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About Rousey's Vocal Performance...


Smoke & Noob & Rain
I just hope that no one expected good performance from Honda Housey. That woman wouldn't be able to act / voice act, if her life depended on it. We need Holly Holm or Amanda Nunes to send her back into hiding for a couple of months.


If it wouldnt be Ronda nobody would give a shit.
Every time a character switches VA, there are people who feel iffy about it, because it's not the same.
However, it's true that Ronda Rousey has a rep which people don't care for, so it's kinda amplified.


Soul Stealing Loyalist
Let's be honest.

We're still probably gonna get 4 guest characters.
I would have said the same up until the reveal, but I also would have said the same about the run mechanic coming back. NRS surprised me for the better once already.

I choose to belive!


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
She is OK .... I was expecting a totally disaster regarding this, but in the end, Ronda Rousey did the best she could .... it's true it's not an excellent high top level VA work she did, but, it's a little above average, so, ok then ...


Smoke & Noob & Rain
4 guests out of the 6 DLC characters we're getting... that's just painful...
1. Spawn (Image Comics)
2. Pennywise (IT)
3. Pinhead (Hellraiser)
4. Doom Slayer (Doom)

I feel like 4 guest characters on that level would make it less of an issue. The biggest problem are simple characters such as Jason and Leatherface, where you really have to reach to come up with a lot of variety in terms of their visuals and power sets. If we get horror characters like in MK9 and MKX, I would really like to see characters like Pennywise and Pinhead, who are god damn reality warpers and can do whatever they feel like doing. Maybe Jigsaw from the Saw franchise could be good as well, as a heavy trap character.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
Tricia was perfect, I don't know why they need to change the VA actors, maybe scheduling conflicts, but who knows. Apparently, they didn't even contact Seitz who's been doing Scorpion's voice for 10 years. Ashly isn't doing Cassie either, it's like we live in the upside down.

Not sure about the timeline for voice overs, but I hope they can fix some of Sonia's lines, they sound flat as hell. Ronda is great when she puts a lot of energy behind it and her back and forth with Scorpion and Raiden was pretty good.


She sounds okay to me. I actually don't give a damn about voice acting in MK except I always laughed in MKX at how some characters (like Sub Zero) overdelivering their lines. Like they prepared and rehearsed it in front of the mirror all night


Cyber Smoke #1
Blame WB/Business side of Boon. Celebs sell, same reason why there will probably be more guest character DLC than MK characters.


Nobody hates Rousey more than me. A sandy hook truther, a transphobe, a ridiculous sense of entitlement, you name it... A yeah, her mic skills sucked. He trash talking was awful in the UFC, and the her promos suck in WWE.

BUT, this is way more about her celebrity power and cache than her actual performance. It's a very smart move by NRS any way you look at it. The voice acting might turn out to be sub-par (harsh to unequivocally claim based on the small sample), but from a promotional/marketing stand point, it's a homerun.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
Nobody hates Rousey more than me. A sandy hook truther, a transphobe, a ridiculous sense of entitlement, you name it... A yeah, her mic skills sucked. He trash talking was awful in the UFC, and the her promos suck in WWE.

BUT, this is way more about her celebrity power and cache than her actual performance. It's a very smart move by NRS any way you look at it. The voice acting might turn out to be sub-par (harsh to unequivocally claim based on the small sample), but from a promotional/marketing stand point, it's a homerun.
The sandy hook thing was really dumb and pretty insensitive to the families of those who lost people that day, but I wouldn't call her a transphobe. Sure, she didn't use the right words but ultimately Fallon shouldn't compete with women I mean she broke a girl's skull that's insane. At the end of the day, it's still a biological male hitting a biological woman and that isn't okay.


I can't help but wonder...
Has Ronda Rousey being Sonya's VA in this game actually brought in any more people to the MK community? Has it brought more sales of the game? More pre-orders?

Has anyone ever expressed "Oh boy, Ronda Rousey as Sonya?! Now I'm definitely going to buy MK11!"

Of course, sales and such is not something we can take into account yet as the game isn't even out yet, but I am kinda curious if Ronda Rousey being Sonya's VA has convinced anyone to get the game...


Soul Stealing Loyalist
I can't help but wonder...
Has Ronda Rousey being Sonya's VA in this game actually brought in any more people to the MK community? Has it brought more sales of the game? More pre-orders?

Has anyone ever expressed "Oh boy, Ronda Rousey as Sonya?! Now I'm definitely going to buy MK11!"

Of course, sales and such is not something we can take into account yet as the game isn't even out yet, but I am kinda curious if Ronda Rousey being Sonya's VA has convinced anyone to get the game...
I didn't even know who she was, but a guy at random came on Discord with my friend and I while we were watching the reveal and he went "yo I'm a fan of Ronda and the game looks hype, if you guys buy it I might too!", or something like that.

TL;DR: I guess so.


Although I don't like her performance at all, it did look like they intentionally gave Sonya a number of MMA inspired moves to acknowledge Ronda playing her. If that's really what happened, I'd say it was worth it, because her movelist looks sick.


The future of law enforcement.
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I think the term "performance" is giving a bit too much credit. I got nothing against Rhonda, and she seems to legitimately love MK, but damn, she's a much better fighter than voice actress.
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