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Your New Year Resolutions for 2013


Blue Blurs for Life!
With 2013 just a week away, no harm in asking this now. What have you resolved to commit yourself to for the new year? You can list more than one resolution if you wish.

Mine are:

1. Getting back to working out and never letting it fall out of hand again like I did a few times this year. :(

2. Promoting the activities of OKC's Hardcore LAN Center once our new site goes online. A thread will be released with information.

3. Improving my skills in all fighting games I play, especially MK.


Forum General Emeritus
1. Win MK2 at one (or more if financially possible) of the three eastern majors
2. Get a FT job as an instructional designer with a good payrate
3. Get my 4th Dan in taekwondo (will happen within the first 3 weeks of 2013)

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
-Be at the top of my Latin class for the 4th year in a row <3
-Write more poetry than the previous year
-spend more time with family and friends


1. Drink less beer
2. Stay in shape for the majority (if not the entire) year
3. Continue my Kung Lao progress in UMK3


Cold day in hell...
1. Return to and keep my old boxing weight of 145.
2. Put some work into my passions instead of being absorbed with my job. Write, sing, perform... don't just work all day and go along like it's enough.
3. Place top 8 at MK or Injustice at a major. Preferably Final Round XVI MK.
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Show me what you can do
1. Improve my confidence, both in MK and IRL.
2. Come out of my shell. I've been talking on here (which is decreasing), but I hardly talk IRL.
3. Go to a major this year. I've been saving up, but school prevents me from doing anything.


Dojo Trainee
play more MK
post on TYM more often
find an MMA gym
release 4 albums
continue working on my mental health
get health insurance
skateboard more
have more parties at my house


Stay Free
1. Start it with a bang on my birthday the 23rd Jan
2. Become a top Injustice player (because lets face it, its too late for me in MK :p )
3. Win my coach's respect and re-earn a spot on my college soccer team!


1. Get my GPA up in school and get better study habits and times
2. Actually get involved in a club at my school
3. Work out, maybe...
4. Get better at MK and Tekken