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Do we have any cancel frame data numbers?


TYM White Knight
Been in the lab a lot lately. I am trying to find ways around a couple of characters current strategies.

I stumbled upon Doomsday.

Looking at his frames on paper I thought...ok, D1 is -2 on block and Earthshake is 18 frames. I should be able to interrupt that with something whether it was armor, or a 6f poke etc.

Unfortunately that is not the case. A move that should require 20f to come out is being buffered into a d1 whose cancel advantage judging by the animation of Nightwings 6f d1 seems to be around +23 or +24.

Do we know any other information about cancel advantage? It seems D1's give an awful lot.

Also, I think the frame data may be wrong on earth shake since it is a 2 hit move. Maybe it's 18 frames until the second hit hits you. Still, it would be interesting to see.

Has there been any insight into this?


Wonderful Woman
You have to take block-stun and hit-stun into account. Doomsday's d+1 has 16F of recovery, -2 on block, so disregarding active frames we have a minimum of 14F of blockstun. That 14F of blockstun, if canceled into the 18F DF+2, leaves only a 4F gap, so you can not whack him out of it with any normal in the game.