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Hearthstone Discussion


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Rogue, mage or warrior
For Mage, I have a deck I'm pretty sure you could get since its all commons and only a few rares:

Ice Lancer:

Ice Lance x2
Frost Bolt x2
Sorcerer's Apprentice x2
Arcane Intellect x2
Frost Nova x2
Cone of Cold x1
Fireball x2
Polymorph x2
Ancient Mage x2
Chillwind Yeti x2
Defender of Argus x2
Water Elemental x2
Azure Drake x2
Blizzard x2
Frost Elemental x2
Flamestrike x1

The sum of it is basically: Stall, and smack the opponent with a combo using Sorc Ap. and Ancient Mage to boost the lances to huge amounts of power while freezing everything else to prevent a solid rebuttal. If done right, you can throw out 8 damage ice lances which will carve through literally everything on the board.

Its not super effective, but its a nice starting point for constructing your own deck.


"Cheap Grubber"
Kanker mage is one of my favourite decks in the game at the moment :)
My favorite deck at the moment.

Awesome to see you know it!

I only just like an hour ago crafted the very important Archmage Antonidas for it!

I finally got to use it against Doombawkz.. he used Mukla and I got to synerise a banana with it for that free fireball, it was a unique and cool game.. unfortunately I thought I was recording but wasn't.


Gaming4Satan Founder
No, and you shouldn't because it would make you a shitty person.
LOL, it's true miracle rogue is off the charts corny.

But yea, you can't really sub out leeroy. The preparations and leeroy are the 2 things you 100% need to make the deck work.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
LOL, it's true miracle rogue is off the charts corny.

But yea, you can't really sub out leeroy. The preparations and leeroy are the 2 things you 100% need to make the deck work.
At least hunter is the kind of bullshit you know is coming.
Miracle rogue is literally "remove and stall until Leeroy comes into play, then pray they don't still have big beefy taunts"

Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
Well to be fair, every good deck gets complained about. I certainly don't find it any less corny than brain dead zoo. Be it warlock or hunter.


That's so gross lol
Well I am just hoping that it will work out. I mean it should.

The new warlock card ( it is a 3/4 for 4 mana) has a deathrattle that when it dies it summons a random demon from your hand.
So you play it turn 4/5 and kill it off with a soulfire or with a power overwhelming, then jaraxxus should jump out of your hand and be in play XD

Or you can coin it out on turn 3, soulfire it and then play jaraxxus hahaha


I already get a turn 6 jarazzus. lol... Turn 5 doesn't feel super necessary.
Well a turn 3-5 jaraxxus is going to be hard to deal with since he can make a 6/6 every turn.

If you are getting a turn 6 jaraxxus then I am guessing it is from summoning portals? How do people let that shit stay lol


I'm a literal Sloth
Well I am just hoping that it will work out. I mean it should.

The new warlock card ( it is a 3/4 for 4 mana) has a deathrattle that when it dies it summons a random demon from your hand.
So you play it turn 4/5 and kill it off with a soulfire or with a power overwhelming, then jaraxxus should jump out of your hand and be in play XD

Or you can coin it out on turn 3, soulfire it and then play jaraxxus hahaha

That's still disgusting. Almost as disgusting as a turn 4 master of waves with 5 devotion.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Well a turn 3-5 jaraxxus is going to be hard to deal with since he can make a 6/6 every turn.

If you are getting a turn 6 jaraxxus then I am guessing it is from summoning portals? How do people let that shit stay lol
They don't have a choice lol... Turn 1 VW, turn 2 Pint-sized, turn 3 pint-sized and knife juggler, turn 4 double portal, turn 5 jarax.
That's if things go at their best.
Worst come to, people tend to not kill the portals in one turn anyways so Jarax is out by 6 as long as you have at least 1 PSS and the portals on deck.