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General/Other - Kano Kano Leaked(?) in German magazine for Mortal Kombat X


Part-Time Kano Hostage
So this german magazine.. Is it online anywhere? Or does anyone here have it?

Edit: There we go someone translate this to English! http://gamepro.idgshop.de/?websale7=idg&ci=3-2895
This is what it says in the link you mentioned:

"GamePro is the perfect companion to the world of console games. We supply professional monthly tests and deep background on the main titles and games topics. Here's are also all the old and new consoles from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. . Purpose's handheld highlights and retro recaps, fair reports and much more GamePro comes with DVD: In our test and preview videos we show weaknesses and strengths of the games in moving pictures, of course competently commented by our editors. And of course, we deliver our videos on the second page of the DVD in HD quality."

So yea, nothing.


This is what it says in the link you mentioned:

"GamePro is the perfect companion to the world of console games. We supply professional monthly tests and deep background on the main titles and games topics. Here's are also all the old and new consoles from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. . Purpose's handheld highlights and retro recaps, fair reports and much more GamePro comes with DVD: In our test and preview videos we show weaknesses and strengths of the games in moving pictures, of course competently commented by our editors. And of course, we deliver our videos on the second page of the DVD in HD quality."

So yea, nothing.
It was the link to buy the digital magazine, I meant buy it and then translate it.


Philanthropist & Asshole
Shang has to be in in some form. I'd be pissed AF if Kano makes it and Shang does not!
You can't please everybody I guess. Some will be pissed because every character isn't included, others because NRS may ignore their own story mode deaths, and others because reasons.
This may be different nowadays but printed magazines are typically at least a month behind (often 3) so these assets may be quite old.

Kano apparently didn't die in MK9 story mode so they may be saving any resurrected character reveals for further down the road.


Meta saltmine
It makes sense if he's in. The problem is, I'm not sure this is real.

I'm not sure if I like what I'm seeing right now, but again, wasn't that me myself who expected to see him becoming much older? I'll take that, I guess.

You can't please everybody I guess. Some will be pissed because every character isn't included, others because NRS may ignore their own story mode deaths, and others because reasons.
That's the best reason ever though, at least one of them.


The actual article itself (apparently) confirms Sonya, Johnny, and Liu, the most obvious returning characters in existence.
The issue with Sonya and Johnny has always been whether they will be full characters with 3 variations, or alternate models/skins that use the appropriate Cassi Cage variation. That they have a presense in the game is unsurprising (and considering the timeline and existance of Cassi, completely expected), but will they be full characters?

TBH personally I hope not. Not because I don't like the characters, but with Cassi (and the chance of per-variation skins) it seems like a waste of two extra character slots.