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Match-up Discussion Catwoman Matchup Discussion

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
Look you have played no one of significance so you saying you have no trouble playing the match means nothing. I have based my opinion on playing sets with KDZ. When I say they can wait and punish a back 3 , i dont mean a blocked back b3. I mean they can MB b3 on reaction to your start up, neutral jump punish or back dash and punish the whiffed back3.
lol look at the likes. Im not suprise with the likes. Im going to stop being a troll for now on but listen here. Both of our cat woman play differently so All I can say is the only matches that give me a challenge is Doomsday, Hawkgirl, Batman,. also I plyed with rico Sauve yesterday. but I didn't play my main. Hes Lobo is pretty good. SO you saying I played no significance is a joke and you just sound real ignorant. Also sometimes be more specific when you write please. SO I can understand your point.


I Got Guiled
lol look at the likes. Im not suprise with the likes. Im going to stop being a troll for now on but listen here. Both of our cat woman play differently so All I can say is the only matches that give me a challenge is Doomsday, Hawkgirl, Batman,. also I plyed with rico Sauve yesterday. but I didn't play my main. Hes Lobo is pretty good. SO you saying I played no significance is a joke and you just sound real ignorant. Also sometimes be more specific when you write please. SO I can understand your point.
When i said no one of significance I meant no superman of significance. I have also played against Rico and remember early on I was catching him with naked b3 consistently. He caught on though and sent me to losers.


Catwoman/Superman is 5-5 after the last patch. It actually was 6-4 in Catwomans favor at one point.

After the patch, the pushback gave Superman enough space to backdash away. Before, the B3 was almost guaranteed, he had to block.

This pisses me off just posting it because I lost to Theo in Grand Finals not understanding why I was in so much blockstun. I feel like I've been robbed in every WNF grand finals I've been at for many reasons... lol

[EDIT] Oh and when I say 5-5, you have to keep in mind how much work you have to put down as a Catwoman player, as opposed to brain dead lasers... lol

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
When i said no one of significance I meant no superman of significance. I have also played against Rico and remember early on I was catching him with naked b3 consistently. He caught on though and sent me to losers.
You use Catwoman? What is your tournament Name?

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
Catwoman/Superman is 5-5 after the last patch. It actually was 6-4 in Catwomans favor at one point.

After the patch, the pushback gave Superman enough space to backdash away. Before, the B3 was almost guaranteed, he had to block.

This pisses me off just posting it because I lost to Theo in Grand Finals not understanding why I was in so much blockstun. I feel like I've been robbed in every WNF grand finals I've been at for many reasons... lol

[EDIT] Oh and when I say 5-5, you have to keep in mind how much work you have to put down as a Catwoman player, as opposed to brain dead lasers... lol
theo use superman? Do you have a video so I can watch it.


Oh yeah I just read that on twitch's website support page. However they will be making some changes very soon so that every broadcast is available on mobile devices.
I was watching your matches against sonicboombrad's DD...maaaaan that double KO in the first match! And that 11~112 you do is awesome.
Great games. If it wasn't for DD's cheap trait you would've owned him big time!


Oh yeah I just read that on twitch's website support page. However they will be making some changes very soon so that every broadcast is available on mobile devices.
I was watching your matches against sonicboombrad's DD...maaaaan that double KO in the first match! And that 11~112 you do is awesome.
Great games. If it wasn't for DD's cheap trait you would've owned him big time!

Yeah, that was a close match. It was one of those quick split decision kind of times and I made the wrong move.

I was either going to wake up cat scratch for the win, or wait. I thought he was going to bait it out but he went right in and I took it... lol


Yea i would've waited if i were you but it's easier said than done cause let's not forget how stressful it can get at that point lol my hands start sweating and shaking and i just mash buttons randomly hahaha
I've beaten a lvl 90 green lantern today taking advantage of that 1f2 to pin him back to the ground. Fell for it every damn time lol
I thought i was the only one who knows about the 1f2 pressure then i stumbled on your block infinite tech i was like, oh well :p

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
A Doomsday wakeup note. If you think he's going to do wakeup upwards venom then block up close and then do b+3 right after blocking it. This is good because it covers both up Venom and MB up Venom. Regular is punishable enough that the b+3 is a punish and if he meter burns it you'll hit him as he's coming down. So it's a foolproof way to blow it up. Before I figured this out Up Venom as a wakeup was giving me trouble because of the MB varient.


A Doomsday wakeup note. If you think he's going to do wakeup upwards venom then block up close and then do b+3 right after blocking it. This is good because it covers both up Venom and MB up Venom. Regular is punishable enough that the b+3 is a punish and if he meter burns it you'll hit him as he's coming down. So it's a foolproof way to blow it up. Before I figured this out Up Venom as a wakeup was giving me trouble because of the MB varient.
Thanks for the tip man! I still think that Doomsday is a hard matchup for Catwoman mainly because of his trait...
Any expectations for the patch notes when it comes to kitty?

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Thanks for the tip man! I still think that Doomsday is a hard matchup for Catwoman mainly because of his trait...
Any expectations for the patch notes when it comes to kitty?

Can't say. Just have to wait for later today. :coffee:


Scrublord McGee
A tip against characters with advancing specials as their go-to wakeup.

If they have a habit of using said special on wakeup, you can neutral j1 and whiff-punish them. If they don't wake up, then use neutral j2 instead.

Have a feeling the neutral j2 could work well on MMH's Push as well.


A tip against characters with advancing specials as their go-to wakeup.

If they have a habit of using said special on wakeup, you can neutral j1 and whiff-punish them. If they don't wake up, then use neutral j2 instead.

Have a feeling the neutral j2 could work well on MMH's Push as well.
Have you tried cat stance up close against MMH's push? works like a charm! Just DD3 1 b3 ... full combo punish

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Well the cat's out of the bag now. She gets two buffs. Two hits of armor on MB Cat Dash and her Feline Evade changed to 1 frame. MB Cat Dash buff is obviously good against Killer Frost, Deathstroke and most importantly Batman. The Evade buff means anything Killer Frost or Batman can parry she can evade like a parry to interrupt strings. A big example being Green Lantern's b+1,3. The buffs to MB b+3 and f+3 are an indirect buff to her as well.


I'll be back 3ing
Well the cat's out of the bag now. She gets two buffs. Two hits of armor on MB Cat Dash and her Feline Evade changed to 1 frame. MB Cat Dash buff is obviously good against Killer Frost, Deathstroke and most importantly Batman. The Evade buff means anything Killer Frost or Batman can parry she can evade like a parry to interrupt strings. A big example being Green Lantern's b+1,3.
With Green Lanterns vortex gone and his main mix-up tool punishable its beginning to look preety 5-5. See how it unfolds

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
Well the cat's out of the bag now. She gets two buffs. Two hits of armor on MB Cat Dash and her Feline Evade changed to 1 frame. MB Cat Dash buff is obviously good against Killer Frost, Deathstroke and most importantly Batman. The Evade buff means anything Killer Frost or Batman can parry she can evade like a parry to interrupt strings. A big example being Green Lantern's b+1,3. The buffs to MB b+3 and f+3 are an indirect buff to her as well.
Website? For this information


I Got Guiled
With Green Lanterns vortex gone and his main mix-up tool punishable its beginning to look preety 5-5. See how it unfolds
I dont think his vortex is gone per say. He still has it, all that happened was now you can enter a reversal when he attempts the standing reset because he lost the ability to do that now. With the better evade though, his b1 strings can probably be evaded trait punished and stop him from setting up an offense. But still things are looking better. Being able to evade grapples and spears while now being able to get in on some projectiles is nice. How many hits are DS guns? Sinestro can still keep us down with MB fear blast.
Hitting b3 on mmh's push works as well. Just gotta hold onto 3 until the push is out. I haven't tried cs1 yet, but it sounds like it works better.


I dont think his vortex is gone per say. He still has it, all that happened was now you can enter a reversal when he attempts the standing reset because he lost the ability to do that now. With the better evade though, his b1 strings can probably be evaded trait punished and stop him from setting up an offense. But still things are looking better. Being able to evade grapples and spears while now being able to get in on some projectiles is nice. How many hits are DS guns? Sinestro can still keep us down with MB fear blast.
I know but if we manage to time the dash perfectly, she might hit him before he throws out his third blast...DS guns are 2 hits, 4 if meter burned. The rifle however has 6 shots i guess

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Batman was the real problem lol oh and Sinestro wouldn't be happy about it either hahaha
I don't think it will affect the MU too much. It's the same situation as DD: I almost never hit her out of cat dash because it is so fast once it is active, so adding the armor won't change that. I am just happy that her armor isn't active instantly :).