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With NRS claiming they are done with MK for now

do you guys think that there may be a possibility that players like Perfect Legend and ChrisG will come back and play the game more seriously? I say those two because they have been two of the bggest critics regarding the constant patching the game went through. I'm sure there are alot of other players who were annoyed by this and left dropped the game because of that. But like I asked, is there a possibility of some players who have left to come back and give the game another try since NRS is claiming they are done with it for now?


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
I don't know, while they stopped, others kept trying to adapt to new patches, and never left the game, no matter what .... these who keep playing deserve credits for it ....


As much hate as the constant patching has gotten lets not forget that this game would have been unplayable day 1 without it.

The problem was not the patching but the lack for thought that went into it. Overnight NRS was making characters god tier or shit tier by adding huge and drastic changes. Most the balance issues and bug fixes right now can be resolved by adding or subtracting 2 frames or 2% damage from a move.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
You'd think that Chris G would be a bigger critic of UMvC3 but I guess not. And PL, well...PL took that belt and ran; can't we forget about him already? Wouldn't even play the game as the EVO champ in his own backyard.