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Did Ed Boon just post an image teasing Noob Saibot?


Waiting for Havik
Am I the only one who sees sunglasses instead of glowing eyes?
Now that I think about it, age lines would make sense on older papa cage...

in that case I'm guessing shadow = reference to shadow kick, and the green orb is a forceball.
You win the internet today. From all the guesses yours seem so elaborate and simple at the same time that has to be the right one. Congrats, lets see what happened on thursday!


Master of The Universe
We troll Khrome for talking about shoes, but this is just another day at the office around here.
Shouldn't u be interested in feet too, I mean u guys talk about "footsies" haha (which btw I have no idea what they are)


really not sure yet...

Yea saw this just now...

So the new focus is to key in on the "Throwback" term. What is Boon rreferencing
If I remember correctly - wasn't Ermac located near a tree when he fought Kenshi and got ruined in Mortal Kombat Legacy ? That might be a throwback reference *shrug*

- skip to 6:30 :joker:

1.) The face in the shadow could be close this dude, and
2.) Green Eramc ball + tree reference ( I am probably putting too much emphasis in the wrong things maybe ? )
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If I remember correctly - wasn't Ermac located near a tree when he fought Kenshi and got ruined in Mortal Kombat Legacy ? That might be a throwback reference *shrug*

- skip to 6:30 :joker:

1.) The face in the shadow could be close this dude, and
2.) Green Eramc ball + tree reference ( I am probably putting too much emphasis in the wrong things maybe ? )

ahhhh I <3 this episode....

I mean at this point I think we have to focus more solely on the clue THROWBACK (I think lol)....
Man... The logic I'm reading reminds me of the annual winter carnival medallion hunt in MN. Do people REALLY think likethis? lol.

omg he saids throwback and skarlet's backthrow did too muxch dmg omg skarletz kunfermed.

If this is front paged could you at least add the source of the photo to the OP?


That's where Ed got it from. He just pasted the face on it. The OP and title are so misleading right now to people entering the thread. That pic isn't an MK character, just the face is.
I think Ed got the photo from here

The Hitchcock movie just used it as well (also it is cropped on the Hitchcock page)

Edit: I didn't find this myself - saw it here




and my first thoughts on this pic was correct... I said Quan Chi... just wasnt sure and I over focused on the "shadows" ....