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XBL Connection issues


My blades will find your heart
My xbox has been having trouble recieveing my IP address and now my DNS servers. I have already done the following:

Reset router and xbox(50 times)
Reset to factory defaults
Manually put in IP address, subnet mask, gateway, MAC, DNS servers

The only thing I have not done is connect my xbox straight to my modem. This is because not only would I have to move it across my house, but I would also have to spend an hour cleaning out unk and moving furniture to get to it.

Honestly ive been working at it for two days now and am at a loss. I figured I might as well ask on here since someone may know something I have not tried. Any help is appreciated.

PS: I have already done everything that XBL online help has suggested, just so no one links that page.


My blades will find your heart
how old is the xbox?
The ethernet port might be frying.
Pretty old. Is there any way to get a new ethernet port and not buy a whole new xbox?
Its your internet net provider. Whenever I've had problems with "DNS servers" is when the internet was down.
Im on the internet as I write this :p Every computer in the house works fine, and so does the wii. Just the xbox.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
i'm going to assume you don't have a wireless thingy for it. That would test whether or not it really was just the port itself.
This will sound dumb.... have you switched cables?



Now it wont even test the connection. wtf is wrong with this piece of shit.
Is the light next to the port in the xbox lighting? Have you tried different and known working cables? If you have a crossover cable try connecting to your pc if you have more than one port on it. Try bridging your connections and see if it works then.

Also, do you have the latest network drivers installed on the xbox? (sorry, thats actually a joke.)


My blades will find your heart
so you don't use a cord to connect? ...... try that?
You mean connect straight to the modem/router? I am going to try that later today, only reason I dont do it now is because my family is using the computer and I dont feel like lugging my xbox to the other side of the house.


My blades will find your heart
Eh, I finally moved everything around and prepped it for plugging it into the modem and when I came back...it magically worked.

So after I go back to clean up and come back, its not working.

The key is the though it DID work for a few minutes, so I think it has to just be on XBL's end. Is it possible that halo 4 and COD have overloaded their servers?


Eh, I finally moved everything around and prepped it for plugging it into the modem and when I came back...it magically worked.

So after I go back to clean up and come back, its not working.

The key is the though it DID work for a few minutes, so I think it has to just be on XBL's end. Is it possible that halo 4 and COD have overloaded their servers?
Unlikely. If you're still trying wireless, it could be interference. You could set the wireless router to use a different channel. Exact steps depend oh which router you have.

Seriously try hard wiring it to the router, if it works something is up with the signal. If you have a smart offline get an app named WiFi analyzer, you'll be able to see all wireless networks around and see if there are less used channels.


My blades will find your heart
Unlikely. If you're still trying wireless, it could be interference. You could set the wireless router to use a different channel. Exact steps depend oh which router you have.

Seriously try hard wiring it to the router, if it works something is up with the signal. If you have a smart offline get an app named WiFi analyzer, you'll be able to see all wireless networks around and see if there are less used channels.
Ill try that then. I keep being able to sign on and getting kicked off, so maybe hard wiring it will do the trick.


Ill try that then. I keep being able to sign on and getting kicked off, so maybe hard wiring it will do the trick.
At the very least we can see if it's wireless or something from the router to the internet. We'll be able to rule out certain problems.


My blades will find your heart
At the very least we can see if it's wireless or something from the router to the internet. We'll be able to rule out certain problems.
I probably wont do it tonight because my little brother and his friend are using it. But if it does work I think I can just get like a 100 yard cord and run it through my attic to my xbox.

If it didnt work would it be the port is fried or something else?


I probably wont do it tonight because my little brother and his friend are using it. But if it does work I think I can just get like a 100 yard cord and run it through my attic to my xbox.

If it didnt work would it be the port is fried or something else?
Are you in a city? If you have lots of people around, most don't change the channel their WiFi uses and so you get a lot of congestion. Or maybe something like a microwave is interfering. Or you could have isp problems (maybe they changed something). If it works it's probably interference or something. If it doesn't it could point to something between your house and the Xbox servers.. but we won't know until start eliminating some possibilities.


My blades will find your heart
Are you in a city? If you have lots of people around, most don't change the channel their WiFi uses and so you get a lot of congestion. Or maybe something like a microwave is interfering. Or you could have isp problems (maybe they changed something). If it works it's probably interference or something. If it doesn't it could point to something between your house and the Xbox servers.. but we won't know until start eliminating some possibilities.
I see. I've had a pretty long day today so I dont think ill mess with it tonight, but if the wired connection doesnt work I could PM you tomorrow, if that is alright?


Oh, the thing with channels... there are seven wireless network around me besides mine for eight total. Six use the default channel six, one uses four but mine is the onlyonein 11. Channels do overlap as well, so four is an ok choice five is almost pointless but where I am nothing overlaps mine.