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Best and Worst Matchups: Cyber Sub-Zero


The future of law enforcement.
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I'm attempting to gather good information for my "How to Defeat Any Character" thread. You're going to see this exact post in each of the character threads. If you would like to share your information, ideas, and comments please stick to the format outlined below. This will help speed up the process of rooting out the pertinent information and putting it to good use. Thanks for your support!

*The information in the example post was written off the top of my head and not meant at all to convey actual match information. It serves only as a guide to influence future posts.

Post Format (based on Kano):

Best Matchup: Kano's best matchup is probably against Quan Chi. Quan Chi's 1 wakeup attack, the Sky Drop, just isn't able to break up Kano's awesome offensive game. Kano can keep him at range with zoning tactics that have enough recovery to block and punish the Sky Drop. Quan Chi should be unable to control almost any aspect of a match with Kano.

Worst Matchup: Kano's worst matchup is definitely against Sub-Zero. Ice Clone completely nullifies Kano's Air Ball, and with no teleport Kano can have a very difficult time getting in to inflict decent damage. His only real option is to hang back and zone with Knives hoping to bait and punish Sub-Zero's slide. However, since his Knives can be crouched completely, if Sub-Zero has the damage advantage he can just run down the clock to force Kano to come to him.
Wow... your really dedicated to this huh?
Well I'm pretty sure csz can divekick any knives, but I'm pretty sure he can also be punished with upball. I'm gonna have to test it unless someone else knows.


The future of law enforcement.
Former Owner
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Wow... your really dedicated to this huh?
Well I'm pretty sure csz can divekick any knives, but I'm pretty sure he can also be punished with upball. I'm gonna have to test it unless someone else knows.
Kano is just used as an example post. Since this is the Cyber Sub-Zero thread I'm asking for info about Cyber Sub-Zero's best and worst matchups.
Kano is just used as an example post. Since this is the Cyber Sub-Zero thread I'm asking for info about Cyber Sub-Zero's best and worst matchups.
Yeah, I just realized that. I'm gonna try and find some stuff to contribute...

EDIT: Don't we already have a matchup thread?


The future of law enforcement.
Former Owner
Premium Supporter
Yeah, I just realized that. I'm gonna try and find some stuff to contribute...

EDIT: Don't we already have a matchup thread?
A lot of the character forums have matchup threads but they are all outdated and not organized very clearly. Trust me, I've been browsing and it's just a huge pain in the ass to find any relevant information on most of them. Rather than just posting this thread on a few of the forums I figured I would go for uniformity to make my quest for information that much easier. I look forward to your contributions!


the best on my opinion would be sektor seeing you can jump over the flamethrower and missiles and parry the teleport
the best on my opinion would be sektor seeing you can jump over the flamethrower and missiles and parry the teleport
Guessing game.

Sektor has better zoning against CSZ and the dive kick has a quicker start up than Sektor's flame but the problem about that is it can still pull him into a reset which leaves Sektor even or even at advantage since CSZ's 33 34 combos have little to no range so mix up combo game is out the window. Also, the only quick move you can do is the slide but if a Sektor double flames it stops it or blocks low, he'll get a full 41 to 44% combo (with meter). Also the rocket game zoning is in Sektor's favor, Sektor can corner himself at mid/full screen he can pop the dive kick and with a proper read the fire WILL beat the kick. Also CSZ's teleport is so slow, a good sektor has an insanely fast uppercut that if a CSZ wants to jump up and teleport, Sektor has enough recover and start up to pop out a uppercut to gain distance. Lastly Sektor wins the projectile trade, his rockets cause KD and if the ice trades at full to mid screen, the ice is so slow that Sektor has a chance to recover to block an ice slide or uppercut a teleport.

I can say that CSZ can mess up a Sektor with his pressure game but if a Sektor has meter and you get a KD, Sektor's EX TU is well good enough to neutralize the jump in pressure CSZ needs to take the match up. Also the EX bombs can take away any zoning pressure and will force a Sektor into the sky with no answer to the ice beam or properly timed ice. Lastly you're right about the ice parry, it's a pretty effective tool against an aggressive Sektor since it beats jumpins and is quick enough to pop out against a Sektor that is combo friendly after a reset, but of course the double flame WILL beat it but is still a good tool.

Really, tbh I believe that Sektor v CSZ match up is 5/5 at best due to a few factors. If CSZ had an ice ball as fast as subby's this could be an easy 6/4 match up.


Smoke can present alot of problems too; especially if he has meter. He can EX shake just about everything CSZ has except general low pokes, sweep, slide, bombs, and x-ray. CSZ has a parry too but it only parries normals from piont blank range, smoke can parry from both full screen and up close and CSZ can only parry up close. So, smoke can parry anything that looks like an ice ball and can also parry his dive kicks. If thats not enough smoke cloud and teleport punch are so fast they beat out both CSZ bombs and ice ball before he can even get them off; even from full screen. What really hurst CSZ in this match-up is no corner bomb trap against smoke. Anytime you try the corner bomb trap against smoke he can just wake-up EX smoke forward right out of it. It can be really frustrating to work so hard to get him in the corner to set up the bomb trap only to have him easily escape. CSZ will have to chase down and work hard for this win against a good smoke player and it's not always as easy as it sounds.
Best Matchup #1: Shang Tsung (8/2)

The dive kick is Cyber-Sub's most used tool, and Shang Tsung is not able to counter or punish it. As long as you aim low with the dive kicks, Shang can do nothing about it. When he starts putting close up/ground skulls on the screen to keep Cyber-Sub out, you can freeze him and get a full combo. Also, once Cyber-Sub gets in from his dive kicks begins pressuring with 2,1 and cross-up jump punches, Shang has little he can do besides burn meter (which he needs for his staple bnb combos). Overall, Shang has no answer for Cyber-Sub.

Best Matchup #2: Scorpion (7/3)

What this boils down to is the fact that Scorpion is limited to 3 unsafe options when played at a distance. These options are hellfire, spear, and teleport. Cyber-Sub has an answer to all of them, and he can jump toward Scorpion and decide which answer to choose. If Scorpion attempted a hellfire and Cyber-Sub jumped it, that's a free dive kick or EX dive kick (or even a jump-in punch into full combo if Cyber-Sub is close enough). If Scorpion waits and then tries to spear when you are in the air, you can immediately teleport in mid-air and get a full combo. If Scorpion teleports, he will whiff and you can do a close dive kick before you hit the ground to punish him. Once you knock Scorpion down, he has to burn meter on EX teleport in order to safely escape your pressure. Combine all this with the fact that freeze trades with spear for a full Cyber-Sub combo, and the fact that Cyber-Sub can parry Scorpion's teleport on reaction, and you have an easy match.

Worst Matchup #1: Kung Lao (4/6)

Kung Lao defines air control, and air control is the one thing that can nullify Cyber-Sub's general game plan. Kung's spin can knock Cyber-Sub out of a dive kick, and it can punish a dive kick on block. Kung Lao's fast projectiles make Cyber Sub's freeze a moot point most of the time, and Kung Lao's dive kick always gets hitbox priority over Cyber-Sub's. Basically, when at half screen or farther, Cyber-Sub has nearly no options besides throwing out bombs, but Kung's teleport can almost be done on reaction to a bomb and he gets a combo. Kung Lao is built to keep the pressure on after a knockdown, and Cyber-Sub cannot escape the pressure unless he takes a risk with parry or slide (or burns meter on EX teleport). Cyber-Sub simply does not match up well against Kung Lao.

Worst Matchup #2: Kitana (4/6)

Kitana's fans are much faster than Cyber-Sub's freeze, bombs, and teleport, putting Cyber-Sub at extreme disadvantage when far away. Dive kicks are nullified by air fans and square wave (and even sometimes by fan lift). Even when in offensive range, Kitana's d+1 beats every poke that Cyber-Sub has (as well as his parry). Cyber-Sub is forced to be right in Kitana's face in order to begin offense, and this is not easy to do amongst a barrage of fans. Kitana's high damage is just icing on the cake for her, and chances are that when Cyber-Sub finally gets in Kitana will have meter to break right away and put him back at a distance. Cyber-Sub's only chance at pressure is jumping a ground fan and going into a dive kick.


"Strength isn't everything"
Cyber Sub-Zero's worst match up is easily Mileena.

Simple reason, Mileena can teleport kick all day, and even if you guess right and low block the dive kick, you can only do a d1, you can't chain in a slide as the slide will wiff, and an ice ball won't chain in as the start up is so slow, and you can't chance the slide after the sai whilst you are crouch blocked either.

She will get away with trash all day on Cyber sub. Horrible match up. So prepare to have your read's taken away from you, even if you get it right, you won't be able to do any damage after the read, and cyber sub can only get a freeze, NJP, up 4 into slide for 35% after you block a roll, and you have to be quick with the freeze.

The worst fights I have ever had are against Mileena with Cyber.
as a mileena i have hard times vs cyber sub zero they always defend... and i cant punish his air kickand that well i cant zone with mileena to keep him away... the problem is that i cant really punish his moves while he can definately mine...
i think its 6-4 to CSZ
how much are ur stats and inner level points UsedForGlue? mines are 720-270 (2 other brothers playing on the acc as well) and 1450-1620 points usually