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Xbox360 New DashBoard Update Is Now Live!


Well after playing with it for quite some time now I have to say it sucks ass. All the new apps we were suppose to get like youtube, ufc, fios tv dont even work yet. I like the new cloud storage system which is nice but i never play my games other then my own house. The New Dash is kinda a pain to get used to since i was so used to scrolling up and down now u gotta go left and right. Still messing with some of the other features like the beacons which seems kinda interesting. There is a new app i never heard of before called EpixHd i guess this is another netflix type program that u gotta pay a monthly fee for. Dont need it since i got netflix already. When is xbox ever gonna add a god damn web browers to there system? Well whats every1 elses thoughts on this new dash update?


Crazy 88 king
I personally like it.According to Major Nelson the rest of the promised apps (youtube,xfinity,ufc,etc) will be rolled out by mid Jan. The beacon system is awesome as is the bing feature if you have kinect(adding voice command to headsets soon)

Tim Static

still havent DL'd it yet but from what friends who've beta tested it, they say its uber sexy and absolutely brilliant.

but no web browser. completely unnecessary for a game console imo

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
It works flawlessly with voice commands. This is what they should have rolled out with the kinect.

I can see cloud storage being a big deal these days. Kids going to their friends house, keeping saves... simple things that make life easier. This is one update that actually said "oh well" to their USB storage idea. weird...


PTH | Korpse
this is what the dashboard should have been from the start, the whole beacons idea is absolutely brilliant. Sony take notes

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
So much better than the last ones. It's really nice and simple, the way it should've been from the start.


Don't have Kinnect yet (but wouldn't use voice commands anyway since I mostly play when the kids are sleeping)

Don't need to take my saves to a mates house.

So.... with that said this update is purely cosmetic for me and nothing more.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
I still prefer the look of the original dashboard layout but this is a huge improvement. Well done.


Crazy 88 king
my theory on xbox never getting a web browser is based upon it taking away from all these apps that keep coming.if there was a web browser you wouldnt need apps for youtube,hulu,netflix,espn,etc


EX Ovi should launch
Did XBOX take the same sort of layout as the windows 8/windows phones now? Because if they did that is very unfortunate for you xbox players :p


my theory on xbox never getting a web browser is based upon it taking away from all these apps that keep coming.if there was a web browser you wouldnt need apps for youtube,hulu,netflix,espn,etc
You might be right about that. But thats y i want the browser so we can do even more stuff with out having to pay extra for it.

Did XBOX take the same sort of layout as the windows 8/windows phones now? Because if they did that is very unfortunate for you xbox players :p
Yea windows 8 looks just like this. If u check out youtube u can see videos of windows 8 in action and u can download the beta of windows 8 to try out on ur pc right now.


EX Ovi should launch
You might be right about that. But thats y i want the browser so we can do even more stuff with out having to pay extra for it.

Yea windows 8 looks just like this. If u check out youtube u can see videos of windows 8 in action and u can download the beta of windows 8 to try out on ur pc right now.
Ive played around with the beta yeah its pretty disgusting, although come the time when HTML 5 is up and dominating im sure that a new OS will be ready to incorporate all the tech with it, so windows 8 either will be that OS or they will release another one to do just that.

Im happy enough with windows 7 to disregard 8 at the moment, as it is horrifically disgusting and completely un-necessary at this point.

Standing by my point that this is very unfortunate for you xbox lovers :D


I've seen a few people saying they don't care about cloud save games because they only play at home, remember that if you save your games there and your xbox dies (I know, it never happens), you won't lose your saves. So think of it as online backup.

although come the time when HTML 5 is up and dominating im sure that a new OS will be ready to incorporate all the tech with it, so windows 8 either will be that OS or they will release another one to do just that.
Windows 8 will be that OS. Native Metro apps are Html5 + Javascript. IMO its stupid. Yea, us web app developers can use the same skills to build native Win8 apps, but honestly, building native web apps really sucks. The web is horrid for building "applications." It really sucks, Javascript is awful, and the simpliest things to do in native apps become a nightmare in the web. Its way more expensive to build a web app than native one. Sorry for the rant. :rant2:


EX Ovi should launch
I've seen a few people saying they don't care about cloud save games because they only play at home, remember that if you save your games there and your xbox dies (I know, it never happens), you won't lose your saves. So think of it as online backup.

Windows 8 will be that OS. Native Metro apps are Html5 + Javascript. IMO its stupid. Yea, us web app developers can use the same skills to build native Win8 apps, but honestly, building native web apps really sucks. The web is horrid for building "applications." It really sucks, Javascript is awful, and the simpliest things to do in native apps become a nightmare in the web. Its way more expensive to build a web app than native one. Sorry for the rant. :rant2:
If you become a boss at HTML 5 asap you could probably make yourself a fair bit in the future when it replaces java and flash and whatnot, it hasnt taken off yet but theres some serious shit that you can do with it, alot of sites are starting to incorporate it already and when it really gets going it will probably take over, and everybody knows the amount of money thats in developing shitty useful apps for idiots :D


If you become a boss at HTML 5 asap you could probably make yourself a fair bit in the future when it replaces java and flash and whatnot, it hasnt taken off yet but theres some serious shit that you can do with it, alot of sites are starting to incorporate it already and when it really gets going it will probably take over, and everybody knows the amount of money thats in developing shitty useful apps for idiots :D
We're already moving to html5, but I'm not convienced it will replace flash. Many want more control over video playback, or want to use codecs browsers don't support, etc. Plus html5 + js suffers the same problems Java does; write once, test everywhere. And the control set is limited, like I said. Really, only in 2011 did we get a date picker control? And its not as feature rich as a native control would be. You'd make more money building the same app natively than you do on the web.