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What all would MK9's last patch include?


Tired, But Strong
Shame there's probably no feasible way to patch in hit trades, that'd be my number :p

But really, bug fixes and some buffs to the characters that sorely need them are what I want most.

Revert Kano to release status pls

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
Quan - 6 frame move

Baraka - 2 needs to be 12ish frames

Stryker- no gap in his B32 or 23 strings and all of b112 hits mid. And for god sakes let baton trip have armour everytime.

You are all gonna make noob kenshi 2.0

D. R.

NOOB BUFFS!!!!!!!!!!!:

What I think will make him viable yet keep him honest. If I don't speak on something, it stays as is, frame data and all.


Make b+1 16-18 frames, recover slightly faster on hit and whiff and hit ALL opponents crouching (Gives him a great long range poke for anti wake up and keep out. It's mid yet characters like KL can duck it up close. Stupid.)
Make b+2 +3 on block, +12 0n hit (Good for upclose pressure that he lacks outside of upknee on block)
Make b+12f+4 +16-20 on hit (It can be punished in the corner on hit which is beyond stupid)
Make f+43 +8 on block (Both kicks are high and useless now. String will still be useless, but have some purpose then)
Make f+333 +27 on hit, allowing a free jump in attempt that can be blocked (ala Ermac's string or teleport)
Make d+2 recover 9-12 frames faster. (Atrocious on whiff and would help combo potential)
Improve the hitbox on 2 (It's his main punish string opener and whiffs when it shouldn't at times, Ex: Reptile's blocked Dash)
Improve the hitbox on 2(1) so it always connects if 2 hits (The second hit whiffs far too much, dropping the combo/punish of 212)
Everything else stays the same.


Make Normal Tackle less negative on whiff and on block (-16 is PLENTY)
Make EN Tackle only -8-10 on block and do this on hit, allowing Noob to move around before the opponent can get up (ala Ermac's EN Forcepush. EN Tackle is just pure shit. -42? WTF!! Not worth the meter or risk. This would make it viable and allow portal set ups midscreen):
Make EN Slide allow a combo follow up after hitting. (It flips the opponent up into the air low. By modifying this on hit to float way higher and slightly slower, Noob would have a way to extend combos mid screen with meter, Ex: b+12xx EN Slide, dash, d+2, *Opponent hit behind Noob* 12xx Tele. A slight animation change could make this look even better, ie when the EN Slide hits, as it trips the opponent, Saibot disappears then instantly comes from underground and upknees the opponent closer and high to Noob, allowing the follow up. This needs to do something besides what it does now because it's a trash, gimmicky move and Noob needs a legit combo extender midscreen.)
Make EN Tele have armor and do 3% more damage (The armor would work in the sense Noob would be able to go up and come back on screen with full armor, but if the tele is blocked, he's -6, not combo punishable. Normal Tele stays as is.)
Make Portal on hit drop the opponent slow like Smoke Bomb. (Portal combos are ridiculously hard to hit at competitive level because the portal drops the opponent too fast and safely to the ground with zero ramifications if the opponent isn't hit out of the air.)
Allow EN Portal to be directed to one of three spots just like normal portal, front, top, and behind ( It's stupid Noob can't do this in the first place.)
All other specials stay as is.

Glass Sword

I played Scorpion once a long time ago.
What he needs: d4 needs to be plus at least 8 on hit if not normalized.
To make him better: d3 is now plus 7 against crouching opponents and plus 3 vs standing opponents. Normalized.
To make him high mid: f3 needs to be faster like 20 frames.
A luxury buff: Would be making f43 plus 5 on hit and f3 more plus so Scorpion can guarantee a block string on hit.
An over kill buff: Make 334 0 on block. This would give him decent if gimmicky pressure.

With the pokes and the f3 buff he would be really good. The other buffs would make him a serious threat by giving his safe options more weight.
Doesn't matter. Unban
The game was always broken. Kratos
You must not have heard of the human entities around me.

Anyway, Cyber Sub-Zero could really use those changes in the first page. He wouldn't be as powerful as Cyrax, though.


Play Monster Hunter!
Speed up Sindels levitate, let me fly around the stage like I'm fucking Magneto.

But seriously, one thing I would like is them to try and fix some of the stages, mostly the lag on certain ones, and maybe even remove the "shaking" on Kratos's stage. No idea if they can do any of that, but it's just a nice thing that would be cool.


Dojo Trainee
Doesn't matter. Unban
The game was always broken. Kratos
You must not have heard of the human entities around me.

Anyway, Cyber Sub-Zero could really use those changes in the first page. He wouldn't be as powerful as Cyrax, though.
Ah, well of course.

Do you think I would just throw non-practical patch notes out there just to solely alter the game to my benefit only? yes i would
Speed up Sindels levitate, let me fly around the stage like I'm fucking Magneto.

But seriously, one thing I would like is them to try and fix some of the stages, mostly the lag on certain ones, and maybe even remove the "shaking" on Kratos's stage. No idea if they can do any of that, but it's just a nice thing that would be cool.
That would be nice.

Can't they be fixed by the 0-0-1 | 0-0-1 Kombat Kode?
Do you think I would just throw non-practical patch notes out there just to solely alter the game to my benefit only? yes i would
No, I don't believe that was your intention. You fucker!


Play Monster Hunter!
That would be nice.

Can't they be fixed by the 0-0-1 | 0-0-1 Kombat Kode?

No, I don't believe that was your intention. You fucker!

Never really used it.

I wish they would just put an toggle in the main options menu that let you toggle all of the kombat kodes on and off for vs mode.
Having to re enter one for each match was really annoying.


I Break Hearts, Not Combos

She is literally the perfect character who relies on outsmarting every opponent unless you are a low tier but these proposed buffs to low tiers will change that.


Princess Diana
Make Sonya's Ex Cartwheel -7 on block. Normalize d4 military stance.
If they take Jaxs resets away give him better damage mid-screen.
Kitana should have armor on her Ex Cutter, since its the only good wake up she's got.
Take away the armor on Kenshi's Ex bf2. Take away the armor Kabal's Ex nomad dash.
Fix Scorpions pokes, his d3 is embarrassing.
Buff Kano so that he's not a wasted character slot.

Online practice mode.
No more P1 advantage.
Remove meter drain glitch.
Invisible wall.


Too little, too late...
- More recovery on his IAGB
- No more BuzzSaw invisibility glitch against certain attacks ( Sektor Tele )
- No more EX nd full screen (if kabal looses his EX ndc he also loses his Flash Parry, EX ndc combos for better damage, and other tools based on EX ndc)

- Remove his Meter resets


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
Kung Lao doesn't need any nerfs, he's i.m.o one of the most balanced characters in the game.

If this patch were to come to pass, i'd like Kung Lao to have armor on ex spin.
That or have the first hit of either 1121/21 hit mid. This character would actually have legitimate pressure game.

Also, make his d1 6 frames and his d3 7 for fuck's sake.....


Put down the controller and run!
-- Cyber Sub-Zero --

Priority changes:

Ice Bombs always freeze.
Except when the opponent has already been caught in an Ice Bomb. Currently, CSZ's Ice Bombs only freeze if the opponent is in a state in which he/she is able to block.

Teleport has the same invincibility properties as Cyrax's Teleport.
No reason to have a Teleport very similar to Cyrax's, yet lacking the safety properties of the Yellow Robot.

Close and Far EX Divekicks (Powerkicks) have complete armor on startup.
In a previous patch, Sub-Zero and Reptile's Enhanced Slides gained armor, while Cyber Sub-Zero recieved nothing. "Price of Divekicks" logic is bullshit: they aren't that good. CSZ currently has no armor at all, with the exception of Cool Down (X-Ray).

Optional / Low-priority changes:

Remove rule: Ice Bombs cannot be launched after an Ice Ball freeze.
Doesn't make sense to keep that rule in, when Cyber Sub-Zero can already circumvent it by cancelling into an Ice Bomb from an U+4, on an aerial opponent after an Ice Ball freeze. Cyrax-esque 90% damage resets are not going to occur by removing that rule.

B+3 has faster startup by ten frames (16 startup frames). Little use for it; easily fuzzy-guardable at 26 frames.
Cyber-Subzero needs better hit advantage on his D3 and D4! Better teleport(like Cyrax) and better hit box on his bombs(like Cyrax). Nothing more!


Put down the controller and run!
Smoke needs his resets patched out of the game. However this will drop him down to being a mid to mid-low tier character. ~15-18th place or so. I'd like to see some minor improvements on his frame data with his offensive tools, but the return of the day one "air throw --> smoke bomb OTG combos" would be welcome, too. Return of smoke bomb OTG would directly translate to being a damage buff in some situations. This will compensate for his lack of damage output in resets... acceptable I guess.
No OTGs! Stop there! Safe Ex teleport maybe but no OTGs.


You will BOW to me!
I would say that Ermac should get armor on EX TKP or TKS, but that would be too much. What i would like to see though is:

1) Make his F4 a low combo starter.

2) Make his B1 an overhead combo starter.

3) Make his d3 plus on hit on standing opponents.

Ermac doesnt need armor, despite what many people say. The buffs i mentioned above, would make him top 10 material for sure.


Put down the controller and run!
kabal -
1 - make his f4 knock down instead of leaving them there for a reset.
2 - fireball damage reduced to 6 %

Cyrax - only 2 items on screen at one time. No more 2 bombs and one net on screen at the same time. This will allow people the chance to avoid the resets, but if they get caught in them --> their fault.

Kenshi - remove armor from the spirt charge

Kung Lao - just buffing other characters will help lol

Buffing - clearly give the other 7 characters lacking armor, armor.

In addition

Noob - 1 enhanced shadow should be -16 not -42 on block or anything but -42 WTF???
2 - all shadows do 7% at all times, no more reduced damage

Kano - 1 speed back up the start up frames of up ball (but leave the recovery the same as it is now)
2 - speed back up knife toss

Sindel - 1 normalize damage output to combs starting with b1, 2
2 - make 4 special cancelable again (even if it means reducing the flight cancel + frames to +13-14 instead of +17)

I have more ideas, but I don't think the high tiers should be destroyed just tweaked like I said.

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I don't agree with your Kano suggestion about his knifes. Better frame data on his normals, but no faster knifes please. Faster up ball yes, but more punishable with 3-4 frames(for online play).