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Xbox One could be forced to sell without kinect in USA


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Basically, bypartisan support for a bill which would make it illegal to sell kinect unless its a clear opt in. Default being opt out. And when kinect is opt in, they would be forced to have clear as day large font writing that says "WE ARE WATCHING YOU".​
Hopefully it gets passed, this would be a great win for privacy, even after all the shady shit the governments done with prism.​

Oh and they could be forced to create a kinect that doesn't monitor you.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
I expect this to not get very far or even be able to get shoved through before launch...but it would be way to funny to have all future gameplay trailers have "we are watching you" on them...

Didn't it they also say that they were having every game have some kinect function...also with the dash...man I hope it don't pass...that would suck...

Sent under duress.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I expect this to not get very far or even be able to get shoved through before launch...but it would be way to funny to have all future gameplay trailers have "we are watching you" on them...

Didn't it they also say that they were having every game have some kinect function...also with the dash...man I hope it don't pass...that would suck...

Sent under duress.
I hope it does we need more legislation that further protects our constitutional rights from these companies that think that they circumvent them.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I hope it gets passed.

In theory its a win win really for politicians. They seem to be working together. And they help privacy.

And who loses? Well, only one product. So, its not like its affecting a lot of people. And there are lobbyists on both sides, and with public opinion against prism and shit, them doing this could be like 'oh look we did this'.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
I hope it does we need more legislation that further protects our constitutional rights from these companies that think that they circumvent them.
That's true I mean it would force them to change...

Its getting hard to keep up with all the neg press...today was just this and that Navy news magazine thing right?

Sent under duress.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
That's true I mean it would force them to change...

Its getting hard to keep up with all the neg press...today was just this and that Navy news magazine thing right?

Sent under duress.
Its not so much just MS, if MS is allowed to force the Kinect with its anti-privacy abilities, it will then allow other companies to do the same. This is to bring it to light what they are doing and stop it before it becomes a bigger deal than it is.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Its not so much just MS, if MS is allowed to force the Kinect with its anti-privacy abilities, it will then allow other companies to do the same. This is to bring it to light what they are doing and stop it before it becomes a bigger deal than it is.

True, but as it stands, it only affects the kinect. But if it means no more kinects in the future, then that's great.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Yes and no, each article including the official one speaks of Verizon before they were able to implement a similar device. This a counter measure bill.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Yes and no, each article including the official one speaks of Verizon before they were able to implement a similar device. This a counter measure bill.

Verizon haven't build anything yet so, it can't be affected. Kinect is the only thing that can be affected.

On another note, how would this work then? Would existing sold ones be affected if it passes later than launch? Would microsoft have to do a huge stock recall to adjust it and then adjust hardware and software and so much and so on?

It would be a huge cost to them.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Yes and no, each article including the official one speaks of Verizon before they were able to implement a similar device. This a counter measure bill.
They knew of that before it seems...probably don't pay attention to xbox much til now..

But the entire military being antixbox will make things like this bill pass easier...I knew this wouldn't sit well with anyone in security roles...

Sent under duress.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Verizon haven't build anything yet so, it can't be affected. Kinect is the only thing that can be affected.

On another note, how would this work then? Would existing sold ones be affected if it passes later than launch? Would microsoft have to do a huge stock recall to adjust it and then adjust hardware and software and so much and so on?

It would be a huge cost to them.
Well most of it would be software oriented likely, but I have to further analyze this new information, I cannot make any assess ment on reading this article one time I have to have time to dig deeper.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
No change in policy.
No street date breaks.
Dismissing your competition because they don't focus on skype and TV.
'Hotter RAM'.
Hey xboxes are known for running cold...:rolleyes:
At least he didn't say...the clooooud...
But yeah I meant it as a how the fuck does this make them look better...sorry..

Sent under duress.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Hey xboxes are known for running cold...:rolleyes:
At least he didn't say...the clooooud...
But yeah I meant it as a how the fuck does this make them look better...sorry..

Sent under duress.

I'm a bit sad that they're gonna keep don mattrick locked up deep in a dungeon.

Guy was comedy gold.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
They knew of that before it seems...probably don't pay attention to xbox much til now..

But the entire military being antixbox will make things like this bill pass easier...I knew this wouldn't sit well with anyone in security roles...

Sent under duress.
Very true, with the attention that MS has been getting I felt it wouldn't be too long before some things were moved within the governmental side. Look at the known factors currently, NSA leaks, the PRISM development, and then you have proof that MS is one of the companies involved as well as many others. The military having security concerns over the system. Yeah its safe to say they are gaining attention form more than gamers this time.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Very true, with the attention that MS has been getting I felt it wouldn't be too long before some things were moved within the governmental side. Look at the known factors currently, NSA leaks, the PRISM development, and then you have proof that MS is one of the companies involved as well as many others. The military having security concerns over the system. Yeah its safe to say they are gaining attention form more than gamers this time.
Yeah and slamming down on one of the big names from prism would look good for them...and to go against someone the military is against now...
This is also congress so we got to watch what riders are with it if any and they will probably change the language 5 or 6 times...

Sent under duress.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
What's sad is I think the US is the only place it will sell good...

Sent under duress.

Microsoft won America 40m to 25m and UK 8m to 5m.

Sony had the rest of the world. And sony will have the rest of the world again because most of the world can't even play xbox one games.

Polls all show American and the UK swapping sides. At worst, I think it will be 50/50 in america, with everywhere else Sony.