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Zatanna and Trait. Useful or Useless?


Ahh yes. Zatannas trait. Such a crazy one you are. The risks you present. The reward you've been aching to receive.

Why is it I can only keep it as long as I'm not touched? Also, why is my mobility cut in half? Surely if I must stay outta block stun you would give me extra mobility. Atleast a jump!!! Shit if I could duck high projectiles I'd be satisfied. Nooo. It's too much to ask for.

That's its negatives, there are positives though. Nearly everything is plus on block. We all know about the chip. Standing 3 in trait isn't half bad. Electric Pillar is probably the games best anti air, and it has armor. Absorb is stupidly active and builds dumb meter. As does everything else in trait.

Let's let it be noted it doesn't last that long either. Maybe 10 seconds, enough time for 2 corner combos if set up correctly.

So everything does good damage and chip, builds good meter and has advantage. Your mobility becomes ass, you can't block low and if u do block, bye bye trait.

Lmao so I think I found something out. Not a piece of tech, more of a strategy. A rushdown footsie style of trait. Less zoning and more read based pressure. Capitalizing off of knockdowns. Using teleports to mess up inputs, OTG set ups and most importantly good reads. Tricking opponents into making a mistake.

Normally zoning seems to just get me hit, or forced to block. Her zoning becomes good, but not the best. So why zone? She can't duck or jump, so every Damn projectile in the game can hit you, why try to fight it?

I feel as zatanna players we need to come together and develop a system. We need to build our trait up. I feel I'm comfortable with the way I play in trait, I do more rushdown w low spark and electric pillar. Bait punishes and jumps. i tend to lose when I'm zoning and end up trading projectiles. Let's figure out a set in stone way to systematically use trait to capitalize on meter build, chip, damage and pressure.

How do u play trait? What are your faults in trait gameplay? What can we do to cover up the holes in trait?

Mr. Mileena

To empr sunfire, id tag u but idk how to spell ur name lmao


Meow Hoes
I don't really play zatanna anymore.
But in the corner I end my combo in MB trance or otg and go for lightning cage pressure or I'll do 3 df1 to be at plus 5
But 3 isn't an overhead for some reason so it doesn't force them to block high


I don't really play zatanna anymore.
But in the corner I end my combo in MB trance or otg and go for lightning cage pressure or I'll do 3 df1 to be at plus 5
But 3 isn't an overhead for some reason so it doesn't force them to block high
3 has ridiculous cancel advantage on it. 3 df3 is a true block string.


Best Zatanna that uses Aquaman
As far as using her trait offensively, the only thing I can come with is to end a combo in MB puppet master, trait, 1 xx df1. Then if timed right, you immediately shoot a df2 (hard to time though), this will hit them if they try to jump, or you get free chip if they block. Then from there you can shoot more shots etc.

I dunno if it's just me but I think the trait is fine the way it is.... it builds so much meter per shot and for absorbing. So yeah, of course it's gonna have a lack of mobility with so much meter granted.

My goal in trait is to gain meter (this means through both absorbing and shooting). If I can deal damage during trait, that's a bonus, not a necessity. I'll sometimes fight GLs where all I do in trait is absorb shots until they realize how much of a mistake it is (thanks for the 2 free bars). Then you use that meter for more MB rings, MB teleports, etc.

Probably one of the newer frame traps I found with zoning in trait is if you knock them down (df3 or df2), you shoot a df2 shot as a meaty, then follow up with a df3. If they try to jump, the df3 catches them to where you can loop the frame trap again.

But as far as using her trait offensively, I don't really have much more to add.


Regina George of discord
I also think trait is fine that way... I mean we have a great armored move that is +1 & has toms of active frames, also everything she has is + on this stance and the chip is ridiculous.


Meow Hoes
I wish 3 was an over head, that way it can jail into df1. That move dies hella chip and builds Bella meter. But she doesn't really need that


You inspire no fear.
If you can use it right it's awesome. It's insane against people that have no idea what's going on, but becomes limited against players that do.


Original Liu Kang cop.
Tbh, trait does last pretty long and it has pretty fast recharge time as well. I think it's fine the way it is, I mean it's not great and kind of pointless in some MU's but I like it. Either throw loads of shit or absorb loads of shit depending on the MU, it's free meter either way and to me trait is about the meter build.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
You do get to teleport still, and that armor on her stupid lightning cone is rage inducing in the corner. I feel like I'm fighting Bane sometimes. :/


That Yung Big Body
In some match ups it completely throws everything in her favor. If you are skilled enough to still be mobile while in trait there isnt much downside except maybe wasting a few injustice seconds. For what it does I think it should be used whenever possible, I've always thought that. If you lock someone down and build just one bar of meter, it was worth it

There are also some strange properties(glitches?)in her trait. Why do I turn invisible for a second and why does my special just phase through zatana when I double punch her trait db3(rod lighting)?

Mr. Mileena

I almost always end a combo in trait in corner and go up for Lightning Rod.

After that, I can dash in and do it again, i can chuck a low, or anti air with a upward into combo.
If they MB3 (1 hit version) lightning rod punishes them and they are left there again.

I also like to use trait in certain matchups where they can't zone, or, I like to end my combos in ex trance and trait up.. I sometimes trait up after regular trance due to reversed controls.


Original Liu Kang cop.
If I want to end a combo into trait i do f211 which hits them fullscreen and leaves Zatanna at good advantage.