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Working at Mcdonalds

Lt. Boxy Angelman

A shorter lifespan, and the constant scent of fried chicken and dead dreams.

(In all seriousness though, there are none. None. Most of them don't even carry basic health insurance. Or pay higher than minimum wage.)


My blades will find your heart
If you are thinking of dropping out of school and working at Mcdonalds you need to rethink some stuff man. None, not enough money to really get a house or support a family. If you are a VERY hard worker you have a slim chance of getting promotions, but really, just stay in school. Once its done, I guarantee you will be glad you didnt drop out to go into fast food

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
You want money and happiness? then corporate america is not the solution my friend...you'll probably have a happier life selling pot.


What's up with these weird questions? Isn't it mutually agreed on that working at Mcdonald's and dropping out of school are generally bad ideas?
Depends on how old you are. If you're in high school, then you get free food, a (probably) very relaxed work environment, and some spending money. I have some really good memories from working at an Arby's through high school.

Anything after that...not so much.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
LMAO dude in the other thread I said dropping out could be ok depending on what you do. McDonald's is not what you do.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Unfortunately with this economy currently, anything is GOOD....

While it may be a shitty job, it's an honest job regardless.

You know how many people waste money, time on college and wind up doing the same thing as people who didn't go to school or worse?

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
If you're going to work in the food industry, it's an utter waste of time not serving/bartending. If neither of those are an option, wash dishes instead. Everyone leaves you the hell alone and it's pretty easy.

Beats cooking food and having servers/management screaming at you; trust me. Cooking is hands down the worst job there is in the food industry, do not do it, unless you're looking to obtain a culinary degree and open your own restaurant - or perhaps work somewhere which will put you on salary.

But, be prepared for high stress constantly, with any position in the food industry - washing dishes is the least stressful of them all but you're generally stuck by yourself alone back there. So you'll need to be able to keep up with it.

I would advise graduating/getting your GED and taking out some loans, if you want a job on the side, that's cool but do serving if you can. Cash in your hand is always nice.


Unfortunately with this economy currently, anything is GOOD....

While it may be a shitty job, it's an honest job regardless.

You know how many people waste money, time on college and wind up doing the same thing as people who didn't go to school or worse?
Well, I suppose if you major in communications, or poly sci I suppose. I went to college though and am doing ok now as a software engineer (my degree was BSCS).

Stats still show that college grads earn quite a bit more than non-college grads. But ya dont spend any amount of money if you are going to go, make sure you get good value.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Unfortunately with this economy currently, anything is GOOD....

While it may be a shitty job, it's an honest job regardless.

You know how many people waste money, time on college and wind up doing the same thing as people who didn't go to school or worse?
And you know how many of those people who don't go to college have potential to do something beyond fast food? Under 1%, and that seems generous to me.

Educated always beats uneducated.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@NInj, I never said be uneducated, I just stated the truth based on % and the current economy blows......I know TONS of friends, family who went to college, got degrees and for nothing....the schools tell you
"complete our programs and we'll hook you up with a job" and they lie...it's nothing more then a gimmick for them getting your money(you think they care about getting you a job? pffftt) come on, don't be naive dude...

All the education you need in terms of "actual education" non-degrees is High school in terms of getting a good job for life with city jobs, state jobs etc(good solid jobs that don't require fancy degrees yet will make as much as those who do if not more depending on the job)

Do you know that some of the most famous, successful people didn't even go to college or little college? I'm not just talking athletes either, but people who become actors, singers etc...I don't care how much school you have, there are some things in life you get by pure talent, not education....if you're born to sing or act why should you waste time and money on college degrees being a bio chemist when that line of work is far harder, less rewarding and is based more on learning ability then pure talent? Depending on people's born talents, they can get you AWESOME jobs...

Under 1%? Hardly....if anything people have TONS Of potential who don't attend college or merely can't afford it due to some other talent, that again requires no college or college can help you little in. Such as what I want to get into for example, voice acting professionally...you know what? All I need is perhaps some extensive training, tips and an agent. So I've been told by independent actors and people familiar with show business. College there would help me little if at all...and that's a fact since I did tons of homework on it.

If you want to become a doctor, professor etc something like that then yeah obviously certain degrees are required....but that doesn't mean people that don't go or have the money to go are uneducated or stupid...

Not to mention there's different types of smarts, there's "street smarts and wit" and "book smarts" often more times then not, you'll find the opposite lacking in the opposing skill....and both are important in life. You can be one of the smartest geeks in books, school but if you're bad with people skills it means shit...

Well, I suppose if you major in communications, or poly sci I suppose. I went to college though and am doing ok now as a software engineer (my degree was BSCS).

Stats still show that college grads earn quite a bit more than non-college grads. But ya dont spend any amount of money if you are going to go, make sure you get good value.
Exactly, I've known people personally who went to colleges just to please their families, to do something yet not know what they want exactly....then when they think they know, they go, get a degree, graduate and it's all for nothing. They wind up as bartenders, sales managers etc(which isn't a bad thing) especially the ladder but just saying you know? I agree with you if you're going for something that requires a degree, then obviously it's good to go to school. If not, however then not so much. My philosophy is if you can get your dream job one way or another, make it happen. I was never a believer of the whole "just go to college and your dream job will come" nonsense.

That's why if I go back to school it'll be a private voice acting school, not a typical college which offers nothing I want. You know?


It Stinks!
What's up with these weird questions? Isn't it mutually agreed on that working at Mcdonald's and dropping out of school are generally bad ideas?
Dropping out of school, sure. Working at McDonalds, not so much. It's not a bad thing, nor should it be looked at as such. It's one of these bullshit cultural taboos that the job gets labeled with. There's nothing wrong with working at fast food as long as you don't plan on making it your life story; even then, if you're successful and end up going higher(manager or in a rare case corporate) and you're content there's nothing shameful about it either.

Truth is, those people at McDonalds work harder than probably 80% of the people they serve and they still get looked down upon by them. The only thing wrong with working at fast food companies is that you work so hard comparatively for so little.

As for the OP, your best bet is to ask your local McDonalds or read up on their career parts of their site.


Go be a dishwasher or bar back at a bar, better money, free food, and if you dont work at a corperate place they will prob get you drunk from time to time. More fun too. Fast food is awful, last resort type job. I worked at a bar in high school. It was great, high all the time, and the bartenders always gave us drinks and thought it was fun to get us wasted, lol.


It Stinks!
Stay in school and don't demean yourself by working at McDonalds. Have some self-respect man. Work at a bar and drink underage and get high instead! lol


Sinestro's might!
Don't demean this guy.

OP. Watch a film called Taxi Driver. You should do what Robert DeNiro did.