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Question Dealing with Nerves


Evil but Honest!
Hi friends

I need help

I still can't get over tourney nerves after 4 years

Is it time to pack it up, or does it just mean I need to grind the game more?
-Not sure if nerves come from lack of knowledge or tournament setting. I'm nervous throughout the tournament, but extremely nervous on stream. Very bad shaking on stream.

Music doesn't really work. I think the nerves are more from a psych thing, rather than a comfort level

Don't think about the ''outcome''.
And don't let things like ''OMFG HE IS GOING TO DO THAT'' or , ''OMFG PEOPLE WILL THINK IM BAD COZ I DIDNT DO THE OPTIMAL COMBO'' get in your way.
Just do your best and the less you think - the better.


Heart From Iron, Mind From Steel.
the less you think - the better.
This is good advice. But I know sometimes it's hard to just "not think". Really, there's only 2 things that conquer stage fright. Drugs (if that's your thing) and stage experience. You need to get more of one, if not both of those.


Kuff Botal
When you play casuals try and play games 2/3 and put yourself in a tournament type environment. The only way you can get over tourney nerves is playing in them and reproducing that environment as much as possible


Designer for BxA
I have a local on Saturday (not EVO). It is going to be my very first offline tournament experience. Each day it gets closer I have been feeling the nerves a little bit more but reading all the posts on here has settled me a little bit. Reading posts from established tournament players talking about how they still get shaky when they sit down in the chair is a humanizing thing from watching them play online and thinking "Oh gawd, how could I ever be on their level".

Troll or not thanks for the thread!
Soup. You're a fucking badass.

Anyone who could beat Reo in MK9 is godlike. If you're having issues succeeding in tournaments honestly I would recommend seeing a sports psychologist. A visit or two would really help you keep your composure in stressful and important moments.


Overcoming nervousness is what separates the men from the boys. I've found that entering high stress tournaments frequently and often and trusting my own skill and having confidence really helps to calm the nerves. I'm an accomplished bowler and I've won and placed 1st in multiple city tournaments and placed high in state several times. I can certainly say that there have been times I've quieted the whole house down with hundreds of people watching me and I have been so nervous I was seeing colors and flashing lights and thought I would pass out and so shaky I could barely walk. But after doing that many times since, I came to just love the attention and now I just try to show off and I don't get the nerves hardly at all.


i Use a modded cyber now
Hi friends

I need help

I still can't get over tourney nerves after 4 years

Is it time to pack it up, or does it just mean I need to grind the game more?
-Not sure if nerves come from lack of knowledge or tournament setting. I'm nervous throughout the tournament, but extremely nervous on stream. Very bad shaking on stream.

Music doesn't really work. I think the nerves are more from a psych thing, rather than a comfort level

I think you need my old school marvel 2 doghouse training. We trained with shit talk 24/7, hell we even played 3/5, who ever lost had to pull an electric pack of gum we had. People started sweating like crazy playing during those.
Imo its about being familiar with the mu's and experience. Do your homework, know the matchups, practice a lot so you don't have execution problems.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I dunno man, I've only ever been nervous once, and that was against Nivek at Esl finals last match/round

Strange, cause I wasn't nervous at the invitational

Da Tac0

GT: C88 Taco
When I wrestled in high school and went to karate tournaments I experienced the same thing. I hyped myself up by belittling my opponent in my head and would reassure myself that I am the best. The key is postive thoughts wether it's a test, a mortal kombat tournament, etc.


Salty Mashers Krew
emulate Lar from ESL - that dude was more stoic than a greek statue (although, consistent with what someone else said above, it may have just been vodka). or emulate REO, whose only expression of emotion consists of an occasional nose rub.

Or imagine your opponent in their underpants.

Edit: didn't you body REO with QC in MK9? if you did that while nervous, than stay nervous bro!
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I love that someone brought up this topic. It might be the only thing I can comment on. HAHA. I do not play fighting game competitively, but nerves are something that can be found in any sport or hobby where you compete against others. I learned to first control my nerves by playing competitive paintball, but then had to master it when I became ranked pro playing foosball. Yes do not judge me, it is a real thing. I used to be the same way, for the longest time. I am going to skip over the paintball aspect and go straight to foosball since that had to be something that was more forced than natural.

To me there are two keys to getting over nerves, the first is to force yourself to play in more situations where nerves can be a factor. If it is as simple as going to a local tournament, playing a friend for money, or just finding someone new that you are nervous to playing against. You need to get familiar with playing nervous.

The 2nd is to recognize them when they start to creep in, and come up with something that helps you get over them. For me it was breathing properly. A good friend of mine it is making the same stupid joke in a pressure situation. When you setup a routine in a pressure situation your body learns to relax from that routine. This is why you see so many Golfers do the exact same thing before they make a shot. It gets their routine going and their body relaxes. I always suggest breathing personally, I think that it helps in just about all situations, and it naturally helps your body and mind relax.

There is also a book that has helped many people "The Inner Game of Tennis" I would highly suggest it. Yes it is a tennis book, but it can relate to just about anything. Has great tips on controlling nerves.

Hope this has helped!


Love how Cr-Mindset put it, but I think the whole fighting game thing is different. For example I am a scratch golfer and play for money most of the time I play golf and it really doesnt phase me. My first major tournament I went to was CEO a few weeks ago, I won my first match and when the second match started i literally couldnt even get inputs like f13 to come out i was shaking so bad. So i know I am not on the godlike level that Soup is but it is pretty cool to see that I am not the only one struggling with this.



I think this is due to the routine thing. In Golf before you take a shot, you get into the zone, you look down the field, you mentally see your shot, you take a couple practice swings, and all of the nerves are gone by the time you actually take your shot. When it come to fighting games you do not have that ritual. I have seen many players do a button check before a match, they then do the exact same check every time. I think that is something that is similar to a practice swing.... It is all about the rituals before you compete to calm your body down and think clearly.

*Edit* in my first message I did list that I had to relearn it for Foosball after learning it in paintball. Mainly because of the different pressure. In paintball I was a natural I knew what I needed to do and when. The nerves only came up before the match and did not bother me as much. For foosball it was a different process, I had to learn a whole new way to deal with them.
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I get nerves all the time. It never ends. I'm in a constant state of distress all the time, even while asleep. Best thing you can do is do hardcore drugs. Anything you can get your hands on, cocaine, heroine, crack, LSD, krokodil, jenkem. Just do drugs all the time. Snorting a line from a fat hairy stripper's dirty buttcrack definitely helped me out. Pro-tip: make sure you inject in between your toes.

Maybe one day you'll face REO. You can only dream.
Ah! The Altaire Tech :D

Just show up to every tournament you can. And don't forget the pj's ;)

Seriously though, this has been a growing issue for me lately as well. Now that I have spent a few years trying to compete at a level I never have before, I can start to see myself winning (and have a couple of minor victories). So now the pressure to perform is greater.

In addition, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm not 20 yrs old any more and I know that my shelf-life isn't as long as I would like it to be. So now I have this pressure as well to make some kind of mark before my time is done.

All that to say that now I feel the pressure and stress where I didn't before and struggling to deal with it myself. The best suggestions I can give are to keep your first mindset at tournament. Pretend that all of your opponents are me and you've already won before you sit down. And chew gum while you play. The regular rhythm and the 1% of your brain that's occupied doing that will help a lot to alleviating nerves.