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Jaqui is cancer and needs to be banned


Special Forces Sonya Up-player
Takeda was easily my favorite of the Kombat Kids, but I honestly didn't care much for Kung Jin at all. Takeda was the only one of the Kombat Kids I played a lot - I played Jacqui a decent amount, same for Cassie - but I didn't much like Kung Jin at all, and as characters, they ALL left more to be desired. Were it not for the comics, I wouldn't like Takeda at all.
However, all of them at least had distinct and interesting looks, save Jacqui. She looked like your typical army grunt until they gave her the Cybernetic costume, and she didn't really do anything in her gameplay that was particularly interesting or new to MK. I feel that MK11 completely fixed all of those things for her, though. I think she looks amazing in all of her outfits, even my least favorite ones, and she's really fun to play. I feel she's one of the best improved from MKX and MK11, and I went from rarely playing her to playing her a fair bit. But if you disgree... that's fine. But don't bash said character and claim she's horrible and attack her in all sorts of ways like that.
Not sure if that last sentence was a direct response to me or not cos I didnt bash her at all, the comment you replied too is literally all I have said about her.

I agree she's much better in 11 than X but still just think she's kinda boring. Cassie I thought was equally boring in X as Jacqui was, and she's still just as boring in 11.

Kung Jim was alright. Takeda I just think would have been cooler as a female with those kind of moves. I feel like female characters in this game are rarely given the more unique or cool/badass looking style. Was a missed opportunity to make both female kombat kids in X special forces, and both males ninjas. Mix it up a bit ya know.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Assuming MK12 is nothing like MK11 and actually fun to play, I'd love for NRS to just give up on the idea of Jacqui and Cassie. Takeda and Ferra/Torr were so much more interesting and they somehow didn't make the cut.


( • )( • )ԅ(≖⌣≖ԅ)
This comment is giving me serious Trump Supporter vibes...
Its the salt talking man. Pay no mind to this dumb (and kinda racist) comment....
Nah fuck that what does her race have to do with anything @Szkarad ?
@Szkarad that was racist af to say that about Jacqui. And then you tried to soften it up by first saying "I don't mind a well written black character". But in the very next sentence, you used race to completely discredit the character. You're the only one on this thread that used her ethnicity to talk about her relevancy. Yeah, let's go ahead and bash the only black girl in the game huh?

It would've been fine if you just said you don't see how she fits in the story. But the fact that you threw race into it, makes you look like a scumbag.
Idgaf bro just saying that it's not rare for a black dude / girl to be forced by "woke" companies? Is that not true? Don't give a shit if you think I'm racist but that is the truth. And I didn't even vote trump so don't know why I'm giving "trump supporter vibes"


bye felicia
never thought I would read a post that said a character should be banned for playing differently than other cast members, but here we are.


Official Merlin of TYM
Not sure if that last sentence was a direct response to me or not cos I didnt bash her at all, the comment you replied too is literally all I have said about her.

I agree she's much better in 11 than X but still just think she's kinda boring. Cassie I thought was equally boring in X as Jacqui was, and she's still just as boring in 11.

Kung Jim was alright. Takeda I just think would have been cooler as a female with those kind of moves. I feel like female characters in this game are rarely given the more unique or cool/badass looking style. Was a missed opportunity to make both female kombat kids in X special forces, and both males ninjas. Mix it up a bit ya know.
No, wasn't directed at you. Just in this general thread.
I disagree with the last sentiment. I feel that the females are generally pretty awesome - it's just the special forces women. I think Kitana, Mileena, Sindel, Skarlet, and D'Vorah are just as interesting as their male counterparts. It's just that a good amount of the women are special forces/human characters, and I rarely like special forces characters (Cassie, Johnny, Sonya, Stryker, Jacqui, etc.)

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
I dont know who you think your talking to. You MAY (by looks) be older than me but I could be your dad you stupid fat fuck... married, kids, and my own buisnesses. The only kid here is you, you already commented earlier and got your dumb point across yet you come back here AGAIN to type this cringe ass comment longer then the bible. You gotta be a loser looking for attention or somthing... idk but get life.

I apologize if you felt offended.

From the sound of your salted thread, you surely did not sound like a mature individual. I tried to be helpful, by setting you on the right direction by reaching out to some decent players here, that could help.

On the record: I assure you, I am fat, but not stupid as you may think. However, dont worry (not that I think you do), I do not feel offended, just in case. I wanted to help out, and that's I decided to sit down and do a constructive comment, and Yes, I am a loser, and I was looking for attention or something. I will try to get a life, Sir.


Official Merlin of TYM
Assuming MK12 is nothing like MK11 and actually fun to play, I'd love for NRS to just give up on the idea of Jacqui and Cassie. Takeda and Ferra/Torr were so much more interesting and they somehow didn't make the cut.
Unless they go with the complete revisionist thing they seem to be going with, what with Aftermath's ending, I wouldn't hold my breath. I would be very surprised if Ferra/Torr made it into future games over any of the Kombat Kids. And when bringing up character usage, Ferra Torr (at least on PS4) were, like, on the lowest of the player usage, being beaten out by all 3 of the characters you mentioned by a large margin, even when compared to some of the DLC characters. Player interest in Ferra/Torr simply was not that high for them, unfortunately.
Though, Takeda was at No. 6 on that list and didn't make it into MK11, so who knows?
I guess what I'm trying to get at is that if Cassie and Jacqui don't make it into MK12, Ferra/Torr likely won't make it either. Though I'd love to see Takeda return.


Idgaf bro just saying that it's not rare for a black dude / girl to be forced by "woke" companies? Is that not true? Don't give a shit if you think I'm racist but that is the truth. And I didn't even vote trump so don't know why I'm giving "trump supporter vibes"
It's about what you're implying with a statement like "I don't mind well written black khars like Jax ". It makes it sound like you're ok with black characters being in the game, but only if they're written a certain way, but if they're not written the right way they have no place being in the game. That treats black characters like they're some special exception to the rule, or some kind of special add on that the game throws in as bonus content. As if the default for every character should be white, and they can be black but only if they're written the correct way.

Like, imagine how strange a statement it would be to say "I don't mind well written white characters"?

That's why people are getting racist vibes from your comment.


( • )( • )ԅ(≖⌣≖ԅ)
Like, imagine how strange a statement it would be to say "I don't mind well written white characters"?

That's why people are getting racist vibes from your comment.
I don't mind white characters when they are well written. If they're well-written. If there was an underlying reason they are in the game other than being well-written I'd have issue with that. Like if Jaqui is a badly written boring character AND nrs has proven to be trying to be politically correct I think it's not a wild assumption that the reason she's there in the first place is tokenism


Official Merlin of TYM
Imagine a world in which a character can only be a minority if they’re well written, and if they’re a poorly written minority character, they’re only there for tokenism... but if a poorly written white character is in, it’s definitely NOT just because they’re tokens, it’s ONLY because they just so happened to be poorly written.
It’s clown shit. A white character can be poorly written and there’s nothing wrong with that, but if a minority character that’s written poorly, they shouldn’t be in the game at all? Okay. Makes perfect sense.

NaCl man

Welcome to Akihabara
I don't mind white characters when they are well written. If they're well-written. If there was an underlying reason they are in the game other than being well-written I'd have issue with that. Like if Jaqui is a badly written boring character AND nrs has proven to be trying to be politically correct I think it's not a wild assumption that the reason she's there in the first place is tokenism
Bro just stop.... its jax daughter just like cassie is johnny and sonya daughter. Takeda is kenshi son and kung jin was a decendant of kung lao. All the same shit right? the next gen. So why are you attacking her if its only about being well written?


I think we should ban all strong characters and characters with some dirt so all tourneys are just Shao Kahn mirrors.


Guuyyyys I'm not racist. Never been. I just dont like Jackie, that's it... I have plenty of black characters who I like. Like Jax. Or the dude from Star Wars with purple saber. So yeah. If I were racist I would have a problem with them, right? @NaCl man @Pyrosis @CrimsonShadow @KingKhrystopher
And yet......you brought up her race without any prompting whatsoever. If you don't like my daughter that's one thing, but what does her race gotta do with it?

Also imagine in the year 2020 where one can consider a heterosexual black woman being in a video game as being "woke". The dog whistle games are gross no matter how you spin it. Because of people like you, I hope she stays good forever just to trigger your "lul so woke" meme mindset.

If you don't even know the "DUDE WITH THE PURPLE SABER" from Star Wars by name, you're not a fan of him. The clownery is unrivaled. Gotta be a troll account for sure for sure.