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Do you want interactables in MKX?

yay or nay?

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That Welsh Guy
I understand everyone's beef with interactables but I support them 100% Please listen carefully why though...

In injustice the power characters had a stupid advantage being able to throw a huge AOE projectile doing about 15-20% damage (Broken in other words)
but gadget and light characters used them for escaping tricky situations (NOW THIS I LIKE)
In a hard match up anyone with a good stage awareness can escape pressure and turn the fight in their favour by using these, as long as they do not make them do HUGE amounts of damage (about 7% would be fine) it's cool, Make them ways to escape your opponents pressure & or use them for hard knock downs to turn the fight in your favour, THIS is the only way to make it fair.

Like in the video we saw Sub Zero swing on a branch and get behind Scorpion, that is how most of them should be, I would love that as it doesn't make the fight unfair it only makes it more interesting. BRING ON INTERACTABLES (But make them fair, ALL characters should use them in the same exact way)

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
That's a big ol' Nay.

But considering they are probably in due to the trailer... Let them be blockable and none of this... "ohhh, this guy is a gadget character so he uses it differently... (aka he doesn't get to use it lol)" BS.


Multiple stances > your face.... Bring them back.. At least like MKA, 2 stances per character, or at the very least a select few characters..


I don't see what the deal is with interactables. I don't mind them (as long as they're not like missiles on Feris aircraft and the opponent is a gadget char :mad:). From the trailer it is clear that they will be in, and maybe weapons lying around. The issue is to make them them less dominant than Injustice, like the middle stage bounces.
I call them gimmicks because I simply don't like it lol. Call me old, but I prefer fighting games to be your character versus another character with nothing else weighing in. Learning matchups and pure footsies between two players is the best. I'm not a fan of lingering by a interactable or having to run full screen because it causes ridiculous damage.
see if you have ever played a game like quake, fighting over power weapons and controlling respawns add strategies to the game, if you camp out on a tree branch in mk10 then i have worry about it and such, the problem with injustice interactables is that the power characters don't use them very creatively and some setups are too broken, mk10 will probably be a more toned down version which might be more interesting.


bye felicia
I smell sarcasm. But may I add what you're mocking is valid? What's wrong with a polished MK9 with crispy better graphics, flashy new cinematics, more content and last but not least, a revival?
What is "polish"? what is "more content"? Many concepts in MK9 WERE experimental and gimmicky, and NOW we call them the standard. Because somebody kept at it until they got it right. Why should MKX not attempt to do the same? Do you think NRS has learned nothing from Injustice? Do you think they want to make the same game time and time again because their smallest consumer sect is afraid of change?

People sure as hell are digging Street Fighter's 100000 versions per game now aren't they?
But they aren't. Capcom has been called out on their practices a hundred times over, more so every day. Do not confuse the excitement of a tiny consumer base for a financial coup. Capcom gets away with what they do because of round the clock $ from arcades, they are still learning bitter lessons on consoles. Each time they offer less for more, and their financial woes are well documented. Eventually they will adapt or the well will run dry.
I would like interactables in this game if they serve as something like combo extenders. I think it gives environments some personality.

I don't want interactables that are unblockable/undodgable/repeatable that don't serve as a fun mechanic.

I would even be in favor of interactable use costing meter, or perhaps having something like an interactable meter that can only be used 1-2 times per round.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
What is "polish"? what is "more content"? Many concepts in MK9 WERE experimental and gimmicky, and NOW we call them the standard. Because somebody kept at it until they got it right. Why should MKX not attempt to do the same? Do you think NRS has learned nothing from Injustice? Do you think they want to make the same game time and time again because their smallest consumer sect is afraid of change?
Polished as in no bugs, no glitches, no game-breaking unintentional BS.
More content as in more characters, more fatalities, more training mode options, more online options.
Why should MKX not experiment? Because before they start doing new things, they should finish what they started before and finish it well.
I'm sure they don't want to make the same game over and over again, but if they should until they get it right. Because this will prevent mistakes to be made over and over again.

But they aren't. Capcom has been called out on their practices a hundred times over, more so every day. Do not confuse the excitement of a tiny consumer base for a financial coup. Capcom gets away with what they do because of round the clock $ from arcades, they are still learning bitter lessons on consoles. Each time they offer less for more, and their financial woes are well documented. Eventually they will adapt or the well will run dry.
CAPCOM shenanigans aside, there is 1 thing we know for sure: that is each version gets better and better and that the newer ones are always a better game than the older ones. You can't say that SF4 Vanilla is better than AE. You can't say that Injustice Day 0 is better than patch. 1.08. You can't say MK9 vanilla is better than the current one.

And the more versions of a game there is, the better the game will be.


In the Shadows
I would like to see interactables, they add another dynamic to the game. However, if they add interactables they should put an option to turn it on and off. This way if the intereactables are OP/crap/bs...whatever, we can have them off for tourneys and such.


Confused Thanagarian
I feel like there is a hardcore overeaction to interactables. Like NRS only selectively listens to the consumers and will bring them back exactly as they are in Injustice.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
http:// NAAAAY
Stop whining! Are we forgetting that NRS gave us the option to turn interactables on and off in injustice? I'm sure they will give us the same option in MKX(assuming that interactables are in the game). Now some of you may say, "I don't like interactables but everyone that I play does." Well, I'm sorry but the majority wins...deal with it!

Groove Heaven

If they're gonna be like IGAU, no. I like them in Injustice but I also don't take it that seriously. I think they would be out of place in MK if they were as powerful.

I would be open to the idea if they were toned down. Maybe just a fun (casual) thing that isn't even that useful/is punishable. Definitely not combo setups into 20% unscaled unblockable dammy. MK is too honest of a fighting game series to have goofy shit like that.


My blades will find your heart
I think interactables make IGAU interesting and they should stay exclusive to that series.

If anything they should be toned down and much less crucial to the meta game.


That's about right.
Stop whining! Are we forgetting that NRS gave us the option to turn interactables on and off in injustice? I'm sure they will give us the same option in MKX(assuming that interactables are in the game). Now some of you may say, "I don't like interactables but everyone that I play does." Well, I'm sorry but the majority wins...deal with it!
Majority? To what? The poll in this thread?