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30 Day VideoGame Challenge


The Ignore Button Is Free
Some of you guys may have seen this or challenges similar to these on Facebook or other various blogging sites; I thought I would make this thread for anyone who wants to participate.

The rules are simple: There is a category for each of 30 days. Choose your answer for the appropriate day and post about it. Just try not to use the same game more than once.

These are the daily categories:

Day 01 – The very first game you ever played
Day 02 – Your favourite video game
Day 03 – Your least favourite video game
Day 04 – Your favourite video game series
Day 05 – Your favourite multiplayer game
Day 06 – Your favourite level from a video game
Day 07 – Your least favourite level from a video game
Day 08 – Your favourite ability from a video game
Day 09 – Your favourite boss battle in a video game
Day 10 – The most challenging level you’ve played in a video game
Day 11 – The game you’ve spent the most time playing
Day 12 – The hardest video game you’ve ever played
Day 13 – Your favourite story in a video game
Day 14 – Your favourite scene or moment from a video game
Day 15 – Funniest moment in a video game
Day 16 – Your favourite main character from a video game
Day 17 – Most evil villain from a video game
Day 18 – Your favourite side-character from a video game
Day 19 – Your least favourite character in a video game
Day 20 – Hottest video game character
Day 21 – Your favourite cinematic from a video game
Day 22 – Your favourite song from a video game
Day 23 – Game with the best graphics or art style
Day 24 – Your favourite gaming genre
Day 25 – Your favourite console
Day 26 – Your favourite games development company
Day 27 – An upcoming game you’re looking forward too
Day 28 – The worst sequel to a game
Day 29 – Most obscure game you've ever played
Day 30 – The last game you bought

You can post cover art or Youtube gameplay of your selection if you'd like

London Lust

Lagleena Player
Is there a specific date when it starts or can we start whenever we want?

lol this actually seems pretty fun.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
OK Then I start today.

Day 1 - Bomberman on the NES
Day 3 - Least favorite or most
hated? In either case: Call of Duty 4/Conan The Barbarian

Missed 2 days 'cause we're moving.

Day 4 - Megaman Classic and Megaman X.I consider them the same.
Day 5 - I want to say Halo 3 again but since we're not allowed to repeat I'll say MK9
Day 6 - Halo 3 - The Covenant
Day 7 - Dead Space - First Chapter. Unskippable cutscenes FTL.ESPECIALLY ON HARDCORE

will be edited for other days.


Up the Irons!!!
Why the hell not, anything to help me procrastinate :D

Day 01 - Pokemon Blue

Spent a lot of time on that game, maxed out the clock, completed the pokedex. EVERYTHING.

Day 02 - Megaman Battle Network 2 for GBA <3


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
Day 01 - Duck Hunt NES

Not only was that game amazing, but the gun doubled as a controller and a Toy. I still remember warping the cord up and running around pretending to shoot stuff. The sound it made was amazing too, DUNG!


Day 1 - Mario Bros (Released in 1983) - Nintendo
Day 2 - Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night - Playstation
Day 3 - The Sims - Gamecube
Day 4 - The Legend Of Zelda
Day 5 - SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs - Playstation 2
Day 6 - The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Windfall Island (more of a location but still my favorite) - Gamecube
Day 7 - Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (every level was really bad / boring) - Gamecube
Day 8 - Mass Effect 3 - Any power combinations that result in a Biotic Explosion - Playstation 3
Day 9 - Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night - Granfaloon - Playstation
Day 10 - Zelda: Ocarina Of Time - Water Temple - Nintendo 64
Day 11 - Mortal Kombat 9 - Playstation 3
Day 12 - Ghost ' N ' Goblins - Nintendo
Day 13 - Metroid Fusion - GameBoy Advance
Day 14 - Resident Evil 4 - Cabin Fight
Day 15 - Super Mario 64 - Leaving Mario motionless and watching his actions.
Day 16 - The Legend Of Zelda - Link
Day 17 - The Legend Of Zelda - Ganon / Ganondorf
Day 18 - Luigi's Mansion - Professor E. Gadd (provides weapons and amusement) - Gamecube


Ayy Lmao
Day 2--Damn this is a hard one. Ummm, Pokemon Yellow

didn't realize we could choose more than 1, so add Megaman X5 and MK9 to the list


Day 2: Sonic Adventure <3.

I have literally played and beat the game more than 15 times, love the gameplay, story, music, the whole experience was the total package for me.


King of the Jobbers 2015
Day 1 - Can't remember, a beat 'em up on the NES I have no idea how it's called.
Day 2 - Bioshock.

Shouldn't you guys edit your post instead of making a new one?