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Turning Over a New Leaf

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Mama's Little Bumgorf
I discussed this extensively with @Tom Brady on my drive back home, and he had several excellent points. We as a community put too much stock in who's better rather than learning together. Players are literally scared to attend future tournaments because they feel pressured to achieve a standard placed on them by outside parties, based on the merits of other people who play their characters. "Well ForeverKing placed 4th, so DarthArma must do better or he's automatically a worse player." Players who come from Xbox Live and PSN and haven't spoken a word to ANYONE are being watched under a microscope because someone "Rebelo'd" them and they HAVE to deliver or they're a fraud. I am not talking about the guys who preach about being the best and get a foot up their ass. I'm talking about people who mind their own business, play their game, don't make it out of pools, and somehow get deemed mediocre by varying portions of the community. Those same people can end up in Grand Finals at the next Major and make EVERYONE look foolish. I am guilty of this, and I apologize.

I'm done with this ___ of America shit. Play your character and enjoy yourself. If you don't place, try again next time. I will no longer be using players as measuring sticks for characters. Everyone plays their character differently and will have varying levels of success. What we need to do moving forward, is share as much tech as possible, and help each other improve, rather than hold each other back. Tom has been saying for awhile "WE DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT THIS GAME!" and he's right. Sonic Fox has Aquaman tech that Tom didn't know about. Sonic Fox has undiscovered tech for a lot of the cast, but people shut him down because "he doesn't main the character" and shouldn't be considered an authority. We need to stop this. I said at NEC if Theo, Slayer, and KDZ combined their styles and helped each other improve on what they're lacking, they could further the development of Superman and make him more complete. There is no "wrong" way to play any character. Certain styles work in certain situations, and learning when to incorporate varying styles can help you with difficult matchups.

Leaving this all behind, I want the community to join me in moving forward. People will not be directly or indirectly insulted on our podcast for "under-performing." I want to start a new movement of positivity and help the community grow. We can't do this by acting like crabs in a bucket that are pulling down other players trying to be successful.

Ray Riazy

I agree with this, so much. We could probably talk about this for hours haha. Its really annoying to always hear after every tournament So and so is the best in america...... It doesn't matter who is the best in america. Just play the damn game. There is too much hate going around for this game when it has had some of the best top 8's and if we want this scene to grow and to keep it alive after EVO 2014. We should just enjoy ourselves.


Nightwing In Retirement
I think this is an excellent point.

Like I mentioned in another thread, it isn't healthy when I'm watching Notez play this weekend and the Joker community is on blast for some reason every single time he lands a hit. Why are they on blast because he's doing well in a tournament, and more importantly, don't you think they are happy for him too? Or how every time Tom Brady hits somebody with a combo everyone from the commentators to the stream monsters are calling Theo a fraud, and the same is true whenever Theo does well. It makes no sense, and it's caused rivalries between players who have no reason to dislike each other.

I know myself and more than a handful of other NW players definitely felt this way this weekend with the response of the stream/commentators/people at the venue. It generated hostility in a situation where it didn't need to happen. We as a community can't even be happy for other players because them doing well automatically makes us frauds. It's a super unfortunate situation.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
I think hype is good but some people take the title of being the best character they play too seriously.

I think the Zatanna community is the only character that has people that main her that all support each other. We don't care who the best is, we just like to throw rings and confuse people :)
That too. We often use the option select of "OH IT'S FOR THE HYPE!" . Meanwhile, there are players walking around who are COMPLETELY demoralized because they are pressured to "PLACE TOP 8 OR GTFO" at a tournament where 50 people could have won the whole thing. Can we not put on matches to entertain fans while praising overall excellent play? It's a competition. SOMEONE is going to lose. That doesn't make them ANY less of a contender.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
thank god i think everyone was thinking the same thing and had multiple discussions on the ride home about this subject. i will be posting all of my new flash tech that i didn't get to show at FR because i barely played on stream. i will also be posting tech for other characters that i have and will be using in future tournaments and i want others to do the same.


I really enjoy the, "Who is the best X" discussions and they hype that surrounds all of that theorizing, but I agree that everyone needs to stop taking it so personally. The game is still too young to call anyone the best anything.

However, I would say the scalp/power ranking discussions should continue. Obviously this community needs an outlet, talking about who has the most momentum coming out of/going into a tournament should make these discussions a little more friendly. For such a small community we can be incredibly unfriendly at times. No one should every be dissuaded from attending a tournament because they're afraid of the fall out if things don't go well.

DMS continues to be a guiding figure.


Your ego betrays you.
@Emperor DMS im sorry to call this out, but im pretty sure it was you. before zyphox and REO played someone said "he beat the 1st best MMH at WB lets see how he deals with the 2nd best MMH"which i feel wasn't a nice thing to say. i just wanted to comment and say that i love the point your making here. i never wanted a competition with other mmh players. me and him both don't care it seems that mostly stream monsters and people that watch care. competition and hype mirror matches are great, but im tired of reo being brought up everytime i play and everytime he plays im being brought up..
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Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I don't mean to be a bitch, but let's be serious here. To most normal and mature members of this site and community, we ALREADY adhere by this sentiment. We already LIVE by this sentiment. It's YOU guys who are constantly flip flopping. Yeah, sure, for the next two weeks people (the ones you mentioned in your post) will be high off the magic of a major and want to really change and show LEGIT comrade...but a few weeks before the next major, all the competitive negatively will come crashing through.

It's just how shady this environment truly is, sadly.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I've said this before, and this is exactly what I meant when the whole 'Jupiter lost in pools' shenanigans at NEC happened. You cannot simply assign the the weight of a character's fate to one player at one tournament.

But on the flipside; people need to grow thicker skin. A lot of things in the community are done as jokes, or for fun. The Stock Market was a joke. The 'of america' stuff is partially a joke, and mostly just a fun way to challenge people to level up their character. None of this stuff was intended to discourage people or make everyone emo.

In sports if a commentator says a player is underperforming, it's not an insult -- it's an objective evaluation and if the player is in the right mindset, it's a challenge to perform up to his potential.

But overall, people place way too much stock in "Top 8" without stopping to think that not every placement at every tournament is created equal. Not every road is the same and we shouldn't be treating them as if they are.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
@Emperor DMS im sorry to call this out, but im pretty sure it was you. before zyphox and REO played someone said "he beat the 1st best MMH at WB lets see how he deals with the 2nd best MMH"which i feel wasn't a nice thing to say. i just wanted to comment and say that i love the point your making here. i never wanted a competition with with other mmh players. me and him both don't care it seems that mostly stream monsters and people that watch care. competition and hype mirror matches are great, but im tired of reo being brought up everytime i play and everytime he plays im being brought up..
I said that and I apologize.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
That too. We often use the option select of "OH IT'S FOR THE HYPE!" . Meanwhile, there are players walking around who are COMPLETELY demoralized because they are pressured to "PLACE TOP 8 OR GTFO" at a tournament where 50 people could have won the whole thing. Can we not put on matches to entertain fans while praising overall excellent play? It's a competition. SOMEONE is going to lose. That doesn't make them ANY less of a contender.
Out of 100+ people. Only one person kould go undefeated...

And even then, that's not always the kase. So it shouldn't ever be a question of who's going to lose.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I agree entirely, but this problem is a systemic one. It comes from the desire for hype through drama and pop-offs in the stead of consistent high level competition. Once everyone stop holding tech until "after X event", creating beefs with each other simply because they play the same character, and making every little indiscretion into a huge fucking deal.
I find it kinda humorous that Tom was the one talking about this after spending a large portion of his commentator time arguing with Wound and perpetuating whatever bullshit is going on between them in front of the entire community rather than settling things between them.
It's true. We're still learning this game, and our tournaments will continue to improve and get stronger if we do so together rather than look out for our own interests.
Whether certain members of the community are capable of conforming to what you're talking about here is yet to be seen, but I certainly hope this is the dawn of a new day for us NRS fanboys.
Either way, much respect for saying what needs to be said DMS.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
I agree entirely, but this problem is a systemic one. It comes from the desire for hype through drama and pop-offs in the stead of consistent high level competition. Once everyone stop holding tech until "after X event", creating beefs with each other simply because they play the same character, and making every little indiscretion into a huge fucking deal.
I find it kinda humorous that Tom was the one talking about this after spending a large portion of his commentator time arguing with Wound and perpetuating whatever bullshit is going on between them in front of the entire community rather than settling things between them.
It's true. We're still learning this game, and our tournaments will continue to improve and get stronger if we do so together rather than look out for our own interests.
Whether certain members of the community are capable of conforming to what you're talking about here is yet to be seen, but I certainly hope this is the dawn of a new day for us NRS fanboys.
Either way, much respect for saying what needs to be said DMS.

He admitted it was wrong of him to do that.

Filipino Man

Retirement my ass
Agreed. I like hype from attacking people's pride as much as the next person, but characters are built from the PEOPLE (not person) who ARE best with their character and not just a single person.

Like when Luffy and I started to talk about Rose and he used my setups and I used his ground game strategies, we both started doing better, winning and shit, placing a lot higher in majors because we basically pinpointed our characters strengths and merged our two completely different styles.

We are also FRIENDS that get along and we could careless who is the better Rose as long as we are both representing the character as character specialists. (I still beat him the mirror though and that's all that counts ;p)

That's a good way to build a character community.
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