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General/Other - Ferra/Torr Ferra & Torr General Discussion Thread

Best novel title for Ferra & Torr?

  • The Little Munchkin and her Faithful Servant.

    Votes: 14 11.4%
  • The Savage Cutie and her Obedient Brute.

    Votes: 18 14.6%
  • The Vicious Dwarf and her Huggy Buddy.

    Votes: 18 14.6%
  • The Small Woman and her Adrift Protector.

    Votes: 9 7.3%
  • The Pygmy Lady and the Hopeless Soul.

    Votes: 12 9.8%
  • Cutie and the Beast

    Votes: 72 58.5%

  • Total voters


Trust me, I'm a doctor
The man dominates early. I don't agree with some of his combos, but he gets the job done and knows his tech.
The fact that they mentioned he spoke of the roll advantage shifts brings pride to this old dog's eyes.

MK Led

The man dominates early. I don't agree with some of his combos, but he gets the job done and knows his tech.
The fact that they mentioned he spoke of the roll advantage shifts brings pride to this old dog's eyes.
Its more so the fact that he is actually out there, at tournaments for everyone to see, spreading the f/t hype. Seriously some of the most hype mkx sets I've seen so far have been from Grr.


Ferra does the rhyme, all the time
I've loved Grr ever since I witnessed his beautiful Bane play in Injustice. Big bodies for life.


Come with me if you want to lose
What is the point of "gut ripper" i.e. command grab? I'm looking into using FT as a secondary but I don't see the point in this command grab other than it would be untechable and it won't whiff against a neutral crouch. Can it be canceled into anything? I've tried all FT's safe strings and it seems that the spacing is too far, when you cancel into gut ripper the move whiffs. So it essentially rules it out as a mixup option. Any situation it can be used is a situation a regular throw can be used. Is this move just a supersafe throw with higher startup?


Ferra does the rhyme, all the time
What is the point of "gut ripper" i.e. command grab? I'm looking into using FT as a secondary but I don't see the point in this command grab other than it would be untechable and it won't whiff against a neutral crouch. Can it be canceled into anything? I've tried all FT's safe strings and it seems that the spacing is too far, when you cancel into gut ripper the move whiffs. So it essentially rules it out as a mixup option. Any situation it can be used is a situation a regular throw can be used. Is this move just a supersafe throw with higher startup?
It's untechable, there are several single hit moves you can tick-throw into it with, You can armor through wake-ups and other attacks with it, It does more damage than a normal throw, ect. Those are all the things I can think of off the top of my head, but, honestly, I haven't incorporated it into my game all that much yet, either, so I may be wrong and/or missing a few things.


Ferra does the rhyme, all the time
What is the consensus on Ruthless at this point? Is it any more viable now?
I've actually been wondering what people's thoughts on the variation are, as well. I've been playing around with it more and learning how to take advantage of armor has been interesting; and boy howdy does the damage look something fierce once you get a couple buffs up there. However, it does seem to take a lot more work to reap the rewards of the variation and I can't help but feel like there's a little something missing.
Hello everyone. I'm not sure this would need its own thread so I'll start here. I accidentally did a brutality with F/T's xray the other day and haven't been able to sort out how it happened or find anyone talking about it. Any of you know? Getting weary of watching the replay to figure it out.


Variationless Ferra Torr
Ruthless has potential. Now that Boss Toss's damage scaling has been fixed the base BnB combos damage differential is minimal. So you have to look at the differences in the variations outside of base combo damage.

Pain and Gain + faster command grab


Boss Toss + slower command grab

Having boss toss in matchups like GM subzero is crucial. But there are a lot of matchups where the loss of it is not that noticeable. The slower command grab allows for more tic throws, but outside of those it's uses are limited.

Pain and Gain's damage buff can make your regular BnB's into 50-60% combos and its activation armor leads to some great corner pressure. But at the end of the day the recovery is too slow to use it effectively without risks and constantly maintain the buff. Although the faster command grab is a great footsie tool in conjunction with all your other tools.

Ultimately I think Biohazard said it best. PnG needs a MB version that recovers quicker.
Personally I don't think Ruthless is worth it.

Boss Toss does fantastic damage and eats projectiles just like Ferra Toss. The Command Grab in Vicious is slower, but enhanced version does 19% damage.

I just don't really see Pain and Gain as worth trading what Vicious already has.

MK Led

I only started playing ruthless very recently, but it seems for more worthwhile than I originally thought. PnG damage stacks up fast and then all you need is one small opening to do 50%+ damage. You've just got to get used to ending early combos in f32, that pretty much gives you a free PnG against most of the cast (everywhere but in the corner).

Also, a funny thing about ruthless is that if you're just doing a no meter bnb, its best to end it in the command grab, as it does 1% more damage than the charge (unless you want to switch sides of course). But if you want to meter burn your combo ender for the extra 4/5% (which turns into an extra 10/12% with some PnG) then the charge does slightly more damage. However both options keep Ferra on your back, which I feel is a big plus compared to vicious.


Ferra does the rhyme, all the time
I only started playing ruthless very recently, but it seems for more worthwhile than I originally thought. PnG damage stacks up fast and then all you need is one small opening to do 50%+ damage. You've just got to get used to ending early combos in f32, that pretty much gives you a free PnG against most of the cast (everywhere but in the corner).
Is ending combos with usually F3,2 your go to? I've been playing around with ending them in B1,2,1xxPnG to see if I can eat their wakeups and punish/mix them up in the process. I'm not sure how functional it really is, though; I'm sure most of my success using it has been because most people ain't nevah faced no Ruthless F/T befo'.

MK Led

Is ending combos with usually F3,2 your go to? I've been playing around with ending them in B1,2,1xxPnG to see if I can eat their wakeups and punish/mix them up in the process. I'm not sure how functional it really is, though; I'm sure most of my success using it has been because most people ain't nevah faced no Ruthless F/T befo'.
Yeah, usually. f32 is my go to ender, until I've gotten off two or three PnGs. It creates a huge amount of distance between you and your opponent, so dealing with wake ups isn't an issue against most of the cast (and if they do have a wake up TP or something, chances are you can armour through it with PnG anyways).

After that, ending with the command grab or the charge will add on enough damage to kill by that point. That's the plan anyways :p haha.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
I have been splitting my time the last two days pretty equally amongst Lackey and Vicious and I just can't choose between them this character is a blast! Gonna post some video of my F/T tomorrow or the day after get you guys to help me out especially on the defense with Vicious.

Devin Thorn

chimp damage
So I just started using Lackey and got a decent grasp of him but when took him online some dick using Shinnok kept spamming hell sparks to beat my armor and using his shoulder rush and teleport. A big part of it was I've never played a Shinnok online and part me not being super comfortable with Torr yet but any suggestions?


All too easy...
Yeah so I've made the switch to Ruthless with Lackey and Vicious for specific match ups. Being able to end combos with command grab lets me keep Ferra on my back and throwing them full screen is enough for the pain n gain if they hesitate at all or dont have a fullscreen wake up. Pain n gain I dont even think needs an EX version, there are plenty of set ups to end combos with that give you a pain n gain activation that absorbs their wake up attempt and after level 1 you get multiple hits on it so there are lots of things you can punish by absorbing them. Plus I will take 19% off the overhead Ferra Toss with pain n gain over 16% for a mid in Vicious. I think Ruthless is the way to go, save Lackey and Vicious for match ups where they are the obvious choice only imo. I kind of have to agree with Ultra David on this too, I think we might be hidden top tier status

MK Led

Yeah so I've made the switch to Ruthless with Lackey and Vicious for specific match ups. Being able to end combos with command grab lets me keep Ferra on my back and throwing them full screen is enough for the pain n gain if they hesitate at all or dont have a fullscreen wake up. Pain n gain I dont even think needs an EX version, there are plenty of set ups to end combos with that give you a pain n gain activation that absorbs their wake up attempt and after level 1 you get multiple hits on it so there are lots of things you can punish by absorbing them. Plus I will take 19% off the overhead Ferra Toss with pain n gain over 16% for a mid in Vicious. I think Ruthless is the way to go, save Lackey and Vicious for match ups where they are the obvious choice only imo. I kind of have to agree with Ultra David on this too, I think we might be hidden top tier status
Yeah, after all the dlc and patches have played out, I could see F/T scraping their way into the top 10. It all depends though, we'll just have to wait and see how many other characters get nerfed or buffed and if F/T get's buffed, nerfed or just left alone.


All too easy...
Yeah, after all the dlc and patches have played out, I could see F/T scraping their way into the top 10. It all depends though, we'll just have to wait and see how many other characters get nerfed or buffed and if F/T get's buffed, nerfed or just left alone.
Well the thing is, these two are only going to be hidden top tier if you actually main them and know how to use their variations different and get actually comfortable using all their normals, including d4 (more than plus 20 on hit and plus 2 on block) and the likes. No one will be able to just counter pick someone with Ferra Torr like they can Thunder God Raiden. That's why I love this character though, only top tier if you truely dedicate yourself to the character :)

MK Led

Well the thing is, these two are only going to be hidden top tier if you actually main them and know how to use their variations different and get actually comfortable using all their normals, including d4 (more than plus 20 on hit and plus 2 on block) and the likes. No one will be able to just counter pick someone with Ferra Torr like they can Thunder God Raiden. That's why I love this character though, only top tier if you truely dedicate yourself to the character :)
Exactly. I have other characters I play but Ferra/Torr is the only one I've dedicated myself to learning all the variations to the best of my ability, they're the perfect fighter(s) for me. :D


Ferra does the rhyme, all the time
Yeah, I can't believe how hard people are sleeping on Ferra/Torr. From the get go I knew I was going to love this character and I haven't been disappointed yet. I play several other members of the cast (although I've been narrowing it down considerably), and F/T's the only character I enjoy playing all variations of; every other character has 1 variation I pretty much stick with 100%.