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WWE Night of Champions - Live Analysis


Forum General Emeritus
I bought my first wrestling PPV in over 10 years (WM X7 being the last.) I felt compelled to offer my analysis of what I am seeing...

Tag Team Championship
Evan Bourne / Kofi Kingston (c) VS Miz / R-Truth
...R-Truth botched a hurricanrana
...Ref botched a 2 count (unrelated to the scripted "botching")
...Kofi Kingston's Ranhei should be a finisher, BS to kick out at 2.
...Would have been nice to see a clean finish, but the ending goes with the storyline of conspiracies.

Intercontinental Championship
Cody Rhodes (c) VS Ted Dibiase
...Why is the champion being introduced before the challenger?
...Cody Rhodes looks like he is wearing a black diaper. Would look better with kneepads or higher boots
...Great dropkicks from both guys
...Lame ending to the match. It was good to see Dibiase get the mask off Rhodes, but then why would he try to use it in plain view of the ref and risk a DQ? To end the match with a school boy rollup was pathetic.

Special Appearance by Christian
...Lame. Christian is not a main event draw and has no business calling for a World Title match; especially after being beaten who knows how many times (kayfabe or not.) Sheamus came out and made it seem like he would help Christian out and then kicked him in the face. This segment was a waste of time. Only good part was Sheamus kicking Christian in the face, shutting him the hell up, and stopping the viewers from changing the channel.

United States Championship
John Morrison VS Alex Riley VS Jack Swagger VS Dolph Ziggler (c)
...Not looking forward to this match. The only wrestler I really like out of this group is John Morrison. Swagger would be a close second, but he's nowhere near the level of Kurt Angle.
...Good to see WWE is utilizing managers once again (Vickie Guerrero w/ Dolph Ziggler)
...Judging from the storytelling in this match so far, it looks like it will be Swagger pinning Ziggler for the title.
...Swagger hits his gutwrench powerbomb (on Morrison), goes for the pin, Ziggler breaks it up at 2 and then takes the win by covering Morrison. Not a bad matchup overall, but I could care less for Ziggler.

World Heavyweight Championship
Mark Henry VS Randy Orton (c)
...Why in the fuck is this match a mid-card event? It's a main title match for crying out loud. Putting the Divas match after this one is a joke; especially considering how awful the women's division has become.
...Henry looks massive. I remember him well from the Attitude Era. Much respect to him for sticking around this long. I wouldn't be upset at all if Henry won this match.
...Randy Orton is one of my favorite wrestlers of this era. He's an Attitude Era wrestler in a toilet-bowl era.
...Classy to have the ring introductions done while the wrestlers are in the ring. Haven't seen this done since the mid-80's
...Henry looks good, Orton is selling all of Henry's attacks very well.
...MARK HENRY WINS!!!!! And what makes it even bigger, he won it CLEAN with no bullshit interference or fowl play. HOLY SHIT, never thought this would happen. CONGRATULATIONS MARK HENRY! First world title ever in his 15 year career.

Diva's Championship
Kelly Kelly (c) VS Beth Phoenix
...Again, why is the champion being introduced before the challenger?
...Beth Phoenix looks amazing. She is a woman among girls. Kind of like Chyna used to be. If Beth Phoenix doesn't win this match, it will further validate the joke of a division that the women's title has become.
...Absolute bullshit. Beth Phoenix dominates the match, and then Kelly pulls a win out of nowhere with a surprise pin. WWE had a real chance to fix up the women's division here by making it about wrestling instead of models...and they blew it bigtime.

WWE Championship
Alberto Del Rio (c) VS John Cena
...I fucking hate John Cena. Nothing would make me happier to see Cena get his ass whooped and his "Cenation" reduced to tears.
...Of course, Cena gets introduced after the champion. I expected this one given Cena's fanbase and following.
...Del Rio looks very talented. I watched him wrestle a few weeks ago against Morrison and knew he was the real deal then. They should give him a long reign, but I have a sinking feeling that Cena will win this match. Felt that way before the PPV even started.
...Lots of Cena division with the crowd, as expected.
...The ref botched a 3 count and/or Cena didn't kick out in time. Del Rio should have won.
...Beautiful execution on the part of Del Rio and Cena is selling pretty well. Cena got his stupid five-knuckle shuffle.
...Del Rio locked in his cross armbreaker, but Cena powered out. Right then I knew it was over. Cena hits the AA and STF, Del Rio taps out, the women and children cheer, and I vomit in my chair.

Triple H VS CM Punk
No DQ (If Triple H loses, he resigns as "COO")
...This is the main reason I bought the PPV. If this match fails to live up to the hype, WWE is going to lose a lot of potential new and return fans. My prediction: HHH loses due to outside interference from Kevin Nash. John Laurinaitis becomes the new COO and rehires Kevin Nash.
...Lots of anger expressed by both men. Looking great so far.
...Entire match has been outside the ring. Great stuff!
...Awesome Randy Savage-like flying elbow smash through the table to HHH on the outside.
...Miz and R-Truth run down and attack both men?? Miz with a skull crushing finale on HHH. R-Truth KO's Punk. They put Punk on HHH.....1....2... KICK OUT
...Miz and RTruth attack the referee....
...HHH and Punk attack Miz and Rtruth, sending them to the outside.
...HHH pedigrees CM Punk twice, including an aerial one that would have put anyone else away... Punk kicks out.
...Punk hits his finisher on HHH, covers HHH for 2, but RTruth breaks up the fall
...Punk hits his finisher on RTruth and knocks him out.
...John L comes down and calls someone on his cell phone...
...Kevin Nash comes down, attacks both men, JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB TO PUNK
...HHH sledgehammer to Nash
...HHH nails a 3rd pedigree... he gets the pinfall! WOW
...Great match that tore the house down. Saved the PPV, outstanding.