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General/Other - Hat Trick XL 1.12 Hat Trick Lao Changes

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Not satisfied with this at all, the teleport combo buff is a bill, in order do connect you have to Jump with standing 2, then you have to perform ex teleport while in the air so you can connect the throw, not to say its very difficult to get that timing right. none of his ground strings link into ex tele grab, so you cannot use punishes with this new change at all.

The worst part is, Hat Call Backs will still have a low float if hits anyone crouching, still whiffs on some characters neutral crouching, we will have to be japan level to play hat trick.
Above hat trap is the same, no adictional commands no trajectory corrections, all strings frame data are exactly the same.

He also got some random buffs he didn't needed
Away low trap has now 25 recovery frames just as a regular trap, low hat trap also has 25 recovery frames.

Its also worth mentioning that 44 links in Hat Trick was untouched, we still get 36% raw damage, and Hatarang combos are all intact damage wise.

Well, it seems most of what we've been debating was all for nothing after all, meanwhile Tempest gets new ways to extend his damage from the new Hat Spin change which even allows him to switch sides with the opponent while he combos, as if he wasn't viable at all.

Its been fun guys, but if you are willing to play hat trick, you have to be more than just good, the odds will continue to be against you not because you suck, but because the game itself will work against you, can't wait to rage out of HCB whiffing on pixel life costing me the match when i need it the most (it has happened before).

Can't wait to my opponents to wakeup holding down to make my jugglers nearly impossible to fill on my own right reads. GGs Hat Trick Community.

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The first thing i did when i got the xl was test out lao.

I agree with you with tempest ex hat spin with 40f hit advantage didnt feel needed. I have done alot of stupid things with it and i dont even need it.

Buzzsaw and hattrick felt the same to me and i really want to use those other 2 variations but cannot understand why the ex hat spin was buffed doesnt make any sense to me. It basically makes his teleports even more dangerous when he has it out but id rather get buzzsaw and hattrick buffs any day of the week,

Also i dont know if this is the case but i noticed his backdash seemed better and the forward dash.

So with buzzsaw and hattrick i dont know where it goes on from here.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Not surprised, they only either nerfed or gave insignificant buffs to the variations I play. Sorry for being a bad luck charm guys :DOGE

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Not surprised, they only either nerfed or gave insignificant buffs to the variations I play. Sorry for being a bad luck charm guys :DOGE
You should have actually played Jason just for the lols. Get him nerfed again, watch Jeremiah commit haha

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
was that hard to give hat trick some buffs? The best variation receives no love, I just don't get it.
The only thing he has to work with in XL is finding out if the new DLC characters can or not neutral crouch is Hat Call Backs.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Yup, and with this news, me and this character are officially done. I'll still keep the guide updated if anyone has anything to contribute. Not playing this walking gimmick anymore though.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
More news, Hat Trick got some stealth nerfs.
If you use Hatarang, you can no longer hat trap right before the hat gets back to your head, the variation was already ass why his only reliable tech was removed? makes no sense.

Hatarang~(hits long range)~tele 2 no longer links since now he spawns on the other side hatless, so ETC Mcfly tech is gone.

Replace the old combo with this: (Fullscreen) Hatarang (first hit connects), jump in~dive kick~1, B32~spin, b321~low hat trap, it does 25% damage.

Will try to work on with the new hat traps random buffs later.

@God Confirm
@ROG Moonspell
@ETC Mcfly
@Big Pampering

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
That is fantastic news Eddy. I am so glad that NRS has devoted their time to improve Hattrick. I honestly lost allmost my interest in this character since the patch. Playing him for the past 2-3 months on almost daily basis gave me a clear view and understanding of the character or i should say his way. Going against A-list, Wrestler, Sworn Queen and Royal Storm the only thing that kept Me fighting like a stupid was hope for NRS to finish what they've started, but insted of that...well, I get at least Cyber Sub that dosent suck balls like he did back in the day and much more retarded HatTrick.

I will still play Hattrick but not on tournament level. He will remain as very fun to play character on Sundays afternoon. I will stil be around the forums because I have some love left for him but because of these...issues he is not Tournament viable in my honest opinion.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
That is fantastic news Eddy. I am so glad that NRS has devoted their time to improve Hattrick. I honestly lost allmost my interest in this character since the patch. Playing him for the past 2-3 months on almost daily basis gave me a clear view and understanding of the character or i should say his way. Going against A-list, Wrestler, Sworn Queen and Royal Storm the only thing that kept Me fighting like a stupid was hope for NRS to finish what they've started, but insted of that...well, I get at least Cyber Sub that dosent suck balls like he did back in the day and much more (soap bar in my mouth) HatTrick.

I will still play Hattrick but not on tournament level. He will remain as very fun to play character on Sundays afternoon. I will stil be around the forums because I have some love left for him but because of these...issues he is not Tournament viable in my honest opinion.
Think you mighta misread this thread brah, point is they gave him nothing worthwhile and actually gave him nerfs


While hattrick got the ass tempest got a 40f hit advantage ex hat lol. Im still in dismay about it. Feel bad for ya eddy that u dropped him though if you pick up tempest let me know.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Are we really that surprised they didn't touch him? There are multiple characters who need fixes that didn't get them, and things like the hurtbox change to small hurtbox characters I actually think was made worse because I was having a LOT more highs and stuff whiff than usual. I was surprised to see they'd taken what I'd said about the hatarang scaling and buffed that a bit but it looks like testing all his hat trap cancel frame data was for nothing because they haven't touched him. So much for the high level community's opinion.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
While hattrick got the ass tempest got a 40f hit advantage ex hat lol. Im still in dismay about it. Feel bad for ya eddy that u dropped him though if you pick up tempest let me know.
I haven't dropped him yet, but i will, its just kinda hard to let him go, because i've been playing him since launch.

Are we really that surprised they didn't touch him? There are multiple characters who need fixes that didn't get them, and things like the hurtbox change to small hurtbox characters I actually think was made worse because I was having a LOT more highs and stuff whiff than usual. I was surprised to see they'd taken what I'd said about the hatarang scaling and buffed that a bit but it looks like testing all his hat trap cancel frame data was for nothing because they haven't touched him. So much for the high level community's opinion.
aren't you? I am.
What really pisses me off, are the dudes who came in here, saying Hat Trick is fine, but never actually played the character often to see the wrongs on him.
I'm just asking myself if NRS hasn't tested the stuff themselves, and then they just decided to not give him anything at all.

I Ask myself, how the hell they come in conclusion that tempest needed a buff he didn't need at all.


yeah your right eddy that its hard to let go of lao especially when you put alot of time and effort in.
Are there any dlc characters that fit your gameplay? @Eddy Wang

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
yeah your right eddy that its hard to let go of lao especially when you put alot of time and effort in.
Are there any dlc characters that fit your gameplay? @Eddy Wang
He is such a fast speed character, that relies more on people blocking him so he can build meter to become even more offense oriented, kinda sucks that this play style its kinda dead.

I've been playing Drunken Master Bo' Rai Cho and Smoke.


B2s and Birdarangs
He is such a fast speed character, that relies more on people blocking him so he can build meter to become even more offense oriented, kinda sucks that this play style its kinda dead.

I've been playing Drunken Master Bo' Rai Cho and Smoke.
Well there goes our last hope for Hat Trick. The swaggiest Lao ever seen in the MK universe. RIP

Now get over to the BRC DM threads and give us some of that Eddy Wang swag tech :REO


I don't understand why everyone is upset? Other than HCB whiffing on some characters when they duck I don't see what else hat trick needs. What did you guys have in mind? Unblockable insta-kills? 70% meterless? The character is fine.

I've been playing hat trick since october-ish and never felt he was a "gimmicky" character. Yes, you have to make reads, that doesn't mean the character needs buffs or is dead. Other than HCB traveling in a straight line I honestly don't think he NEEDS anything else. If anything I'd say give him an ex hat trap with 15~ recovery frames, but he doesn't need that either.
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Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I don't understand why everyone is upset? Other than HCB whiffing on some characters when they duck I don't see what else hat trick needs. What did you guys have in mind? Unblockable insta-kills? 70% meterless? The character is fine.

I've been playing hat trick since october-ish and never felt he was a "gimmicky" character. Yes, you have to make reads, boohoo.
this is the kind of post i'm talking about.

The character relies on his hat to apply pressure to juggle, to extend combos and to frame trap and to have armor, everytime he puts it out there is doesn't have defense aside from connecting his normals.
Aside of whiffing, it also launches very low in the air if hits someone crouching, and lao himself fastest normal is 8 frames and hits high, the frame advantage on HCB is -7 unless a bar is used, everything else is slow and susceptible to low profiling or unsafe, so you need the hat to launch those who don't want to deal with the pressure and wakeup poking, throwing.

Having the hat launching really low doesn't help, as you said, the character requires reads, if you make the right read you won't get your combo because the sistem tells that HCB on crouching characters doesn't have the same juggle propriety as hitting them standing, has result f2, b3, and standing 1 which are his common fillers won't work, its impossible to see which one will you use, because if it hits them standing, and you d4 to connect the filler, you will lose the juggle because the float is different.

the variation itself has a very limited area for the hat to connect when canceled from normals, if you and your opponent are not in that range, doesn't matter if you read correctly or if you punished correctly you will not get your combo.

we're not asking for unblockables, neither stupid things, we just want the hat to hit mid against everyone consistently, to launch equally on stand or crouching stances when it juggles, and to be able to let the hat go back to lao's head if he punishes from far of distances when he makes correct reads but the hat is too far off so he can do a regular bnb with the hat positioned either in any direction or distance. i don't care if his damage gets scaled a bit if he gets this change also i don't care if he doesn't have plus strings, but having this would definitely make the character viable.

and make his hcb at least -6 so he can actually use against himself, i get reversal punished everytime i hcb on pressure against lao mirrors.


"we just want the hat to hit mid against everyone consistently, to launch equally on stand or crouching stances when it juggles, and to be able to let the hat go backto lao's headifhe punishes from far of distances when he makescorrect reads but the hat is too far off so he can do a regular bnb with the hat positioned either in any direction or distance."

I agree with these, and the HCB being safer, but I still don't think he needs them to be tournament viable. Even though it's -7 there's not much block stun, if I read that they'll press buttons (who doesn't when they're +7) I consistently get out a ex df1. With half the cast having 6/7 frame pokes now this'll be less common, but w/e.

I truly only think he NEEDS his HCB to be -5 or -6. He's fine everywhere else. He doesn't have to be top tier to be viable.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
"we just want the hat to hit mid against everyone consistently, to launch equally on stand or crouching stances when it juggles, and to be able to let the hat go backto lao's headifhe punishes from far of distances when he makescorrect reads but the hat is too far off so he can do a regular bnb with the hat positioned either in any direction or distance."

I agree with these, and the HCB being safer, but I still don't think he needs them to be tournament viable. Even though it's -7 there's not much block stun, if I read that they'll press buttons (who doesn't when they're +7) I consistently get out a ex df1. With half the cast having 6/7 frame pokes now this'll be less common, but w/e.

I truly only think he NEEDS his HCB to be -5 or -6. He's fine everywhere else. He doesn't have to be top tier to be viable.
Lao has a 7f spin, he can reversal punish HCB every single time he block it because his special move travels forward, or sucks you in. The inconsistency on juggles are hurting his game more than it should, that is why is needed, he won't top tier with this changes IMO, if everyone can consistently get his combos to work, why can't we? It doesn't make sense him be this way.

He's is only able to apply pressure when the hat is behind his opponents and he has meter, having this changes will only make his game work with no inconsistencies, which should be enough.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
I truly only think he NEEDS his HCB to be -5 or -6. He's fine everywhere else. He doesn't have to be top tier to be viable.
He does have to be viable to be viable tho. Which he most certainly is not. The variation isn't functioning properly


How often do your opponents disrespect your hat to the point that you rely on starting combos from DD2? Because that's definitely not something I need in my game plan for hat trick.

Also yeah that's why I said HCB needs to be safe.

Also how is the variation not functioning properly? If you make the right reads you have everything you could possibly need.