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Harley Quinn's Matchup Chart (No BS w/ explanation)


AKA AndyPandy
bro me and tweedu would bodybag not only yours supes but id body hus supes with my no training mode ever harley no lies character is braindead just give me a date
I'm not 100% sure what you said there other than a potential challenge? But did you seriously just say harley is braindead?
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All Ik is she definitely outzones him and yet every Harley I play with the very few exception just tries to get in the entire time. It's like they don't even lab the mu at all
bro how does she zone him because u have to duck a shot at some ranges then what? he gets to fire a laser because itll stuff anything she tries after a ducked gunshot then what happens if harley starts respecting that? trait calls, any forward movement, the EXACT same thing you have harley winning for? Youre gonna need a better excuse than she can stop him firing two lasers in a row at a certain distance
bro how does she zone him because u have to duck a shot at some ranges then what? he gets to fire a laser because itll stuff anything she tries after a ducked gunshot then what happens if harley starts respecting that? trait calls, any forward movement, the EXACT same thing you have harley winning for? Youre gonna need a better excuse than she can stop him firing two lasers in a row at a certain distance
Darkseid literally can't do anything safely I n neutral except fire one laser. If he fires the one laser Harley can use and established meta to use her trait, get in keep zoning or whatever she wants. Darkseid literally just has to sit there and wait for trait instead of the usual matches zone while waiting for trait. Darkseid can't get trait out in between her gunshots and so he has to risk being punished if he ever wants to get out trait. If he does manage to get out trait the road isn't over, harely can continue to shoot rapidly and be whiling to take the trade because that will take away trait. making darkseid unable to do any moves and making his trait setups much harder and since Harley's shots recover so quickly she does this basically for free. So this means there is a large difference in the zoning game. Harley just has to throw her trait not make the trait reach all the way to the opponent without getting hit while still trying to get in with a teleport. Harleys shots although do less damage recover much better and so even though they don't do as much damage, they are a much more reliable and safer check. Darkseid can also be punished by Harley by doing too many or too little lasers because she can also easily get in, while darkseid cannot just simply get in on harely. Harley's game also doesn't completely rely on the ability to get out trait and mix off of it and so it will definitely help her even more in the mu. Her trait also does a significantly greater amount of damage than darkseids as well as it recovering faster. Not to mention that harley unlike darkseid, has alternative options to go to, while darkseids got basically one game plan. Lastly she out neutrals darkseid easily when she's close and her jump ins are almost impossible to consistently stop with darkseid
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Darkseid literally can't do anything safely I n neutral except fire one laser. If he fires the one laser Harley can use and established meta to use her trait, get in keep zoning or whatever she wants. Darkseid literally just has to sit there and wait for trait instead of the usual matches zone while waiting for trait. Darkseid can't get trait out in between her gunshots and so he has to risk being punished if he ever wants to get out trait. If he does manage to get out trait the road isn't over, harely can continue to shoot rapidly and be whiling to take the trade because that will take away trait. making darkseid unable to do any moves and making his trait setups much harder and since Harley's shots recover so quickly she does this basically for free. So this means there is a large difference in the zoning game. Harley just has to throw her trait not make the trait reach all the way to the opponent without getting hit while still trying to get in with a teleport. Harleys shots although do less damage recover much better and so even though they don't do as much damage, they are a much more reliable and safer check. Darkseid can also be punished by Harley by doing too many or too little lasers because she can also easily get in, while darkseid cannot just simply get in on harely. Harley's game also doesn't completely rely on the ability to get out trait and mix off of it and it will do a significant more amount of damage than darkseids as well as it recovering faster. Not to mention that when darkseid unlike Harley does not have any alternative options to go to, he's got basically one game plan.
stopped reading at Darkseid cant get trait out between shots when I just told you a way to get his trait out so yah let's just agree so I don't need to respond or read anymore shit. 7-3 HQ, top ten character, pls nerf


Realize there's been a few matchup charts, but i feel mine is the most complete with relevant info... For a little background, I sincerely love harley, she's been my bae since inj1 and I've carried on with her as my main through inj2, though I've played most characters in the game up to this point. I've been working on this matchup chart for a while going back and forth, then the patch came so I was contemplating to not bother posting it, but I've worked on it, so i'll post it now and edit it as and when I get a feel for the new matchups. I'm happy to provide more info if anyone requests, just don't be an asshole about it and i'll reply to the best of my ability.

Aquaman: 3-7 (get rekt, he beats her everywhere and when she happens to get a combo she'll get trait punished for daring to hit him, even after old patch he's the worst for harley)

Atrocitus: 6-4 (she has push block for dais)

Bane: 6-4 (Never doubted the 6-4, but anyone is free to challenge)

Batman: 5-5 (not 6-4 like some say, though maybe after patch)

Black Adam: 5-5 (He wins up close, can contest her zoning, but loses on knock down... 5-5)

Black Manta: (No idea.. 5-5??)

Canary: 6-4 (possible 5-5, 3-7 according to @x TeeJay o )

Beetle: 5-5 (out zones her, but loses up close)

Brainiac: 5-5 (slight brainiac favor, her cupcakes are near useless to get him out of air)

Captain Cold: 7-3 (he's cucked in this matchup, puddle useless, wakeup full combo punished, out zoned)

Catwoman: 4-6 (maybe 5-5 but she has major dirt that harley doesn't, also she has no fast back to block string so can't deal with her overhead to low string mixups without a hard read)

Cheetah: 5-5 (possiblr 4-6 according to @RevetLeafing , i'm inclined to agree but can see 5-5 too)

Cyborg: 5-5 (he out zones her, but she wins up close)

Darkseid: 4-6 (fuck off)

Deadshot: 4-6 (gimme PS4 patch)

Dr fate 4-6 (out zones her badly, but up close she wins as far as dmg is concerned, he still holds his own up close)

Firestorm: 4-6 (out zoned, up close he's no slouch either, post patch will likely be much worse)

Flash: 5-5 (she can zone alittle, and use hyenas, but her hyenas get beat in dmg by his rms lightning charge, it's even because she can punish his lightning charge, but god forbid he uses sonic pound)

Grodd: 6-4 (umm, yeh)

Green Arrow: 4-6 (ridiculous, he beats her zoning to the point where there's no point and then also upclose)

Green Lantern: 5-5 (possible 4-6 because he can punish her tantrum with the same string no matter what she does, also his zoning can contest hers)

Joker: 5-5 (very even, but possibly patch will push him over)

Poison Ivy: 5-5 (I swing between 4-6 and 6-4 so 5-5)

Raiden: (No idea.. 5-5?)

Redhood: 4-6 (he beats her with chip, pressure, his zoning isn't anything to shrug off either, possibly the loosest 4-6 of the lot though, possibly 5-5, but I doubt it)

Robin: 6-4 (He get out zoned the fuck out of, up close he can muster pressure for dais, but harley can pushblock, she can't do much about his birdarang on block because she has no fast back to block string)

Scarecrow: 5-5 (she wins with her zoning, but he can get close quick with his far reaching normals and jump, in the corner it's GG, 5-5 easy)

Starfire: 4-6 (outzoned to shit, loses up close, but her combo dmg isn't anything to scoff at)

Sub Zero: 6-4 (she can deal with his clone with hyena or gunshot, she also wins upclose, in the corner she suffers but almost all characters do)

Supergirl: 4-6 (her trait lasers make it difficult to get in, she can turtle all game, walk back and punish)

Superman: 4-6 (he outzones her, his f23 is barely whiff punishable, his f23 pressure isn't easy to contest due to no 6 frame d1, he has a floaty hitbox so up close her b22 whiffs, bad bad bad)

Swampthing: 7-3 (Harley's mobility is too much for swampy, she can zone she can dash, she can dive, really bad for poor swampass)

Wonderwoman: 5-5 (alot of harley mains say she's 4-6, I'm inclined to agree cause they high level players and she has a shit tonne of options that harley can;t do much about, but for now I say 5-5)

8 winning, 12 even, 11 Bad matchups
How do you feel about the firestorm matchup after the patch? Would it still be 4-6?


Id say that raiden is 5-5. She can zone him,but he can teleport behind on a good read,cupcakes are almost useless. Up close raiden can be very tricky.


It's all so very confusing.
Thanks,just trying to find some PC players

Not to derail - but if you haven't already, search out the Grindstone thread. Read the OP. Building a list for all platforms there of like minded, active and serious players. If you want to be added to the list post in the thread and I'll get you added.


Realize there's been a few matchup charts, but i feel mine is the most complete with relevant info... For a little background, I sincerely love harley, she's been my bae since inj1 and I've carried on with her as my main through inj2, though I've played most characters in the game up to this point. I've been working on this matchup chart for a while going back and forth, then the patch came so I was contemplating to not bother posting it, but I've worked on it, so i'll post it now and edit it as and when I get a feel for the new matchups. I'm happy to provide more info if anyone requests, just don't be an asshole about it and i'll reply to the best of my ability.

Aquaman: 3-7 (get rekt, he beats her everywhere and when she happens to get a combo she'll get trait punished for daring to hit him, even after old patch he's the worst for harley)

Atrocitus: 6-4 (she has push block for dais)

Bane: 6-4 (Never doubted the 6-4, but anyone is free to challenge)

Batman: 5-5 (not 6-4 like some say, though maybe after patch)

Black Adam: 5-5 (He wins up close, can contest her zoning, but loses on knock down... 5-5)

Black Manta: (No idea.. 5-5??)

Canary: 6-4 (possible 5-5, 3-7 according to @x TeeJay o )

Beetle: 5-5 (out zones her, but loses up close)

Brainiac: 5-5 (slight brainiac favor, her cupcakes are near useless to get him out of air)

Captain Cold: 7-3 (he's cucked in this matchup, puddle useless, wakeup full combo punished, out zoned)

Catwoman: 4-6 (maybe 5-5 but she has major dirt that harley doesn't, also she has no fast back to block string so can't deal with her overhead to low string mixups without a hard read)

Cheetah: 5-5 (possiblr 4-6 according to @RevetLeafing , i'm inclined to agree but can see 5-5 too)

Cyborg: 5-5 (he out zones her, but she wins up close)

Darkseid: 4-6 (fuck off)

Deadshot: 4-6 (gimme PS4 patch)

Dr fate 4-6 (out zones her badly, but up close she wins as far as dmg is concerned, he still holds his own up close)

Firestorm: 4-6 (out zoned, up close he's no slouch either, post patch will likely be much worse)

Flash: 5-5 (she can zone alittle, and use hyenas, but her hyenas get beat in dmg by his rms lightning charge, it's even because she can punish his lightning charge, but god forbid he uses sonic pound)

Grodd: 6-4 (umm, yeh)

Green Arrow: 4-6 (ridiculous, he beats her zoning to the point where there's no point and then also upclose)

Green Lantern: 5-5 (possible 4-6 because he can punish her tantrum with the same string no matter what she does, also his zoning can contest hers)

Joker: 5-5 (very even, but possibly patch will push him over)

Poison Ivy: 5-5 (I swing between 4-6 and 6-4 so 5-5)

Raiden: (No idea.. 5-5?)

Redhood: 4-6 (he beats her with chip, pressure, his zoning isn't anything to shrug off either, possibly the loosest 4-6 of the lot though, possibly 5-5, but I doubt it)

Robin: 6-4 (He get out zoned the fuck out of, up close he can muster pressure for dais, but harley can pushblock, she can't do much about his birdarang on block because she has no fast back to block string)

Scarecrow: 5-5 (she wins with her zoning, but he can get close quick with his far reaching normals and jump, in the corner it's GG, 5-5 easy)

Starfire: 4-6 (outzoned to shit, loses up close, but her combo dmg isn't anything to scoff at)

Sub Zero: 6-4 (she can deal with his clone with hyena or gunshot, she also wins upclose, in the corner she suffers but almost all characters do)

Supergirl: 4-6 (her trait lasers make it difficult to get in, she can turtle all game, walk back and punish)

Superman: 4-6 (he outzones her, his f23 is barely whiff punishable, his f23 pressure isn't easy to contest due to no 6 frame d1, he has a floaty hitbox so up close her b22 whiffs, bad bad bad)

Swampthing: 7-3 (Harley's mobility is too much for swampy, she can zone she can dash, she can dive, really bad for poor swampass)

Wonderwoman: 5-5 (alot of harley mains say she's 4-6, I'm inclined to agree cause they high level players and she has a shit tonne of options that harley can;t do much about, but for now I say 5-5)

8 winning, 12 even, 11 Bad matchups
Would actually say that arrow is 7-3 now in his favor. Im having more trouble with him than superman and girl both. And i have been playing consistently against arrow in igau 1 too. His zoning is really superior,the range on his j3 is huge and has great wakeup options. Punishing his slide isnt consistent either since he can MB. His anti air and pokes give a headache too. Not to mention his freeze arrow mixups