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Zero Dark Thirty (Possible Spoilers)


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Okay so I went and saw this movie last night and absolutely loved it, I would say it's the best movie I've seen in quite some time not including TDKR. What I didn't understand was why people made such a huge deal out of the torture scenes that were in the movie, when I have been shown way way worse in many other films. Would anyone be able to explain that to me? It might have been debated on the tv or on the news, but I don't really keep up with either so I wouldn't have caught it lol. I made this thread for anyone who would like to talk about how they felt about the movie or state any opinions they had to express.


I just watched it last night too. Best movie I've seen in a while. The reason people might make such a fuss over the torture scene is that it really happens. Normally, during torture scenes, we mentally categorize what we are watching as fake, and anastheticize ourselves.

I didn't think the torture was that awful. That may also be because I am a big supporter of it anyways.

I know some people didn't like how the torture was presented as an effective method to extract information from the terrorists... That doesn't fit their ideological narrative that torture doesn't work.

Sent from my SAMSUNG Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Kevlang Yeah I agree with you on all of that man, it was an awesome movie. I think that all the hoopla just threw me threw a loop, because let's think about this, Human Centipede is a thing and people were like OMG AWESOME BUT GROSS! However when someone gets a rag over the face and some water to wash it down they flip out. I could see your point about the torture scene actually happening to people and being real fitting into this argument though.