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Full Patch Notes 8-31-15 & 9/1 Hotfix Notes

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
Then how would the whine-god deliver to us such bountiful harvests of whining every second time he posts?

What happened here? Can you give me a little more information I think I missed this
yet scrubs give Tom shit when he does the exact same thing lol.


aka - RM_AtK !
Liu Kang looks like he got ZERO of his multiple hitbox problems fixed?
and now if i'm understanding correctly his dash cancels will be -9 on the adv frames for f213 which is w/e but why do it to his runcancel.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
I am surprised that they did not give Assassin a couple of small buffs.

I am mildly surprised that they did not give Pyro / Dragon N a couple of very small tweeks to compensate for all of her nerfs

I am surprised that Quan received buffs.

I am absolutely shocked that Mileena got any nerfs at all! I mean, what is the point?!?!? She is already a bottom 5 character - why penalize her more??? Seriously WTF?!?!


Saiyan Prince
Wonder how exactly this will affect HQT predator. Need to get into the lab to find out. Some damage scaling I can deal with. The cannon though. I remember Tanya's extra minus on TP's felt way slow. If it's that bad I'll switch to hunter, at least his setups are intact and still ideal even though he does less.


I hate to be a downer, because these patch notes do look really good. But let's not forget.

MKX is broken on a fundamental level.

Jump attacks still don't work the way they are supposed to. We still have the same mechanic, where jump kicks have greater range than jump punches. But when this mechanic was originally introduced in MK9 there was a balance tradeoff: jump kicks had really good range and often beat anti-airs intended for jump in punches, but at a cost they were negative on block unless you landed them deep.

That doesn't exist in this game. Jump kick blocked to the face? Still +. Watching summer jam, more and more players are starting to figure this out and it looks really bad.
Are you speaking of neutral jump kicks, or forward/backward jump kicks?