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youtube callout


what player would u guys love most to destroy and put on youtube? my answer is simple.. its this guy called

bure1982,if you are reading this bure1982,please hit me up so i can destroy you sub vs sub .... this guy is a fuckin clown,

first of all the only good thing i can say about him is he does have a very good sub,but not as good as mine.... the first

time i played this guy, he won the first 2 matches then i took the next three and he quits lol.....then i ran into him again

sometime a couple weeks after that and he wins the first and i win the next 2 and he quits.. its obvious this guy does not

like playing people better than him.. and when he does he leaves really fast....then i ran into him today and we play 1

match, he won it then he leaves... i was so pissed off, i sent him messages asking him to fuckin play and he ignored me ...

i hope u are reading this bure1982 because I WANNA WHOOP YOUR ASS AND PUT IT ON YOUTUBE...any of you guys

wanna do the same thing to somebody?


i forgot to mention the part where this guy sends all these crazy messages after our first session sayin my mom is a whore and all this stupid dumb shit like he knows my mom lol..... i wanna EMBARRASS this guy so bad


Forum General Emeritus
Well now that you've made it public knowledge, he's never going to play you on your main account. You are going to have to create an alt name and get him that way.


haha I just called out someone for this exact matter in another post. I'm calling out CrazySlasher/spamturtlIQUIT for some youtube matches. Another delusional MK player who talks shit acting like they owned when in fact they got owned...


Its a good idea to keep a camera handy when playing, just to record asses. My channel doesn't have complete asses their good friends, some bad and some I don't even know just put to see myself play. But I can't really remember that well but I played bure1982 and beat him easily. Maybe he got better I dunno.. good luck catching him again btbb


bure1982 is a worthless douche. if he wins he'll keep trying but as soon as he loses (which doesn't take long) he bounces like a bish.


i still want r1ryda714 but he never responds. i want 9 more matches wth that ass clown.. o not 2 be boastful but i playd the real nicca scorp vs scorp and won 3 in a row.


So when u guys plays, it's always sub vs sub? I would really like to see that.

I wanna embarrass Jester305, but idk if I'm good enough to do so. the worst I ever did him was 5 or 6 in a row. And the last time we played he won two out of three, taunted and bounced. Btw he always taunts.

I wanna embarrass bucktown with raiden but I haven't been playing with raiden much lately so i'll probably just get my ass kicked. Plus scorpangel already took care of that.


yeah gem, we always play sub vs sub... he got a good one in my opinion but mine is better... i'm not sayin mine is the best but i no its better that his.....
frznsldr said:
i still want r1ryda714 but he never responds. i want 9 more matches wth that ass clown.. o not 2 be boastful but i playd the real nicca scorp vs scorp and won 3 in a row.
ok now ive been quiet for a long time about this, but you are a fucking moron. sorry for calling you out but im getting tired of you posting all this stuff saying how you want to play me and show everyone how im worthless. well then fucking add me on the psn or message me instead of running here and saying "i want to play r1", "im still waiting for r1 to fight me", "we need to play 9 more matches". first of all when did we even play 1 match and if we did why did we not play anymore matches???? that would be fucking dumb, think about that dude.

seriously you are the one who wants to show the mk community about me and how i cant play with anyone but mileena, and notice how no one is asking about this or saying "yea thats a good idea" its cuz no one cares. just stop coming on here saying you want to fight me but i have yet to this time right now from when you first started this bullshit attention whoring get a single message or friend request to do the 10 matches.

Im going to say this one time and thats it. if you want to fight me add me or message me on the psn, stop coming onto these boards saying you want to fight me. im not the one who wants to show anything, YOU ARE THE ONE AND ONLY PERSON and no one is asking about it. so please stop coming here where nothing will happen


homie ive playd u tons of times and it goes bak and forth even wth your mileena the 1 time u did random i had baraka and u had subby. i won and left bcuz a friend of mine pulld up.
ha last time i remember playing you i had a 13 or 14 win streak then came on here and said ggs and glad you didnt leave so quickly and then you got all butt hurt.


funny u said u had a 13 or 14 streak because in your previous statement i believe you said you've never played me before..... but oh i guess it just hit you and you remember clearly now since the rain is gone.gtfo dude you failed. i mean you can clearly see in your last post you said you had never played me. thanks tuxedo man you made my day for me.
im talking about the time you said we randomed, and i still have yet to recieve anything from you, like i said before stop coming here and talking. go on the psn and add me or message me if you want to fight. nothing will ever happen here


Forum General Emeritus
OK this soap opera has gone far enough. Why don't the both of you stop being pussies, get a camera, record the matches, post em om YouTube, and then we can finally end this debate? 8)
dciguy01 said:
OK this soap opera has gone far enough. Why don't the both of you stop being pussies, get a camera, record the matches, post em om YouTube, and then we can finally end this debate? 8)
DCI can you post that one pic you put up before with the 2 kittens fighting? Cuz that was fucking funny as shit man. Sorry no disrespect to R1RYDA or frznsldr but it was funny.
yea it is pretty pathetic and im embarrassed to be a part of it haha, i just wish he would communicate on the psn instead of here lol


this bure is a piece of shit, I've had to hide him a few times lately and of course just now when I get on hes the first person I run into, and of course he keeps leaving the lobby and wont fight me, I stay and wait with him for a while, then he finally starts the game and instantly quits.
Then I run into this Seshomaru666, so I obviously knew the kinda douche I was dealing with by the name. he waits and waits, eventually starts the game, picks kitana, I random for sub zero and of course whip his ass, then I infinite freeze him about 50 times to make up for wasting my time in the lobby. he writes me "come on [ban incoming]", next time he picks raiden believing he was good with him or something, I pick scorpion and before I even get to finish a very lop sided first round he quits. poor fools