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Best Corner Game?

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
Just wondering if there's a general consensus on who the top corner characters in MK9 are. I'd say its a given that Jax is #1 but who's next? (No MKX pun intended.) Shang Tsung? Baraka?

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
Oh yeah Kenshi is for sure and I forgot about Sub Zero too but he's gotta be up there as well.

Now I know Cage's sick pressure gets even more retarded in the corner but is he really better than Shang Tsung there though? I'd think Shang's usual ground skull pressure coupled with being able to end combos in upskull pressure would give him the nod over Cage, no?


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Just wondering if there's a general consensus on who the top corner characters in MK9 are. I'd say its a given that Jax is #1 but who's next? (No MKX pun intended.) Shang Tsung? Baraka?
Kabal, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Quan Chi, Sub Zero I suppose


Oh yeah Kenshi is for sure and I forgot about Sub Zero too but he's gotta be up there as well.

Now I know Cage's sick pressure gets even more retarded in the corner but is he really better than Shang Tsung there though? I'd think Shang's usual ground skull pressure coupled with being able to end combos in upskull pressure would give him the nod over Cage, no?
i dunno shang has better setups... but cage has spacing traps and shit and his usually pressure is much stronger.
I know she isn't the best, and I know her strings are as predictable as the moon and her normals are the equivalent of a 12 year old white belt at a sparing competition, but here's why I will argue for Jade's corner game (besides the fact I will find any excuse to avoid folding laundry).

1. Ex- mid boomerang as a combo finisher (works especially well in the corner, average midscreen)

2. Ex- glow is super viable (immune to wake ups) to keep the opponent blocking upon rising

3. Her 3, 4, ex - high boomerang, is almost a guaranteed combo in the corner.

Granted, none of these techniques are viable enough to be considered top corner game material (especially against teleporters), I just wanted to fight for Jade in a game where she is just a dumb broad... Also again because I'd rather eat a roach repellant than fold fucking laundry
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Pho Cubic

Sérieusement Sabrewulf peut aller en enfer.
Jax, Cyrax, Sub Zero & dead Sub Zero are the best. If Cyrax, Jax & Noob open you up & they have meter you're done. Noob's ex-ghostball is broken as a combo ender. No explanation needed for Sub Zero.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
@_yobish33 I'm with you. Jade's not as bad as people think. She has cool setups, resets, and EX glow is godlike. Just sucks that she eats up that meter in the corner really quickly for like 14% damage total including three resets lol :p


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Jax, Cyrax, Sub Zero & dead Sub Zero are the best. If Cyrax, Jax & Noob open you up & they have meter you're done. Noob's ex-ghostball is broken as a combo ender. No explanation needed for Sub Zero.
If only his ex ghostball worked online :*(


What a day. What a lovely day.
As Mileena, I feared nothing more than getting locked down in the corner against Sub-Zero, Sonya, Cage, and Kenshi.

It was just like.... fuck...