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Hello all!


Day 1 grill
Welcome to TYM! I had the pleasure of meeting HateCraft recently, awesome gent!

Ilikegoatsmhm is your PSN?
Yes that is it. I really need a new one don't I? Lolol.

I reallllly should have went with him. I was off work that weekend and everything. I'm going to try and go with him to the next event though! :)


Day 1 grill
Welcome fellow FGC player! My Mrs refuses to play offline in toureys or come on here which sucks even though she's decent a FGs. She even uses a fuxking fight stick which I'm still learning :(.
Tell her we need more women in the FGC! If she has PSN tell her to add me. What does she play? :)
Were you already into video games before your husband was getting you in to fighting games? Or is that how you got in to gaming?

I've been trying to get my wife to game for 6 years now and nothing has worked so far!