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MLG - Help Send Metzos, Hidan, A f0xy Grampa and Mustard to Dallas, Texas Arena


Alright, everyone in order to make Major League Gaming's Fall Championship "that" much more hype we are working on pulling in donations, and this has to be as soon as possible due to flight costs, to get some of our Top Players from across the globe to the MLG arena in Dallas, Texas on November 2-4. We already know that the USA's top players are already pretty much confirmed for this event, but how awesome would it be to make sort of an "EVO runback"? If you remember at this year's Evo 2012 Championships our friends the condiment brothers Mustard and Ketchup attended Evo in part of Warner Bros. UsedForGlue and A f0xy Grampa also made it making the event one for the books!

In any event, let us give you a little history on all four of these players, shall we?

Mustard, "Mr. Neal" - He is 'the' United Kingdom Cyrax player that has done more than just make a name for himself by his tournament placings, mentality, focus and unique player strategies. When he came to the states to compete at the EVO World Finals in Las Vegas, NV he defeated the USA's best Cyrax, Maxter, making him go to Johnny Cage.

A f0xy Grampa, "Denom Jones" - When his tournament videos from tournaments in the UK started surfacing and America watched him on stream... discussion began about him and especially his Johnny Cage. F0xy is one of those players who you should not bet against as he has the very keen look of determination and will make you pay for any mistakes you make. He made it in to the Top 16 at the EVO World Finals in Las Vegas, NV. If he returned to the states, rest assured... heads would turn.

Hidan, "Name Unknown" - Here's your most notorious Quan Chi player from across the globe, Hidan... Making several top placing at tournaments including the World Game Cup in France against the infamous UK Cyrax, Mustard (see here). He is a character specialist that has put Quan Chi on the map where's he from. We have to wonder... how would he do against a USA Quan Chi like Shujinkydink or Insuperable? Donate and find out!

Metzos, "Name Unknown" - Like Hidan, he is from Greece and is actually Hidan's casual training partner. When you think of Metzos, you have one thing come to mind... the Ermac player who set a standard. After several tournament showings in Greece, Metzos caught the attention of many and made several start paying more attention to Ermac as Metzos showed strategies that put the character in a light they didn't expect. See him here.

So, how do we plan for this to work? Well, the plan is to gather a list of players who would be willing to donate, write down the amount, etc. Then when the donation goal is met, we start collecting the donations! See the official thread HERE to place your donations! Thank you for your consideration!

Credit: Metzos A F0xy Grampa Mustard-LK4D4 Hidan


imma eat choo!
This is got to happen. It would be amazing. UK guys know what to expect as far competition is concerned in the states. They should get another shot.


Online Scrub Lord
No used for glue? I think we should be taking care of our own this time around. It was nice seeing the uk guys come, but if any of the american top players or even canadian top players need help getting to dallas, I would gladly help.


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
thanks storms, and just so everyone knows the only reason we've had to make another thread about it is because the old one got lost in the downtime.
I would love to see Hidan and Metzos get here.....Hidan is the first guy when I saw quan, I was like holy shit, he is beast.

Need to get our west coast guys out there as well. We need to get a big turn out.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
With all do respect, let's worry about getting our whole scene to Dallas first, most of the West Coast, florid, and some East coast aren't coming, this is America Damn it

I personally really like all the UK players as brothers and players

But we've done this once and UK should return the favor by donating for a US player to attend their majors

I'm more interested in saving the $ to send myself to VXG next year or WGC and our priority should be our own

I've donated once, it happened and now if players want to come then stattsaving now for MLG 2013 events and EVO


Where they are from should be irrelevant its about getting players that will make the tournament more enjoyable to watch and i cant think of anyone better then these guys, they will create the most hype. I'll donate 30 euro.
You can get like double/triple the amount of players if you donate to USA players instead of EU, so yeah that's why it matters where are THEY FROM, it's not irrelevant.


With all do respect, let's worry about getting our whole scene to Dallas first, most of the West Coast, florid, and some East coast aren't coming, this is America Damn it
To be fair... these guys were taking the initiative to "try" to come and compete again and for the first time in the US. Consider their distance... they are the ones that really need the money. However, I also greatly understand and appreciate your point.

Again, these guys had their thread going for some time and then TYM went down and it was lost... so this is just us trying to give them a hand to get back up to speed. It's nothing against Texas, I assure you.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
just to make sure u and others know, VEGAS WILL BE AT DALLAS!!!!!!!, so get hype yall we know we can't miss this.

That's awesome

Terry brothers coming for blood :)

I'm a huge fan of Vegas scene I just hope we're on opposite side of bracket

At Raleigh it sucked cause I played probably every player that I didn't want to play because I wanted them to do well or win

It's like playing your best friend or something


That's awesome

Terry brothers coming for blood :)

I'm a huge fan of Vegas scene I just hope we're on opposite side of bracket

At Raleigh it sucked cause I played probably every player that I didn't want to play because I wanted them to do well or win

It's like playing your best friend or something
yeah definitely, we going to train hard bcuz we making sure all the vegas crew in top 16, and it does suck having to play those u don't want to play but it's a competition so I'm sure u understand. We need to get some casuals in too bro. Also I'm sure egp going to be at dallas too so it should be good, and I really would like to see the europeans come out here again since it'd just bring more hype and i'd like to see how metzos does with only ermac bcuz he knows some interesting stuff with him, and he has some disagreements with others about his mus.

DJ L Toro

With all do respect, let's worry about getting our whole scene to Dallas first, most of the West Coast, florid, and some East coast aren't coming, this is America Damn it
due not do, and yes this is America, why do we have to be exclusive? That's the type of rhetoric that makes the entire world hate this country. You dont have to donate if you dont want to, but dont dissuade other people from doing so if that is what they wish to do.


STORMS Damn... Defeated the best Cyrax at Evo making him switch to Cage.

I don't remember switching to cage. I got 9th with Cyrax all the way. I may have switched colors at one point maybe. Lets get some of the info fixed. :rolleyes:

See now I have to go to Dallas. I got a copy of MK yesterday, got my internet and PS3 back as well.

Practice mode engaged!

yeah definitely, we going to train hard bcuz we making sure all the vegas crew in top 16, and it does suck having to play those u don't want to play but it's a competition so I'm sure u understand. We need to get some casuals in too bro. Also I'm sure egp going to be at dallas too so it should be good, and I really would like to see the europeans come out here again since it'd just bring more hype and i'd like to see how metzos does with only ermac bcuz he knows some interesting stuff with him, and he has some disagreements with others about his mus.
We should all go as IGL/EGP. That shit would be sick... lol


Joker waiting room
Where they are from could determine if it'll cost 200 each to send them or 800
which is why the donations should be made for them,if they miss the tournament they still only need 200,if the guys miss the tournaments they still probably won't be able to save enough for the next one without help.


STORMS Damn... Defeated the best Cyrax at Evo making him switch to Cage.

I don't remember switching to cage. I got 9th with Cyrax all the way. I may have switched colors at one point maybe. Lets get some of the info fixed. :rolleyes:

See now I have to go to Dallas. I got a copy of MK yesterday, got my internet and PS3 back as well.

Practice mode engaged!

We should all go as IGL/EGP. That shit would be sick... lol
i was thinking the same thing since we represent the WC all day everyday. We got to go in there in full force and take Dallas!!!.