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Wittle ol' beginner


Jacqui The Feint God
Heyyy what's up gaiss ;}

Let's get down to it so I recently picked up MKX I'm not big into fighting games as me playing it but I enjoy watching others play tournaments been watching tournaments since soul calibur lol but yeah I have a couple questions for the community but first yes, I've watch Ketchup and mustards videos. Don't need recommendation from those anymore. What I need is your mkx knowledge so let's begin w/ my questions.

- Is it best to learn every character to perform better against matchup before online or get your ass handed then go learn about that character ?

- How do you correctly run after a juggled oppenent I find it extremely challenging ?

- When a commentator says for example " John is just showing a little too much respect here. " what does the term respect referring to exactly ? When I think of it it just means respecting space ? Letting them breathe ?

- Why is it that when you do so good in practice mode after hours of learning norms/ specials etc you freeze online.. Lol it's ridiculous I do it because I don't know what to expect from the other player for instance I got rekt for one round from this sub zero doing this 3 rounded kick low mid high kick I believe yeah I couldn't attack but I blocked low the whole time lool I just could no punish cause of my frames I suppose. I was T. rex arms.

- Is it wise to have more than one main ? When do you decide that you've gotten all you can from your primary main ?

- How long does it take to get use to mkx mechanics as a whole ?

Thanks I appreciate it.


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
alrighty lots of question, lets get answering
1) it is good to have a mix of both, im not saying outright learn the character in its entirity but it is good to at least know what you are fighting against, getting your ass handed to you is good for learning the match up and what doesnt work, and good for helping you improve and what you know you have to work on.

2) practice practice practice, it takes a while to get them down but you will eventually get them, just keep practicing in the lab, grind it out.

3) because you are doing them in a controlled environment, you need to play lots of matches to get the experience of when and where to use said normals, combos, etc. this is something that i will get into with my next point.

4) It very much depends on the person but it is very important to make sure that before you move on to learning other characters that you understand the games mechanics and the character you are currently maining, if you are a beginner, i cannot emphasize this enough STICK WITH ONE CHARACTER. and as for the second part, there is ALWAYS something to learn about your character, it just isnt always obvious, but it is good to start learning other characters if you are for example getting burnt out on playing that character or have a really tough time with a specific match up that you think another character can help with

5) depends on how many fighting games you have played in the past, and even then you cannot pinpoint it, but it will take a long time, fighting games are a long term commitment, but if you are dedicated, you will slowly realize how much you are learning and how much better you are getting, hell im still always learning new things about this game and im always excited to explore it.

hopefully my answers came of use to you :)


1. It depends on your opponent. Playing against the ai will never really give you the experience you need to fight against players. It will help, sure. But only on a basic level, learning which when to block, when to poke, strengths and weaknesses of the character.... You just have to play and get your ass whipped by good players, then learn from your losses. "When he did x, i should have done y". If you seek to improve and learn, you will in time. You just need experiance.
Best advice i can give is take other characters to the lab and do their basic combos to learn what attacks are low/mid/high/overhead. So you have a general idea of how to block their strings and know their options.

2.certain combos have different recoveries. Sometimes you can input the run command right after you input the combo, othertimes you have to wait a second or two then run for it to register. Just practice in the lab and find the quirks of your character.

3.respect is reffering to taking caution in regards to a specific move or option. For example, a guy runs into a sub zero ice clone, gets combo'd. Said guy spends the rest of the match never running again.
Showing a bit too much respect to clone.

4. It just takes practice. Its easy to get overwhelmed in the heat of the moment when a guy is running you down and beating you senseless. After a while, youll learn to remain calm and composed as you get into matches. Im still pretty new myself, and had this same problem when i first started playing online. Having zero idea of what to expect can throw you off pretty hard but just practice. It gets easier.

5.i wouldnt advise it. You never really stop learning. You can always improve your play in one way or another on any character. Regardless of time spent on them. But id advise you to stick to one character you have the most fun with untill you feel you have a good grasp on the mechanics of the game, and can easily identify where you need to improve and how to do it.

6.different bloaks different strokes. Watch high level players, ask questions, lurk, and practice. Youll figure it out when you figure it out.

Hope that provides some new helpful perspectives.


Jacqui The Feint God
Thanks guys I will consider these in my gameplay. I really do appreciate it, I don't really play "real" fighting games like ki - Mk etc I play online fuc*ing naruto. Lol thanks again


PSN: CaptCarmine
- Is it best to learn every character to perform better against matchup before online or get your ass handed then go learn about that character ?
You dont need to learn a character but when a character has a specific move that you get caught by consistenty or cannot punish you should go into training and see get the ai to do that move and practice against it

- How do you correctly run after a juggled oppenent I find it extremely challenging ?
as ryncage said each move has a different recovery period and different strings have require different timings to cancel into another move, learn those timings and the best way to practice is to not focus on the whole combo, when practicing run cancel combos intially just get to the part where you run out of a string or special, once you can consistently get the run then start working on the ender.

- When a commentator says for example " John is just showing a little too much respect here. " what does the term respect referring to exactly ? When I think of it it just means respecting space ? Letting them breathe ?
It has to do not with space but with respecting options, for example say your going against kung lao, you know kung lao has the spin so you knock him down and block waiting for the spin, but he never uses the spin, so you should start putting out strings, if you continue to block, you are respecting your opponent too much

- Why is it that when you do so good in practice mode after hours of learning norms/ specials etc you freeze online.. Lol it's ridiculous I do it because I don't know what to expect from the other player for instance I got rekt for one round from this sub zero doing this 3 rounded kick low mid high kick I believe yeah I couldn't attack but I blocked low the whole time lool I just could no punish cause of my frames I suppose. I was T. rex arms.
This has alot to do with comfort, and learning the neutral game, you practice combos generally right on top of your opponent, alot of combos work differently when spaced differently, also online makes hitting combos alot harder because the timing is slightly off for enders or for really tight links, but again just requires alot of practice, it will get better with time, but really practice spacing because that is one of the really important parts of the game that isnt stressed when starting

- Is it wise to have more than one main ? When do you decide that you've gotten all you can from your primary main ?
you can mess around with a few characters looking for the right one, but to really learn the in and outs of what you can do, to practice spacing and getting consistent with combos, you really should just stick to one character until you get a better feel for the whole game

- How long does it take to get use to mkx mechanics as a whole ?
mechanics in theory you can understand, but in practice there is always more to learn because you are reacting to another person and other people are always different, what you should do is look for patterns, because newer players tend to play in a very simple pattern and once you see it you can beat alot of people very easily even with small combos because you know their pattern


Jacqui The Feint God
@Carmine how exactly do I tackle "spacing" when you say this I assume footsies. And the d4 poke range which gives the opponent a pushback & gives me space.


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
@Carmine how exactly do I tackle "spacing" when you say this I assume footsies. And the d4 poke range which gives the opponent a pushback & gives me space.
This comes from playing the game a lot, learning the range of your attacks, the range on your opponents attacks, and knowing when to throw them out. This all comes from just playing the game, you will eventually get it


Jacqui The Feint God
This comes from playing the game a lot, learning the range of your attacks, the range on your opponents attacks, and knowing when to throw them out. This all comes from just playing the game, you will eventually get it
Guess I'll get to my player matches XD thx again

edit: if there is any more tips I need to know could you guys tell me thx


Jacqui The Feint God
Anyone have any advice on running ? I can't seem to get it down. Or a way of practicing it effectively


Running took me a while to get the hang of as well. I know it seems like a generic answer, but these people aren't lying when they say its all about practice.

I actually just recently got a real good hang on running to extend combos last month since I kind of had to in order to learn some of my Predator combos lol its actually kind of funny, the other day I was playing a little UMK3 and when I tried to run to lay down some Kabal pressure I naturally did the run input from MKX instead of pressing the run button lol

Anyway my advice would be is to find a combo to do where you need to run to pull it off and practice it over and over and over, then eventually you will get the hang of it. I didn't think I would ever get it down when the game first launched, but now I do it without even thinking about it, its just second nature


Jacqui The Feint God
Running took me a while to get the hang of as well. I know it seems like a generic answer, but these people aren't lying when they say its all about practice.

I actually just recently got a real good hang on running to extend combos last month since I kind of had to in order to learn some of my Predator combos lol its actually kind of funny, the other day I was playing a little UMK3 and when I tried to run to lay down some Kabal pressure I naturally did the run input from MKX instead of pressing the run button lol

Anyway my advice would be is to find a combo to do where you need to run to pull it off and practice it over and over and over, then eventually you will get the hang of it. I didn't think I would ever get it down when the game first launched, but now I do it without even thinking about it, its just second nature
Thanks blade I really appreciate it.


Thanks blade I really appreciate it.
Anytime :) Idk if you play Predator or not, but doing his 121 then running and connecting with something else is probably a good way to practice getting the hang of running, that's what got it down for me at least.


Professional Procrastinator
Anyone have any advice on running ? I can't seem to get it down. Or a way of practicing it effectively
I practiced run combos in the beginning by running at my opponent and getting used to comboing off the run. When I was comfortable with that I moved on to running in the combo after a juggle, sub zeros ice burst for example. You must run or you will drop the combo after. Hope that helps


Professional Procrastinator
Something else came to mind. If youre brand new to fighting games in general I dont think playing against the AI is a bad thing.
You will still learn spacing, character knowledge and matchups.
just be aware the the AI is nothing like a real person, so avoid winning by repeating the same moves, cheap traps or other shenanigans as a real opponent will only fallfor these a few times and then youre screwed.
Cordova79 on psn if you want to practice. Ill be on about midnight est.
hope this helps.


Jacqui The Feint God
Something else came to mind. If youre brand new to fighting games in general I dont think playing against the AI is a bad thing.
You will still learn spacing, character knowledge and matchups.
just be aware the the AI is nothing like a real person, so avoid winning by repeating the same moves, cheap traps or other shenanigans as a real opponent will only fallfor these a few times and then youre screwed.
Cordova79 on psn if you want to practice. Ill be on about midnight est.
hope this helps.
I'll definitely play you bro I am quite new to a "real" fighter. Maybe you can give me feedback on my play style and help me control my spacing. Psn - SwaggTheRoy ( I'll send ing) I'll probably be on tonight if I'm off work thanks man