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Question - Erron Black ERRON BLACK CROW BRUTALITY?!?!?!(Down+Stance Switch+Block+3)

The Celebrity

Professional Googler
Let's all agree to just ignore him, okay?

Anyway... Is there any other footage of Sonic doing the brutal?
Tre does the brutal around 4 times or so during this video: http://www.twitch.tv/trepound380/v/32248038?t=03m04s . Download the ReChat plugin for Twitch to see James talking during the video. Its safe to say its easily repeatable (no just frame inputs), non-variation specific and most likely 0 requirements in game (seeing as tre didn't do a single EX CG). Its just some input during or after the brutal.


Alien keeps me up at night
Right, but this isn't the only thing people hide from the community which is my point. Whether it be something as small as a brutality requirement or something as big as a way to better a characters movement, if someone asks how to do it they shouldn't be met with "it's a secret" or "I know how to do it but I'm not telling you". They're asking a simple question to help them learn more about the game, maybe they don't have the time or creativity to find it themselves. What's the problem with answering their question? Hiding helps noone. Some might consider it more 'fun' but if others are asking it's because they'd rather just know what it is than spend ages looking for it. Look at what REO does, he posts tons of tech and discusses a lot in detail with the community. He knows there are people who won't agree but he understands that this is a community, that that means there are more people involved than just the top players, and that sharing and discussing things with the wider community will be better in the long run. He doesn't care that people disagree, he just cares enough to share what he knows.

This is only one example but on Twitter recently Slayer was asking how to do the 24% gotcha grab with Jax and instead of people just simply answering his question he got responses of "it's a secret". What was even worse was that he mentioned having to go to the Jax forums to find it out like it was a bad thing and people were replying to him with the same opinion. It SHOULD be there anyway, this is the place specifically made for discussing these kinds of things. Why should it be that only the players that can go to tournaments should know this stuff? Why can't everyone know? All you need to do is look at the players saying "yeah this is known" or something along those lines.
Can you honestly tell me, for example, Sonic has shared all his tech/matchup specific knowledge/secrets with the community? That everyone knows what he knows about the game?

Why is expecting a community to learn and grow together entitled? That's the whole point of a community. What is so bad about sharing tech? Are people really that scared of being beat in competition that they can't help the rest of the community learn matchups at the highest possible level by sharing what they know with people? Are they so afraid of a little backlash, the obviousness that there are going to be opinions that differ from theirs, that they'd rather just not post tech here? People need to learn that posting tech isn't about the likes, your fanbase, everyone thinking the tech is viable or that it's always going to be great tech, they should just be posting for the sake of the community. Helping others instead of just themselves. Wouldn't you rather have hype matches, the highest level of play, every match rather than just when it gets to top 16 and it's the same players there every time? In saying that though there is bad/useless tech but better it be discussed and everyone conclude that it's unviable/useless than noone discussing it at all.

Actually this site doesn't favour drama, that's what we're left with because everything the top players want to discuss they do elsewhere. If people can't deal with people disagreeing with them they need to grow a pair. People are going to have different opinions, fact, but this is the point of discussion. Some people don't know how to discuss things without breaking into insults and that's their problem but if you don't want to talk to them ignore them, that's what the button's for.

I'm not talking about you in particular, I think you're pretty cool and you do a lot to help the community in different ways. I just think that if there is information that can be used to help the community get better and learn more then the community should know about it.
i dont feel like reading a novel, can someone sum it up


king of the underground
My family, friends, and society In general have long told me I make the worst music on earth.

...And then I perused FetusEater's facebook page. The king of Casio Gore Rap! Hailzzz!!!

Seriously, dude. Do your thing, get it out of your system quickly or you will be doing a rap version of
Cannibal Corpes' seminal "(ban)Hammer Smashed Face."
guys guys guys... This is just a brutality. why are you all fighting over it. If sanicfox doesnt want to share how to do it you dont have the right to complain about it. Calm will ya all?


mk1 apologist
In the video, you can hear sonicfox mash only after it says "erron black wins", and it sounds like 4 buttons (not sure exactly how many buttons). We know its an input, just have to keep testing