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Do you Smoke, Drink?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Well, just wondering if you guys smoke or drink on here.

If you smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipes feel free to post. If you smoke pot, crack drugs etc you can also post.

How about drinking? Do you guys drink at all? If you do, post what you drink, beers, wines, hard liquor etc.

I personally never smoked ever, but have been curious about pipes(I like the smell) but I don't want to get addicted to it with nicotine and such. They have these newer electronic smokes now that's vapor that comes out but has very little nicotine. I don't know if they have ones without nicotine.

I hate the smell of cigarettes, and cigars I just feel indifferent to. Pot, crack etc the illegal stuff can burn for all I care lol.

As for drinking, I've tried it, ehh not a fan. Most beers to me taste similar, slightly different and I kind of feel sick to my stomach after a while. Wine made me sleepy as hell and I got a headache and hard liquor well that would put most people on their ass so yeah...lol I don't really drink/taste that stuff.

So do post your thoughts, do you smoke or drink or not? Maybe you used to?


Lose without excuses
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I don't smoke anything, I rarely drink.

I used to smoke weed all the time. When I was 15 and such. It was just what some of my friends did so I tried it out. I never was a pot head so to speak, I only smoked on weekends. I have smoked cigarettes before, there is just no benefit and I'm glad I never got addicted. I drink occasionally, usually when with friends and really bored. For me when I get drunk it doesn't last very long, so I have to keep drinking. To me it's just pointless.

Drinking and smoking are just unhealthy, unnecessary habits.


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Put it this way... I don't smoke and I won't refuse a drink unless it's beer or something that's gonna taste gross. If I drink at all, it has to taste good, but I don't like getting drunk, so I rarely ever drink.


Ima drinker. I like to try new beers. I prefer darker beer to lighter but I do have light beer moments.

Some favorites
Sam Adams
Guinness but in Irish car bombs... not too bad alone either
Dos xx
arrogant bastard

Just to name a few.

Mkf i felt the same as u at first. U thought all beers tasted the same. And truthfully, they don't. U can't sat bud tastes like Newcastle. U can't even compare that shit Heineken to corona. It's like wine. Its an aquired taste


used to but haven't in long time

weed would be nice to have but not a necessity...never liked drinking much personally XP


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Never drank or smoke...don't plan on doing either anytime soon.


Smoking- Yes
Drinking- Yes (mostly beer and rum)

Pot- from the age of 15 till 19 i was doing it 24/7
The night you drink and whatever form your hangover takes, which for me is usually just being too lazy to do anything.
This is why i dont drink and why none of you should. For me, the onset of drinking comes THE NIGHT YOU DRINK. 3 hours later your head starts to hurt and you feel worse then any other drug. Again, please dont drink. Its dumb. Im with storms on taste though. Champagne is the only thing i drink. I used to pop a bottle everytime i finished a full length combo movie during MKD and MKA. Mamajuana was also an enjoyable drink, but not when mixed with champage. Mamajuana tastes horrible too but at least it doesnt make you feel like shit (unless mixed).

Smoking marijuana for me has been important in balancing me out. As well, it does not have a nasty comedown 3 hours later. I enjoy smoking because i can go out and be the same person i am on or off it; I dont let it affect me (As i mentioned, it just balances me out). When you have smoked long enough and kept that mentality, it allows you to go without it for long periods of time too. The problem with marijuana is its too expensive.

As for cigarettes, i am with Storm's opinion on drinking again with that one. If you're gonna smoke cigarettes, at least make sure they're good. No, I"m not talking about Parliaments, or Newports, or Marlboro Lights. There are more expensive ones out there that are toxin free with organic tobacco such as American Spirits (aka Old man cigarettes). One of those burn for 20 minutes and is an enjoyable experience. I use cigarettes for when i am in between rooms and need a break because i have something on my mind that i need to ponder. I like to talk on the phone as well while having a cigarette. It makes me feel more relaxed. After school i will have a cigarette since school is so intense. Other than that, i fight the urge at all times to smoke and am not addicted whatsoever.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@twistid, yeah one of my friends who is a big drinker says the same thing concerning beers but to me I just can't get past it I suppose...like you said and he's told me the same thing. It's an acquired taste...

To me most beers taste very similar if not the exact same, wine on the other hand tastes very different. Hard stuff just tastes to bitter/strong I can barely swallow a gulp. You know that burning sensation you feel lol.
But concerning the taste thing, I'm with Storms, Check there. The main reason outside of not being a fan of getting buzzed, drunk etc is the taste. If alcohol didn't taste like crap(IMO) and actually good like say Sierra mist or something, I can maybe get into it more.

Although, my friends tease me to this day saying "If MK came out with a beer, Pete would start drinking lol" lol...

I think I'd rather smoke a pipe few times a year then drink honestly. I hear that some people describe the warm vapor or smoke in your throat feels kind of good.

Chewing tabacco is nasty lol...

Pot I have no interest in what so ever...I prefer to keep my brain cells working as long as possible.

@Sheiss, Salvia that's a plant right? One of my friends once smoked that, he flipped out...last only like 5-10 minutes but he smoked it like pot out of a little metal pipe, then his eyes shut...and he was like uber sensative to everything around him, someone tried to touch his hair and he flipped like it was a giant bug or something...lol and he was kind of shreiking..


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Naver will I do any of that. Maybe some light drinks but not now because of my meds.
Good point and same here, due to certain medications I take alcohol isn't a wise option. It can interfere or make you pass out depending on what you're taking regularly.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Oh, I wonder where you get it from lol. If it's easier or harder to get vs. pot you know? Since it's illegal I take it it's just as hard if not harder.

I don't want it lol was just curious as to what's more difficult to get salvia or pot.

There's tons of other things out there also good for depression, anxiety such as exercise, keeping your mind busy, masturbation, meditation, yoga, tai chi, martial arts and sleeping in small doses(when you're not sleeping normally I mean) for relaxation purposes.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Who needs to go out and buy it when you can get a quarter-pound shipped to your door for $50.

Those wouldn't help a in all situations or men would never complain about women.

One of the bad things about it is that the government doesn't know how to punish people that buy it in states that it is illegal. The extract, which can be 80 times the potency of just the leaves is just as punishable as only having leaves, which doesn't make sense.

Some guy got arrested with a bunch of leaves and got the highest punishable offense for having illegal narcotics after they banned it, and the leaves are relatively harmless in comparison. All cops know how to do is weigh it and punish accordingly.

I wouldn't buy it if it were illegal though, it's actually more legal than alcohol with less side-effects atm.
haha, I hear ya but I mean in the statistical sense it's beeen proven that those things can be beneficial to the body when dealing with that stuff. Does it work for everyone though per-se? Not at all, I have anxiety and have to admit some of those things don't work for me but may have for other patients with anxiety. As for relationship stress....lol I think everyone deals with that differently. Wait are you in Germany? Because here in the states Alcohol is legal, been so for a long time lol. They tried banning it in the 20's but it failed badly...


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Oh well yeah lol that's just breaking the law earlier you didn't say underage drinking but that alcohol was illegal so that's why I said that but yeah, that's illegal so is underage gambling, sex with a minor etc as well lol. Driving without a license(although I'm sure this has been done tons of times everywhere)

Alcohol itself though is legal just sold only to adults(or should only be I should say) same with smokes etc.

Yeah, there's been some "controversial laws" with pot among other things in the past thru currently, but generally speaking in the US(most states) it's illegal these days obviously lol.

Personally I feel weed should be used for medical purposes only, if it helps someone really sick then so be it.
Oh well yeah lol that's just breaking the law earlier you didn't say underage drinking but that alcohol was illegal so that's why I said that but yeah, that's illegal so is underage gambling, sex with a minor etc as well lol. Driving without a license(although I'm sure this has been done tons of times everywhere)
I disagree with those laws.


Thread has been cleaned and a new topic created. This thread is about whether you drink or smoke. Carry on.

~ Dark_Rob


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah pretty much Scheisse, anyone with some kind of power tends to at times abuse it or use it to their advantage. Problem is with cops in this case, the good ones get the bad rep often.

That aside, since the Tobacco industry is so big and we already tried banning Alcohol once which failed badly...I think we will never see the end of either. People know the risks by now so I guess at this point it's digging their own grave lol.

I still hope they invent a way to smoke that's harmless. That would be cool