injustice 2

  1. xX_Atrocitus_Xx

    Green Lantern Shaders

  2. xX_Atrocitus_Xx

    Injustice 2 PS4 Guild: Legion Of Doom #1 Ranking still undisputed

    I am just bragging. Hype! Rank 1 Give me some love ya'll! My psn: VxX_ZOD_XxV Feel free to add me as a friend with a "TYM" comment I started the Guild search for the below info Legion Of Doom ID:Rezge Meanwhile at the Legion Of Doom... Number 1 ranked guild in the world! Woooooooooooooo
  3. Israfel


    So @Jerseyman55 and a few of the other locals in my area were talking not unlike many other people out there in the community. We thought we could pick up where the last frame data sheet left off for MKXL. Obviously the game isn't out yet so if anybody wants to collaborate to fill in all of...
  4. WestchesterFGC

    Injustice 2 Launch event (White Plains NY) 5.16.17

    May 16, 2017 - Injustice 2 is released and Play Connection Gaming is running a release Tournament and Casuals play. Register now at: Facebook Event Posting: More info about the WFGC scene: Location...
  5. Decay

    My hand-drawn custom Darkseid hat!

    Hey guys, I haven't made a new thread in forever. Been so busy at work and doing all kinds of art on the side as well that I haven't been able to play as much. Anyway, as some of you know, I made a Lobo hat during Injustice 1 and it was what I wore to every offline event as good luck...
  6. SithLaird

    AI Battle Simulator

    It wasn't entirely clear from The Watchtower stream, once you've made your team, I get that they're AI and someone fight them online, but when you pick fight and you chose from a list who you're going to fight, are you actually fighting someones AI team or is it AI vs. AI? Also if I not...
  7. Jhonnykiller45

    DLC Characters Release Schedule

    I've been thinking about this for a while TYM, and do you think that the DLC characters should be released in waves like how NRS released all of the KP2 characters at once, or do you think they should be released one by one like pretty much everything else? Personally I would prefer if they were...
  8. xX_Atrocitus_Xx

    Watchtower Friday! Darkseid

    Straight from the Injustice Twitter account, news of the next WatchTower stream. This Friday we will be getting breakdowns for 3 characters including Darkseid! We will also have more of the Multiverse Mode shown off. Be sure to tune in 3:00 PM on Friday, I'm sure this is one that's not to be...
  9. Mitsuownes

    Injustice 2 - Characters and Voice Actors! (Full Cast) [Ultimate Edition]

    Hey all, this took me forever and it's finally done! A video of all the Injustice 2 characters and their voices. Please enjoy! Peace!
  10. PND_Ketchup

    K&M Present - Getting Started: Deadshot

    Hey folks! I'm already getting Deja Vu with this stuff, but our latest addition to the "Getting Started" series features Deadshot. Happy to put some of my writeup sections into video form at last, but some of what I listed in the old thread is no longer possible in the build we played. One...
  11. PND_Ketchup

    K&M Present - Getting Started: Gorilla Grodd

    Hey guys, Mustard and I have been away for a couple of days for the Tekken 7 UK Championship, but now we're home, we've been able to work on more Injustice 2 content! Continuing with our "Getting Started" series, this time we focus on Gorilla Grodd. Enjoy! Click to read more! Sneakily...
  12. xX_Atrocitus_Xx

    Green Lantern video

    Best video I've seen of Green Lantern so far. Shows different colors as well. Below video shows Oa Rocket and Turbine so everybody chill...... it's gear! Panic!!!!
  13. xX_Atrocitus_Xx

    "Celeb" Stream thoughts

    I'm sorry but I can't stand watching two streams two days in a row of people button mashing this game. It was painful to watch and does not showcase the game at all. Their commentary is awful, unwarranted and nonsensical. In regards to displaying the game don't you think having accomplished...
  14. SkateNoob

    Should MB B3/F3 Exist?

    Hello Everyone, Just like the thread title says, should Meter Burn B3/F3 exist in Injustice 2? I was super happy when they removed (most of the) armored launchers in MKX, so I don't get why this universal move is returning in Inj2 (I know, different franchise, different mechanics, etc., but...
  15. VSC_Supreme

    Characters that are calling for you to main them.

    Are there any characters that you didn't care for but upon seeing them you feel like you have to play and possibly main them? I just recently started to get into DC and learning about the characters so I didn't have a main coming into Inj 2 and didn't care for injustice 1 because I've always...
  16. TeknoOdin

    Green Arrow Watchtower Breakdown

    Okay guys so basically after seeing GA in action in last night's watchtower stream , i decided to do a quick breakdown of his moves , what's new and my thoughts on him so far hope you guys enjoy
  17. Mileena Ball

    The Flash Introduction Trailer

  18. Error

    Black Adam Pre-Release Discussion Thread

    BLACK ADAM “GOOD AND EVIL ARE NOT CONSTANTS. THEY ARE DEFINED BY THOSE WITH POWER.” After the fall of the Regime, Black Adam returned to his home defeated and humiliated. Staying hidden from Batman’s watchful eye, Kahndaq has become a safe haven for the Regime’s remnants. There they await the...