballs as well.

If you are at anything less than full screen, you need to use an iaTU, with the exceptions of the ones Ketchup stated above.


The Free Meter Police
I would say always use iaTU for projectile punishment. Even if you are at full screen and use regular TU, you might not have enough time to hit them before they can recover. You CAN use regular TU sometimes, but just for good habit's sake, I would use iaTU since it is ALWAYS better for projectile punishment.


Agreed with Chaosphere. I don't see a situation where regular TU is better than IATU. Although there may be some situations where IATU may not help you than if you just did TU, it definitely won't hurt you. You can't say the same for regular TU. Practice IATU until it becomes second nature - there's no reason not to use this in place of regular TU if and when it's necessary to.


Jesus Fucking Christ
I haven't played a lot of Smokes as Sektor but the few I have I've caught myself telecutting into the smoke bomb. If I hesitate it seems he's already blocking? Is this a timing issue or his Smoke bomb just a horrible projectile to counter?


"More deadly than the dawn"
I haven't played a lot of Smokes as Sektor but the few I have I've caught myself telecutting into the smoke bomb. If I hesitate it seems he's already blocking? Is this a timing issue or his Smoke bomb just a horrible projectile to counter?
generally you don't want to go for countering smoke, you can get hit out of the teleport with the bomb if i'm correct, I just teleport him in the middle of combos and throw the occasional extu to keep him on edge.


Jesus Fucking Christ
Shit I thought I was doing something wrong. He's a bit of an unfamiliar matchup. I know it's not in his favor, for good reasons.


"More deadly than the dawn"
Shit I thought I was doing something wrong. He's a bit of an unfamiliar matchup. I know it's not in his favor, for good reasons.
generally a smoke player is just waiting to shake a projectile of yours so in essence they have to think about sektors specials MORE than other characters, which makes laying into him a bit easier. Generally i find smoke to be a character i like to harass into teleporting etc.

Dunno if that's the best way to fight him but it does me well so i'll stick to it :) It's definitely a hard matchup for sektor because of the lack of zoning you can do.
I haven't played a lot of Smokes as Sektor but the few I have I've caught myself telecutting into the smoke bomb. If I hesitate it seems he's already blocking? Is this a timing issue or his Smoke bomb just a horrible projectile to counter?
My roomate plays smoke and play sektor, he swears it's a bad matchup for smoke. The name of the game is keep away. Sektor has some really fast normals and the ones that aren't fast have great range. Generally I nickel and dime him to death with b1(can't be en-shook) and AA flame throwers (although you have to watch out for the whiffed telepot over your head),with some safe pressure thrown in (11 grab, 122 flame, ect). If the match is going real well he gets pushed to the corner with b1 and I wreck him. Smoke can't handle the speed of Sektor's faster strings when he can't back away.
If your playing seriously always disable the wake up with flame thrower. For fun, sumetime I throw a homing missle to bait the shake then itu; always makes me smile


It's PURELY situational, for example most projectiles are too fast to beat with a regular teleport unless you're 100% as far away as possible, even then it's rather weird to time as most of the time you have to do it the split second they do it.

You can teleport reptiles force balls, sub zero's ice ball and kitanas fans for example, But for everything else you're much better off going for the instant air because of it's speed.
Basically this, but as there's ostensibly no downside to doing the IATU, I recommend just doing that all the time. It's just a good habit to get into.


Jesus Fucking Christ
I ended up leaving iatu out of my game during this matchup. I try and stay in close as possible because Smoke's good strings don't seem that quick (unless my roomie's using him wrong). Was entirely unaware that b1 killed EX-shake. That's a handy bit of info.

As far as wakeup snuffs, I generally use flame after throws. Good unpunishable distance. Otherwise my roomie wakes up with teleport nearly every time I knock him down and I punish hard. He really needs to learn better.
I ended up leaving iatu out of my game during this matchup. I try and stay in close as possible because Smoke's good strings don't seem that quick (unless my roomie's using him wrong). Was entirely unaware that b1 killed EX-shake. That's a handy bit of info.

As far as wakeup snuffs, I generally use flame after throws. Good unpunishable distance. Otherwise my roomie wakes up with teleport nearly every time I knock him down and I punish hard. He really needs to learn better.
What I meant was end your combos with flame thrower to keep him standing, you don't want him to be able to switch sides easily if you're trying to push him to the corner.