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Concerned about the state of the MK community...

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Grapple > Footsies
Well I've never been any type of FG tourney what so ever. And my job makes it difficult to travel, however I WILL be at EVO 2012 after watching it this past August. That is just something I can't miss. Will have to do lots of saving to make it happen. And its still a fucking year away :(

My whole purpose in this thread was when I went on the other night and saw only 18 ppl online I had flashbacks to the dying days of MK Deception online or even UMK3 XBLA online. Where you simply cannot find another person to fight at your convenience. The thought of that happening to MK9 already is very scary. But I know the hardcores will be there til MK10, so Im just going to try and support the community as much as possible. Be it through starting this podcast, running goofy online tourneys, hell maybe even trying to start some kind of local scene here. Even though the nearest store to my house is a 20 minute drive.


Elder God
I blew you up b/c I was pretty much under the impression that you were fine with the ok netcode instead of demanding better. The netcode as of right now, in all the modern games is unacceptable. You know that and even admit that, but then you say "oh the COD guys dont complain but we do," almost sounds like youre whining. Either way, if I got the wrong impression I apologize but bad netcode = not acceptable and you should complain just like anyone else.

Also why are you trying to compare 3 versions of SF4 to 1 version of MK9? LOL. MK9 as a standalone title has sold more than SF4 (standalone) Super (stand alone,) AE, standalone, etc etc. basically I don't really agree with the way you framed your argument, even if you claim we came to the same conclusions.

Either way if you show up to Valley Stream Monsters all will be forgiven. I didn't "personally" attack you as I don't even know who the hell you are. LOL. I respect the effort to show up more than posting on forums anyway.
Bro your overreacting. Obviously at 3 AM the rooms won't be as crowded as during the day. Second, was it during a weekday? If so then stop crying now because that's the reason. Even if not, people have school now and all these awesome new games are coming out and people want a break from MK to play these games. Last I checked the offline scene is still doing decent. And closest store 20 minutes away? That's excellent man hit that place up to see if they have MK if not get it started. It may sound easier than done but if you can do it ou'd be helping the MK scene. If online dies then that doesnt mean the scene isn't dead man. Also check out all of Sabins posts he is a smart man who is giving good info in this thread. Also stop comparing online to offline. We all know it's different, we all know the only proving ground is offline blah blah blah, and if you don't agree with this then you need to start, because that's how it is and always will be. Overall, the scene is not dead. Hell I don't even like this current Mk but im still going to NEC because I want the game to succeed and I want NrS to be successful and make an amazing game whether it be MK10 or UMK9.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Ok, first off before I go on a few things here. The dude whoever he was who said SF and Marvel are way more popular then MK in USA? uhh no....

I'll bet you anything that MK in this country is way more popular overall and being KNOWN to be one of America's best games, much less franchises in video game history in America. Period. And not even just America, look at europe, canada, south america etc. TONS of MK fans...this site is kind of proof of that... Secondly, which a ton of people already covered, ANY game online=will lag. I don't care what server it's on, what company or what game. All games online, lag. But that was already covered by Sabin I believe.

Exactly. I dont have less to moderate and approve new accounts daily.

I understand the online players show everyone else the game is more alive, but i could care less about the online side of things, and I certainly dont care to hear much about people stating they support MK but still refuse to be apart of the offline scene.
I think what K7, my god among others were saying earlier is that some people have this mentality, elitist attitude offline>>>online players automatically which isn't right...

And the problem with that is, I'm sure a lot of the online players who are good regardless of "tourney amount, offline casuals or online casuals" let's be real here, chances are if someone is doing impressive shit online, I'm SURE they can manage offline. And I'm not talking about lag tactics, i'm talking strategy. Also dude, I know you and the other offline guys don't want to hear this but you will anyway, there are OTHER ways to yes indeed support MK. I for one have most likely dished out more money on various editions of the same game to support NRS for their hard work more then the average MK fan. And not just with games, guides, MK merchandise, etc. The little things that aren't so little that also help support MK.

See what you guys are talking about is supporting the MK offline scene. You have to realize that new people sign up every day not just "the offline scene" most people on here can't attend every event offline even though they want to due to life, location or other reasons. I've noticed this site attracts MK fans in general.

On a side note, I don't believe in this philosophy that "you must win tournaments to prove you're good" hardly, as far as I'm concerned, you win tournaments locally in general, it's still tournament right? I mean different areas also have different "levels" of comp. You're telling me Tenn offline gigs compare to say NYC or LI players?

Or alberta compared to LA?

Point is, you can prove you're good by just holding your own or doing well in offline casuals. One thing I've noticed about the guys who constantly go to every offline event, they may say they're playing casually offline but they're playing seriously. I can tell...it's really obvious. Now will they pick their mains as in a tournament for money? Perhaps not but still playing serious. Much like online people do, but obviously offline is more legit due to the no lag tactics etc

I don't think online people should be complaining about something they have no interest in attending ever, however I also feel that the offline guys that have been doing this for years shouldn't judge "every online player" just because they've yet to show up to anything, did it ever occur to you that some of us want to but just can't due to other reasons? I had two tooth pulled today, not only is that serious money but I'm in serious pain....atm

Clearly, these guys who go everywhere with no job HAVE money, are spoiled or have buddies helping them out financially. Don't ignore this, not all of us are that fortunate. I understand you guys wanting to spread word of an offline MK scene, but to some of the online guys you come off as "forcing them" to do something.

Plus, remember without those online players you really think you'd be getting so many new members here daily? Online whether it's from xbox or psn people spreading the word about TYM or people finding it on their on via google search, FOUND this site because of ONLINE/internet....not offline. Just saying...

Sidenote: you may want to allow all of your members access to the offline forums, that may help increase your chances of seeing more people or at least telling them there is a match making forum up top (where nobody looks)

Like I said earlier in my initial post who a ton of people thanked apparently...

Until there's a mutual respect between the online and offline players, this will continue to be a thorn in the side of the MKC....and this thread is proving my point with the replies after reading thru it.


Ok, first off before I go on a few things here. The dude whoever he was who said SF and Marvel are way more popular then MK in USA? uhh no....

I'll bet you anything that MK in this country is way more popular overall and being KNOWN to be one of America's best games, much less franchises in video game history in America. Period. And not even just America, look at europe, canada, south america etc. TONS of MK fans...this site is kind of proof of that... Secondly, which a ton of people already covered, ANY game online=will lag. I don't care what server it's on, what company or what game. All games online, lag. But that was already covered by Sabin I believe.

I think what K7, my god among others were saying earlier is that some people have this mentality, elitist attitude offline>>>online players automatically which isn't right...

And the problem with that is, I'm sure a lot of the online players who are good regardless of "tourney amount, offline casuals or online casuals" let's be real here, chances are if someone is doing impressive shit online, I'm SURE they can manage offline. And I'm not talking about lag tactics, i'm talking strategy. Also dude, I know you and the other offline guys don't want to hear this but you will anyway, there are OTHER ways to yes indeed support MK. I for one have most likely dished out more money on various editions of the same game to support NRS for their hard work more then the average MK fan. And not just with games, guides, MK merchandise, etc. The little things that aren't so little that also help support MK.

See what you guys are talking about is supporting the MK offline scene. You have to realize that new people sign up every day not just "the offline scene" most people on here can't attend every event offline even though they want to due to life, location or other reasons. I've noticed this site attracts MK fans in general.

On a side note, I don't believe in this philosophy that "you must win tournaments to prove you're good" hardly, as far as I'm concerned, you win tournaments locally in general, it's still tournament right? I mean different areas also have different "levels" of comp. You're telling me Tenn offline gigs compare to say NYC or LI players?

Or alberta compared to LA?

Point is, you can prove you're good by just holding your own or doing well in offline casuals. One thing I've noticed about the guys who constantly go to every offline event, they may say they're playing casually offline but they're playing seriously. I can tell...it's really obvious. Now will they pick their mains as in a tournament for money? Perhaps not but still playing serious. Much like online people do, but obviously offline is more legit due to the no lag tactics etc

I don't think online people should be complaining about something they have no interest in attending ever, however I also feel that the offline guys that have been doing this for years shouldn't judge "every online player" just because they've yet to show up to anything, did it ever occur to you that some of us want to but just can't due to other reasons? I had two tooth pulled today, not only is that serious money but I'm in serious pain....atm

Clearly, these guys who go everywhere with no job HAVE money, are spoiled or have buddies helping them out financially. Don't ignore this, not all of us are that fortunate. I understand you guys wanting to spread word of an offline MK scene, but to some of the online guys you come off as "forcing them" to do something.

Plus, remember without those online players you really think you'd be getting so many new members here daily? Online whether it's from xbox or psn people spreading the word about TYM or people finding it on their on via google search, FOUND this site because of ONLINE/internet....not offline. Just saying...

Sidenote: you may want to allow all of your members access to the offline forums, that may help increase your chances of seeing more people or at least telling them there is a match making forum up top (where nobody looks)
You, sir are a joke. YOU are banned from the offline forums because you do nothing but just continue to post nonsense... you make and have made more excuses than there are words in the dictionary NOT to come out to a tournament. We're done reading your books.

Thread closed.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
There seems to be a lack of understanding here. Offline players aren't saying online players are bad, they just aren't. That doesn't make any sense anyway. The whole consensus is that you don't and can't prove yourself online. That's not saying you can't get good online, that their aren't good players online, or that offline players are automatically better than online players. All that is saying is the only platform you can truly use to determine who the better player is, is offline tournaments. The conditions of online prevent you from having a reliable proving ground, there's just too many variables that come with online.

I know it's hard to hear that you can't prove yourself online when you can't make it to offline events, but that's just the way it is. No one is saying that makes you bad, or that online players aren't worth their weight, it's just if you want to prove to other competitive players that you can compete, offline tournaments are the only way you can achieve that.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't know the thread had been closed.
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