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General/Other Congrats To Revolver for Getting 1 Win in a 9-1 MU


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
For those of you who watched the stream at NEC you know we should give props to the real winner. Revolver. This man did the impossible getting 1 win in an the hardest MU in the game. The struggle was real as revolver tried his best to not be emo and in one instance he was able to see the light. Sadly he could not make it through all those Balls
Rip Revolver 1992-2014. Not allowed to live.
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I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Anyone who saw Relaxedstate vs Revolver and honestly believes Zod with IAZB vs Lex isn't the worst MU in the game... you've gone full retard.
;_; this statement kinda applies to me Zatanna vs Aquaman is equally dumb. I have to respect a d1 after a blocked trident rush ;_;

Haha nah that matchup is bad lol I'm happy I don't deal with it @rev0lver texts me his struggle all the time I legit feel bad. He was crying and isht at EVO after he lost I think maybe.


Come On Die Young
I actually could've taken another game at the least but I messed up at like crucial points. I didn't throw him in the corner at the end of his one lifebar and I remember at some point he dashed in for trait pressure which I KNEW he was gonna do and I meant to corp charge but messed up :/.

I tried my best though. I was honestly about to sit down and not play, but I had to try so I did what I could. I don't really deserve props for losing lol but thanks for the support for those who gave it


I actually could've taken another game at the least but I messed up at like crucial points. I didn't throw him in the corner at the end of his one lifebar and I remember at some point he dashed in for trait pressure which I KNEW he was gonna do and I meant to corp charge but messed up :/.

I tried my best though. I was honestly about to sit down and not play, but I had to try so I did what I could. I don't really deserve props for losing lol but thanks for the support for those who gave it
Bro when you got in on him and beat him that one match, that was easily the most hype moment of the entire tourney.