She can get in if you play patiently, just walk your way in if you feel like you can never pounce. The threat of the blood lunge is enough to make deadshot think twice about using his projectiles. Once cheetah is in she gets overwhelming pretty quickly, one knockdown and you can take his whole lifebar. If you finish your combos with dbf1 a close lunge can counter almost every option deadshot has on wakeup. She also outdamages him, so once you have the life lead you can play lame to bait a low rifle and get a lunge punish. If cheetah makes a mistake she takes 15 to 25% dmg, if deadshot makes a mistake he takes 35-50% into oki. The damage output is crucial is the matchup, if you punish his mistakes you can potentially end the match in 5/6 opportunities. On the other hand deadshot can't really punish cheetah for good dmg when he makes the right reads, so the room for mistakes is much smaller for him.