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Doctor Fate Combo Thread


Soul Ascended
orb is -1 like that? cool.
what about trait orb that trait specials different frame data on block
Orb is -1 all the time mate, handy stuff :)

I've still to really lab with trait but the set up will be rather similar. I imagine damage will be better but i'm not sure on the frame data. I finish early today so I should have more time to lab later :)


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Orb is -1 all the time mate, handy stuff :)

I've still to really lab with trait but the set up will be rather similar. I imagine damage will be better but i'm not sure on the frame data. I finish early today so I should have more time to lab later :)
all the time? orb is -11 normally
or do u mean any time u mb the orb to stop it its always neutral/-1 blockstun whenever it is blocked because fate can already move

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Dr Fate Orb corner tech.

Excuse the poor PS production but im really strapped for time due to work :'( This is far from full explored, however, what I've got atm is pretty interesting. The Orb being -1 is something else I wanna test further.

Still to fully optimise, explore with trait ect but yeah, the lab has been fun so far!

@SaltShaker @RexxyC @CrazyFingers @DarksydeDash @OmGxBdON
Sorry if I forgot anyone, il learn who all mains fate in due time :)
Yea but 3 bars kinda hurts


Soul Ascended
all the time? orb is -11 normally
or do u mean any time u mb the orb to stop it its always neutral/-1 blockstun whenever it is blocked because fate can already move
It'll need more testing of course but if you time it all right it seems when you MB the orb at the point before impact you are, kinda like you said, already able to move but it's feels like its actually just 1 frame before it.

The trait orb if I remember right is -1 all the time without MB so in theory, it could be made plus possibly in a similar way. I'm probably wrong and I really wish I had more time with the game to check it out because I am enjoying it wayyyy more than I thought I would, and it's mainly down to Fate!

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!

Basic things. May or may not be optimal. Will win you games.

Midscreen (meterless)
f2u3, f2, 112~Orb
(from a distance) f2u3, f2u3~Orb
112~Ra Blast
b2, 11, f2u3~Orb

f3, ji3, 11, f2u3~Orb

AAd2/b2, ji2, 11, f2u3~Orb

A2A, 11, f2u3~Orb

Midscreen (1 bar)
f2~4~MB Glyph, b3/f3, ji3, 11, f2u3~Orb (can end with 2113 for dmg)

MB f3, ji3, 11, f2u3~Orb

Corner (meterless)
f2~Glyph, d1, 112~Glyph
f2u3~Glyph, f2u3~Glyph, 112~Glyph
112~Glyph, b2~Glyph, f2~Glyph

f3, 3~Glyph, f2u3~Glyph, 112~Glyph

AA, ji2, 11, f2u3~Glyph, d1~Glyph

A2A, 11, f2u3~Glyph, d1~Glyph

Corner (1 bar)
f2~4~MB Glyph, nj3, 11, 112~Glyph

MB f3, 3~Glyph, f2u3~Glyph, 112~Glyph

Midscreen (Trait)
f2~MB Glyph, b3/f3, ji3, 11, f2u3~Orb
(one ankh) f2u3 (release ankh far), f3, 11, f2u3~Orb

(one ankh) throw, release ankh far, f3, 11, f2u3~Orb

Corner (trait)
f2~MB Glyph, nj3, 11, 112~Glyph
f2u3, f2u3, b2, 112~Glyph (what the hell are you supposed to do)
throw, f2u3, 112~Glyph

EDIT: Thought I would make a proper list of all the combos I use. I hope it'll help someone.
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La mejor playa
F3, 3xxGlyph, 3xxGlyph, F2U3xxGlyph for 422.2 damage in the corner 480.62 if you mb the F3. Seems to be more damaging than some of the F3 combos I've seen.


what's done is done

Basic things. May or may not be optimal. Will win you games.

Midscreen (meterless)
f2u3, f2, 112~Orb
(from a distance) f2u3, f2u3~Orb
112~Ra Blast
b2, 11, f2u3~Orb

f3, ji3, 11, f2u3~Orb

AAd2/b2, ji2, 11, f2u3~Orb

A2A, 11, f2u3~Orb

Midscreen (1 bar)
f2~4~MB Glyph, b3/f3, ji3, 11, f2u3~Orb (can end with 2113 for dmg)

MB f3, ji3, 11, f2u3~Orb

Corner (meterless)
f2~Glyph, d1, 112~Glyph
f2u3~Glyph, f2u3~Glyph, 112~Glyph
112~Glyph, b2~Glyph, f2~Glyph

f3, 3~Glyph, f2u3~Glyph, 112~Glyph

AA, ji2, 11, f2u3~Glyph, d1~Glyph

A2A, 11, f2u3~Glyph, d1~Glyph

Corner (1 bar)
f2~4~MB Glyph, nj3, 11, 112~Glyph

MB f3, 3~Glyph, f2u3~Glyph, 112~Glyph

Midscreen (Trait)
f2~MB Glyph, b3/f3, ji3, 11, f2u3~Orb
(one ankh) f2u3 (release ankh far), f3, 11, f2u3~Orb

(one ankh) throw, release ankh far, f3, 11, f2u3~Orb

Corner (trait)
f2~MB Glyph, nj3, 11, 112~Glyph
f2u3, f2u3, b2, 112~Glyph (what the hell are you supposed to do)
throw, f2u3, 112~Glyph

EDIT: Thought I would make a proper list of all the combos I use. I hope it'll help someone.
will add to the op soon, ty for contributing.
Dear @OmGxBdON ,

I watched the latest video with you and pig and was following along and hitting mostly everything (except one weird thing I'm abandoning). There is a particular corner combo however, that is driving me insane. Which, given the time spent, maybe I wasn't that sane before.

You had a two part combo, where you ended the first half with 223(4)xxdb3. On stand, you did:

Grab - b1, df1-df3, b3, nj3, 112xxdb2. In roughly 90 minutes nonstop of attempting this, I have hit it twice on superman. These are the problems I'm having:

  • Ankh lands on the ground, but doesn't pop them up
  • Ankh lands behind them
  • I can't hit the b3 in time if the ankh does hit
There were 2 times that I *did* hit the b3, and was so surprised I didn't jump straight and dropped it. What timing adjustment do I need to make? What is the deal with the ankh going behind them sometimes?

Damage was 461 on Superman, is 112xxdb2 <, >, or = to f2xxdb2? I was really close to 461 when I failed to input after the f2.

This combo is dope, but I'm having trouble. As an offering to the great one, I provide you this - a "100% Fate Combo" that you can do...should you happen to go against someone that gives up, or has their controller die.



I'm going to make Fate top ten
Dear @OmGxBdON ,

I watched the latest video with you and pig and was following along and hitting mostly everything (except one weird thing I'm abandoning). There is a particular corner combo however, that is driving me insane. Which, given the time spent, maybe I wasn't that sane before.

You had a two part combo, where you ended the first half with 223(4)xxdb3. On stand, you did:

Grab - b1, df1-df3, b3, nj3, 112xxdb2. In roughly 90 minutes nonstop of attempting this, I have hit it twice on superman. These are the problems I'm having:

  • Ankh lands on the ground, but doesn't pop them up
  • Ankh lands behind them
  • I can't hit the b3 in time if the ankh does hit
There were 2 times that I *did* hit the b3, and was so surprised I didn't jump straight and dropped it. What timing adjustment do I need to make? What is the deal with the ankh going behind them sometimes?

Damage was 461 on Superman, is 112xxdb2 <, >, or = to f2xxdb2? I was really close to 461 when I failed to input after the f2.

This combo is dope, but I'm having trouble. As an offering to the great one, I provide you this - a "100% Fate Combo" that you can do...should you happen to go against someone that gives up, or has their controller die.

Everybody has different hit boxes so u got to adjust the timing of the b1. Basically you want to find the highest height at which the b1 df1 connects. And then you input df3 at the start up of the animation of the fireball. Eventually u will get thee feel for how fast you can input the df3 ankh drop after certain moves because you can drop it on recovery. The u b3 as fast as you can then jump up and 112 or b1 if u want to make it easier. If you hold 3 during df3 then the ankh drop will be far away hope this helps.
Cool combo
Everybody has different hit boxes so u got to adjust the timing of the b1. Basically you want to find the highest height at which the b1 df1 connects. And then you input df3 at the start up of the animation of the fireball. Eventually u will get thee feel for how fast you can input the df3 ankh drop after certain moves because you can drop it on recovery. The u b3 as fast as you can then jump up and 112 or b1 if u want to make it easier. If you hold 3 during df3 then the ankh drop will be far away hope this helps.
Cool combo

It's weird, because i'm not getting a "far" ankh that's off screen - it's almost like a mid-distance one.

Weird. Thanks for the help!


They see me zonin', they hatin'

1,1 or F2 into trait into DB2 MB or raw DB2 MB - forward dash - 1,1,2 - DB2


Trait - F3 or MB F3 - B2 - RED ORB - B2 - FIREBALL - 1,1,2 - DB2 (hard combo) (450 meterless damage - 516 1 bar)

Trait - F3 or MB F3 - B2 - RED ORB - 1,1 - 1,1,2 - DB2 (easy combo) (385 meterless damage - 450 1 bar)



Here are many Dr.Fate 1 Akhn BnB, useful to improve his damage in many situations. Hope this helps!

All these combos are meterless (except for one) and midscreen. I'll record some corner combos soon
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1,1 or F2 into trait into DB2 MB or raw DB2 MB - forward dash - 1,1,2 - DB2


Trait - F3 or MB F3 - B2 - RED ORB - B2 - FIREBALL - 1,1,2 - DB2 (hard combo) (450 meterless damage - 516 1 bar)

Trait - F3 or MB F3 - B2 - RED ORB - 1,1 - 1,1,2 - DB2 (easy combo) (385 meterless damage - 450 1 bar)
Your 2nd combo does 464 with mb F3 on Superman. Your 2nd combo does 407 damage with mb F3 against superman.
@Pnut - what is the merit of ending a b3 sequence with b1d2u3? i've seen you do it a lot and i'm curious why you would do that vs f2xxdb2, or 11/2213. i thought f2xxdb2 had more damage


Beware my power.
Found a good combo in trait with the red ankh and f2u3.

I find f2u3 into far ankh on hit to be a hard confirm so instead I do this..

F2u3, fireball, far ankh, fireball (~280 dmg)

If you want to get extra damage, you can mb the last fireball link to send them fullscreen at the end of your combo. The mb fireball ender in this combo is also the best setup for a full screen orb since it's a full screen knockdown with advantage. Definitely send out and orb full screen after you land this combo!

Another variation on the combo that does more damage into a hard knockdown is f2u3, fireball, far ankh, dash forward, f2xxpush. Obviously you can mb the push at the end for more damage and 211 ender.

Let me know if you guys start working this combo in to your game plan


has anyone fucked around with ending corner combos early with something like f2u3 4db3df3 after this if you block until you see the ankh hit the ground you are safe from wake ups and if they blocked it you get a free grab attempt which leads to like a 350ish dmg combo. If you don't release the ankh, you can go for pressure into throw or a big throw combo.