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Your personal character tier



I'm kinda basing this on my win/loss ratio with the characters but also how comfortable and capable I am with each one.

Please comment, no modesty allowed.

1. RAIDEN- I've ended a lot of streaks back in the day with him, and I've had some seriously awesome raiden vs scorp matches with kensi, yung, fusion, marin007 and foozer. And I've won the majority of those. The only problem is that I usually need about three to five matches before I get really good with him. He also went undefeated in tourneys this year execpt for against sushi I think.

2. JOHNNY CAGE- A lot of people hate this guy, I don't. I've learned how to use his energy balls pretty well and they can throw people off pretty nicely. Shadow kick rocks when used in an unpredictable manner.

3. REPTILE- I only win about 60 percent of my matches with him but I like using him against most other characters. I lose most matches against mileena and raiden though... working on that. (even yung said he liked my reptile lol).

4. SUB ZERO- I try to be as original with him as possible I freeze people a lot and I throw ice puddles in the weirdest places but I don't catch people with them as much as I would like too. I win more matches with rep than i do him but I have a much easier time with mileena.

5. MILEENA- I'm starting to win a lot more with her but only because I sacrifice my aggression, and that kinda sucks.

6. KUNG LAO- I ripped a few pages from gwizzles lao but I'm nowhere near as good with lao as gw is. Again I try to be as original as possible with him. I have his tornado in better command, and I do the dive kicks really fast because they're harder to counter with done really fast.

7. BARAKA- I like playing with him against everyone except raiden and mileena. I call him Daddy Long legs

8. Shang Tsung - eh, he's cool

9.Scorpion- if there's one thing I hate, it's scorpion mirror matches. I make a lot of mistakes with him.

10. Lui Kang- I still haven't figured him out that well

11. Kitana- I usually win with her because of luck, period. Idk combos, tactics NOTHING

12. Jax- he's too bulky, I hate holding low kick. my style just cannot operate well with him. I may not be the least capable with him, but I'm def the least comfortable with him.

I'm curious to see how you all evaluate yourself.


1. Shang Tsung- I love his jabs and JK's. I win the most with him I think, plus the ability to morph to adapt to your opponent's playstyle make him my overall favorite/best character.

2. Raiden- Same as above, but replace JK's with electro-grab and torpedo. Teleport jabbing seems to infuriate most of the players in the PSN lobby, which makes it more entertaining.

3. Kitana- It seems like she has a setup for nearly every situation out there. I like her sweeps, and air fan (ground fan is too slow and recovery time is awful)

4. Sub-Zero- I'm not too good with him, but he seems to be really unpredictable when playing against a skilled player and I hope to get my Sub to that level soon.

5. Liu- He has more setups than Kitana does I think, but I'm not too comfortable with him yet. He has the most potential though for sure.

6. Scorpion- Love the teleport punch for projectile spammers, air throw is useful in some situations, but mostly constant pressure and confusion. Fun to play as.

7. Kung Lao- Nice projectile, and mirror matches with this guy are always a blast.

8. Reptile- I like his unpredictability, but I'm not too good with him.

9. Mileena- I know she is an absolute beast in good hands, but I don't know any good combos or anything with her.

10. Baraka- Meh

11. Cage- He can suck a dick.

12. Jax- Another awesome character than I just cannot get a grasp on. Awkward, clunky, pretty much everything David said.


1. Sub-Zero- he is my go to guy, if you can beat me with sub consistently, the odds are you can beat me with anyone consistently.. i just love the mind games sub plays and thats why i love to use him so much...

2.Reptile- i agree with everything gem said about him on top of me... i like to use him against anyone besides mileena and raiden...the coolest, funnest character to use in the game in my opinion.. he is my favorite, ranked slightly higher than sub... THERE IS NOTHIN BETTER THEN WATCHING A SKILLED REP TEAR SHIT UP... fusion117 and aria delano have the best reps out there, when they turn invisible it's like i'm playing "where's waldo", because i just simply can not find them lol... i would love to see them guys go at it rep vs rep.

3.Raiden- i usually win with him, i will atleast keep it close regardless of who i'm playing against... i love his teleport, it gets me out of alot of trouble... it might be my favorite move in the game.

4.Jax- i just don't see how anyone can't atleast be good with him.. he is just to strong of a character.. in the right hands he is just UNSTOPPABLE, and i think the strongest character in mk2.

5. Mileena- her sais are just too strong a move i have to put her here even tho i don't like using her and almost never pick her when i'm not randoming..

6. Shang Tsung-ditto everything davey_8000 said about him on top of me.(besides the winning the most with him part).

7. Scorpion- i would love to be better with him then i am since i love the ninjas but i am just average, because i can not get his combos off like other guys on this site can.. if i could he would shoot up my list.

8. Lui kang- in the right hands he is top 3 in mk2 but his bycycle kick just does not come out when i want it to and thats why i'm ranking him so low... i hate his jk and those 2 things are bigs reasons i usually don't pick him.

9.Johnny Cage- i am slowly getting better with him... and i usally do better with him when i least expect it... i'll be randoming and he will come out and i will always say the same thing "i knew this fuckin bum cage was gonna come out now" and then i play and win ... then a couple matches later he comes out again and i win and i say " maybe cage isn't that bad after all", then reality sets in and the truth comes out and i say

10.Kitana- i like her fan lift but can never seem to catch anybody with it... her fan throw doesn't come out when i want it to.. i like her teleport move and jk but she is alot better in other players hands.

11. Kung lao- i can play with him 2 matches and you would be thinking i am a kung lao master and then the next 5 matches you would think i am a amateur.. i just need alot more work with him to get his specials to come out quicker and on a more consistent basis.

12.Baraka- in my opinion he is just plain TERRIBLE... if you need a challenge playing mk2, pick him and try to win on a consistent basis... it can be done, but not by everyone.. the few times i was dominated by someone using him i knew i was playing a elite player.


Kit being my best.
raiden - shocking personality
mileena - considering i have a hard time against her
shang - midgets got jab pressures from hell.
liu - run and gun, too fast and very offensive.
cage - his mind games is crazy. the Up kicks got so much ranges. theres no comparison.
rep - invisible mind games. what else is there to say?
This is just how I feel today. Other than my top three, I could be wrong about everything else in here. I think the people you play the most know your best characters better than you do, honestly.

1. Shang Tsung - I do a much better job of controlling space and playing distances with Shang than I do with anyone else. Shang rapes almost everybody up close and I love his little elf jabs.

2. Kung Lao - Shitty jabs, but tornado and dive kick makes him incredibly fun to play with. Up close, it's better to go for headbutts and roundhouses than jabs, but if you're going to jab, go in looking for either a throw or jab pressure into tornado. Easiest combos in the game.

3. Mileena - She's cheap, she's easy to use, and she's fun. Good jabs. I do better with characters that have good jabs.

4. Raiden - Good jabs, jab pressure-shock grab combos are immensely fun; fun enough to risk eating an uppercut. Anti-air sucks, but you can fish for SUJP or SUJK into torpedo combos.

5. Kitana - Good jabs, crossovers are a lot of fun, incredibly cheap sweeps. Fan wave = the easiest 50% damage in the game. Very easy combos.

6. Cage - Great jabs, almost as good as Shang's. Crossovers into shadow kick, nut punch into abdomen chop or jab pressure (or alternating the two), sweeps baiting aa counterattacks (high bolt, uppercut, jabs, shadow punch). Bolt pressure to bait a jump in can be LOTS of fun; low, low, HIGH; low, high, LOW; low, HIGH; etc. The last one almost always knocks someone out of the air, I can't believe how well that works. Huge underdog against certain other characters, otherwise I'd have to rank him higher on my personal list.

7. Reptile - Very fun to use, I'm just not that great with him. I don't care that the force ball is so slow, I just wish it had less startup time and recovery. No jab pressure. I hate that. Invisibilty is fun, I don't use it nearly enough. Acid spit is weak, but fast, good for aa and, timed correctly, knocks everyone out of their body attacks from most angles. I win more matches with him than I should, and I don't really know why.

8. Liu - I'm not that great with Liu and wish I could take advantage of his immense cheapness the same way everyone else does. Still, it's hard not to win a fair amount of matches when you get up; best aa uppercuts in the game, cheap pressure with low fireballs, crazy damage with bicycle kick. aaJabs into bicycle kick is fun. I find him more annoying than fun, overall.

9. Scorpion - Meh. Very easy combos, I'm just not as good at controlling distances or being cheap with air throws like everyone else online. I can do very well with him, but I also make a lot of mistakes with him.

10. Sub-Zero - I only win with Sub because it's impossible not to with the massive damage your opponent eats when they make a mistake. No jab pressure. Slide comes out to slow, and I can't seem to cancel recovery frames with a slide like other people online do.

11. Baraka - I really like Baraka, he's just too vulnerable against everyone else. Great jump ins, decent jabs, very good roundhouse. Too vulnerable to female ninja sweeps and jab pressure. Complete gimp against decent Liu and Jax players.

12. Jax - Meh. I win a lot with Jax, but I still don't really feel comfortable with him. He's just too... bulky. I feel like I only win with him because he's so fucking cheap.


jax - the most equipped...i go to jax when i dont random most of the time

kitana - she just feels right for me...shes quick and has combo potential

scorpion - i didnt like using scorpion before...but his supremacy in the air and disappearance move is good under pressure...great roundhouse...and the spear/scissor take down is really tempting

liu kang - the quickest player...bicycle kick or even mbk is ultra damage...just too strong a character to miss out on.

j. cage - ive learned to like cage..

mileena - mileena is hard to fight against...i dont impress with her but her jab pressure and ground roll are convenient.

kung lao - really fun character...i dont compare with my lao against many though.

baraka - baraka can sometimes break the ice for me...hes imposing and really good in close combat

shang tsung - he has best jabs and high kick...i hate shang for his fireballs...just too slow. i dont even like to morph with shang.

reptile - not so impressive for me...i rarely play rep when i dont random

sub-zero - sub is a good character but imo hes cheap with those ice combos...i dont do too well with him either.

raiden - i hate raiden. period. when random select hits raiden twice in a row i just wanna quit.


lol. raiden is first for me but last for u, and it's the other way with jax.

@sushi I'm surprised you have reptile that low my friend.


1. Raiden - Superman is such a great move since it can be added on to any jump kick that connects, I also like to use it at just beyond sweep distance which usually catches people off guard. Also I've been doing a lot of early forward jump kicks lately and his are pretty good, they can knock mileena out of a telekick, and if you whiff you can go into a electrograb or make him think you are and go into jabs.

2. Liu Kang - Very quick moves, and suits my style since I like to play fast. Also if you get into trouble you can back up and shoot fireballs against most characters. It becomes a guessing game where Liu usually has the upperhand. Also his uppercut is godly.

3. Mileena - The roll is a great move and makes people think twice before going for the sweep. I like to do crossover kicks to sai and keep them locked down. Good jump kick and long sweep also.

4. Scorpion - Definitely one of my favorites to play with. The teleport punch is a great get out of jail move and also can be used quite creatively. Catching people with the spear the second they let go is something I love to do. Then from there you have a lot of options.. uppercut to telepunch/throw, roundhouse to jumpkick to spear etc. I don't utilize the air throw though as much as I would like to though.

5. Kung Lao - I have my on and off days with him. I really like all of his specials but sometimes I rely on them too much. His combos are also a lot of fun. I'd like to get more consistent with him.

6. Kitana - Not a huge fan of Kitana, mainly because of her limited options against turtles. But her high damage combos and projectile are great. I rarely use her fan lift except when i got them in the corner.

7. Baraka - Not many people like him but I'm starting to come around. I actually like his anti-air roundhouse better than the ninjas. Also he has great early jump kicks and can whiff into blade fury or if they're conditioned to block you can go into the double kicks.

8. Shang Tsung - Great up close with his fast sweeps and jabs, and also at full screen with his fireballs. And the ability to morph into a better counter character is nice.

9. Sub-Zero - Hmm I guess I'm not horrible with him but I think I try to be too offensive and lose because of it. I like to use a certain pattern after freezing them which usually works and takes off about 45% health.

10. Johnny Cage - I don't hate Cage and I think I do pretty well with him, but I'll have trouble against better players. High fireball to control the air and unexpected shadow kicks are where I get people with ol Johnny.

11. Jax - I hate Jax. lol I gotta do the runaway Jax to be effective with him.

12. Reptile - Not a fan of reptile. It's fun to go invisible but a lot of characters have an answer for everything he's got.


Mr. Sexy Pants
Kitana - I like speed. She feels the fastest for me (behind mileena except i have more control with kit). Low risk, high damage combos and good closeup.
Raiden - Teleport good for confusing opponents. Superman and priority shockgrab can throw off many opponents.
Shang - his jab pressure lockdown is hard to counter
Sub - tricky combo setups
Cage -
Scorpion -
Lao - risky to use but high damage reward
Reptile -


Forum General Emeritus
Raiden - Easily my favorite player. I pick him a lot when I bump into scrubs who turtle. Teleport, shock, 2 HP, superman will end that BS real fast. I like his ability to piss people off and he's got some outta nowhere moves that I am all too happy to exploit.

Kitana - I seem to have a lot of success with her as of late and I enjoy using her for quick combos (which I'm getting much better at).

Sub Zero - I love playing mind games with people and getting freeze combos. Watch my Youtube vid against Cuko to see what I mean. I would like to one day get my Sub to the point where it rivals Real_Talk.

Liu Kang - Aside from the ease of his moves, he is good for baiting uppercuts. I'm trying to borrow Scorpangel's strategy and make other players cower in a blocking position while I just throw air jabs. It's hillarious against noobs, lol.

Kung Lao - I like Lao, but he's not one of my best players. When he's in the air, you have to prepare to block or bite a bullet kick. Baiting the spin is another plus for him.

Mileena - Probably the most powerful character in the game when in the hands of an effective player. Love the Sai kick combo.

Jax - I don't mind holding LK, but his style isn't my preference. I can nail the backbreaker on a decent basis.

Reptile - Meh. He's alright and I like to setup the invisibilty for surprise, but nobody ever gives me a chance to stay that way, lol.

Scorpion - Scorpion bores me. Spear uppercut, repeat. Yawn.

Cage - I only use Cage for the ballbreaker, and that's just for fun. If I win a round with Cage, I use the ballbreaker as a fatality every time and I piss my pants laughing. It never gets old, lmao.

Baraka - Too boring. Jump kick, shredder. Spark blade is dumb and everybody avoids it.

Shang - I HATE SHANG TSUNG. He's too underpowered for me. I rarely win matches with him unless I morph into somebody else. I should probably utilize his JK more often, but I can't stand him overall. Weird, I know.


10 ft Tall Roadblock
Kung Lao...easily the most enjoyable character to play with
Kitana...my Jax killer
Shang...love jab pressuring the shit outta people with him
Reptile...fun to use, just not easy to win with
Baraka...i'm actually pretty good with him, just not very thrilling
Cage...meh, he's so damn slow and you usually spend the whole round chasing
Jax...can't stand this fool. i can use him pretty well, but i can't stand that runaway gp(mgp) crap. if you land on jax against me...i feel sorry for you cause i'm going to try to crush you...lol.


I thought I'd be the only one to have jax last wtf.
@kensi, I remember that day when ur lui couldn't be touched.


I would have to say that jax is my last char too. I can't stand playing against him. I can't stand to play him. He just drives me up the wall. Usually when people get jax and just run the whole time I see how long I can duck under/jump over wave punches and ground pounds. It really makes them mad when you make the whole round :)
Mileena-I win with her the most
Reptile-My guy
Scorp-Im starting to develop a deep love for him
Lao-My original fav
Shang-I think I can frustrate people with him
Baraka-Love the underdog, dont let me get inside
Kit-She just feels kind of natural
Sub-Somedays hes good, somedays hes not..mind games! Mind games! Mind games!
Cage-Love the combos he can create
Jax-Hes growing on me, as bulky and slow as he is
Raiden-Hate his mechanics
Kang-Hate his mechanics more! My kryptonite


no other then raiden of course... that way i can catch runners all the time...... second place takes millena cause of supperior movement back and forth using jab pressure and shit like that...


that's why i love raiden. he's the guy I go to when people start playing the run away game. is especially fun when you get em in the corner and they think they've got you cause you can't teleport but raiden is go good at the sujk and his jk to the face is awesome and with the superman in his arsenal it's pretty easy to keep em trapped there.


mileena/kitana= my top players,im just as good with one as the other.I feel these characters,i feel like im 1 with them.home sweet home!!i would say that i am mainly a combo player with kit/mil, always on the hunt for big hitter setups and i play up close with close tactics best with them compared to any other characters.

raiden= i love his tactics,between jabbing, teleporting and "iyeebobballay's", i feel right at home with him.

cage= cage is no joke, cage is NOT garbage,he is very very good. i feel comfortable using cage against any character,kang,jax or anyone.no probs.and if anyone really thinks hes garbage,come play me when im cage and i guarentee you wont feel like that after we are done,lol.

kung lao= i like his sheild tactics, and i like the tactics that lead into other moves. i like jabbing right into sheilds at close range,shit is tough.

scorpion= im ok with him,simply ok.

reptile= fun factor is through the roof! i have a reptile law i follow, when ever i hit gound i either disappear or re-appear,no matter what is happening. if im visible,the next time i leave ground and land i disappear instantly. i have that move ALWAYS buffed in the air,never a single time when i dont. my reptile is goofy because all you see me doing is disappearing and reappearing whenever i land on the ground no matter what the situation is,and because of this, im very used to playing him in a flashy way.

sub= im ok with him,ok.

shang stung= i have bad habits with him, for some reason i only morph into 5 chracters with him, kit,mil,cage,lao,raiden. not a fan of shang.

baraka=i have been liking him more and more,but that only goes so far...........

liu kang=kinda stupid



Mr. Sexy Pants
Current median MKII Tier (of 12 rankings polled lower score is better)

1> raiden {1 2 3 2 4 12 1 2 1 9 11 3} 51

2> kit {11 3 10 1 5 2 6 1 2 4 7 2} 54

3> mileena {5 9 5 3 3 6 3 11 6 2 1 1} 55

4> scorp {9 6 7 8 9 3 4 6 9 1 3 6} 71

5> lao {6 7 11 11 2 7 5 7 5 3 4 5} 73

5> shang {8 1 6 4 1 9 8 3 12 7 5 9} 73

7> sub {4 4 1 7 10 11 9 4 3 6 8 8} 75

8> kang {10 5 8 6 8 4 2 9 4 5 12 11} 84

9> rep {3 8 2 10 7 10 12 8 8 8 2 7} 85

10> cage {2 11 9 9 6 5 10 5 10 11 9 4} 91

11> jax {12 12 4 5 12 1 11 10 7 12 10 12} 108

12> baraka {7 10 12 12 11 8 7 12 11 10 6 10} 116


Goofart said:
Current median MKII Tier (of 12 rankings polled lower score is better)

1> raiden {1 2 3 2 4 12 1 2 1 9 11 3} 51

2> kit {11 3 10 1 5 2 6 1 2 4 7 2} 54

3> mileena {5 9 5 3 3 6 3 11 6 2 1 1} 55

4> scorp {9 6 7 8 9 3 4 6 9 1 3 6} 71

5> lao {6 7 11 11 2 7 5 7 5 3 4 5} 73

5> shang {8 1 6 4 1 9 8 3 12 7 5 9} 73

7> sub {4 4 1 7 10 11 9 4 3 6 8 8} 75

8> kang {10 5 8 6 8 4 2 9 4 5 12 11} 84

9> rep {3 8 2 10 7 10 12 8 8 8 2 7} 85

10> cage {2 11 9 9 6 5 10 5 10 11 9 4} 91

11> jax {12 12 4 5 12 1 11 10 7 12 10 12} 108

12> baraka {7 10 12 12 11 8 7 12 11 10 6 10} 116
Quite a big difference from the normal tier list. It's almost backwards!


I'd say that was quite genius of you. I think fusion will be posting on here soon, and I'm pretty sure I could guess foozers but I'm gonna ask him anyway.

@davey, it is a weeee bit. Bar, rep and cage are still pretty much where they were before, but kang an jax are surprisingly low it looks. (YEAH RAIDEN!!)
Ok Gem here you go buddy , i figured id stop by and rank my characters....

1. S C O R P I O N
2. R E P T I L E
3.S U B - Z E R O
4. J O H N N Y C A G E
5.S H A N G T S U N G
6. B A R A K A
7. K I T A N A / M I L E E N A
8. L U I K A N G / K U N G L A O / J A X / R A I D E N

...not sure how to sort out the lower part of my tier , but thats pretty much it.


1. Kitana- fits my fighting strategy to a T. sweeps, sweeps, and more sweeps. yungnicca loves it.

2. Cage- my favorite since the arcade days---uppercuts are a mans best friend.

3. Jax- good--not my best--love doing the back breaker.

4. Liu- why do i always run when i play with this dude?

5. Scorpion- get over here!!! no brainer.

6. Sub-Zero- another no brainer.

7. Mileena- everyones favorite except mine, i just can't do the combos.

8. Raiden- getting better with him.

9. Shang Tsung- i hate playing against this dude---very tough.

10. Reptile- boring---but fun to kick peoples ass with.

11. Kung Lao- very quick---but he's a [ban incoming] with midget legs.

12. Baraka- dumb


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I have the most fun when I play with Reptile unless it's against Liu/Mileena/Raiden. I used Reptile and Sub back in the arcade days.

So my list would be like this:

1. Reptile
2. Sub
3. Shang
4. Scorpion
5. Raiden
6. Lao
7. Mileena
8. Kitana
9. Jax
10. Cage
11. Baraka
12. Liu


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Liu Kang and Jax are bullshit characters 100%

At least Mileena's air sais are manageable.

Shang is so great just because of his ridiculous midget normals.