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Age of Ultron (Tonight!!) Discussion Thread


Scrubby nice guy
Exactly, I'm sick of villains like maliketh (Idk how to spell it) or fake mandarins, Ronan from gotg, even robert Redford in cap2. Ultron looks super badass.

Edit: I loved Thor 2, cap 2, gotg, eh I "liked" iron man 3. It's just the villains aren't memorable. And sadly enough the best part of thor2 was Loki
Thor2 was imo the worst Marvel film released so far. So fucking boring and forgettable. Of course i mean the 'new era' films ;)


Stream addict
Looks cool, but I dislike Ultron's design. Why does he have eyes like that and why is he moving his mouth when he speaks? I mean he's a robot, why does he have to move his mouth to speak lol.
He looks like a transformer, almost cartoony in a way. I'm a huge comic nerd and a big fan of his classic design, so details like these annoy me.

Comic nerd stuff aside, I'm probably going to LOVE this movie! :p


Here... I am a god!
Well in all the cartoons and games I've seen him, he just seems lame. I guess that's why he never made it into Injustice.
He's one of the strongest beings in the DCU. None of the cartoons do him justice though, that is true. I don't even know any games he's in, apart from MK vs DCU which... I'm not even gonna say anything. All I can say is, Darkseid is everything but lame. He pimp slapped Batman god damnit!


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Looks alright, definitely more darker then first Avengers which I like but not quite DC darkness level but I just hope they have a good explanation for the heroes fighting each other.


Neutral Skipper
Seen it twice over the past week.

It's solid, but it has some pretty big problems. First one was better. I'd still see it again, though.


Regina George of discord
Scarlet Wiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!!!!! I'm glad they made her the badass she has always been, I hope to see her real costume in the next movie tho... The movie was godlike 10/10 definitely IMO.


Here... I am a god!
I was a bit disappointed. Throughout the whole movie I felt like I've seen it all before in Avengers 1. It still had great moments though, and Ultron was definitely a very cool villain. So far, my favourite Marvel movies are Winter Soldier > Avengers > Age of Ultron


Neutral Skipper
^ That's pretty much how I feel about it, although I'd still see it again.

Also, I like the new lineup a lot more than the old one. I want them to actually get their own movie instead of just fighting in Civil War and that's it, but that'll never happen.