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Win a Copy of Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs With Some Horror Movie Trivia!


Confused Thanagarian
Just grabbed the latest Humble Bundle which included a copy of Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs. Now, I already own this on Steam and have no need for two copies. My first idea was to do pig trivia questions, but didn't find anything I didn't know and blew me away. So, here we go, be the first to get all the questions right (I'm thinking these up on the fly, there will be spoilers for the movies mentioned) and get the DRM free, humble bundle key:

1.) Who was the killer in the first Friday the 13th movie and what was his motive?

2.) What was the name of the company who played the villain in Halloween 3: Season of the Witch?

3.) Who was the name of the returning character in Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors (returning as in was already in a prior movie).

4.) Who was the ghost possessing the father in Insidious 2?

5.) True or false: Freddy Krueger had his origin retconned in the Nightmare on Elm Street movie from a child killer to an innocent man falsely accused of child molestation getting vengeance for his wrongful murder.

6.) What was the name of the killer in the Texas Chainsaw massacre franchise.

7.) What were the main characters in The Blair Witch Project trying to find in the woods?

8.) True or false: Jason winds up in the future in Jason X because the forces of evil sent him forward in time to wreak havoc on other planets.

9.) Name the six tapes the killer recorded in Sinister

10.) What was the name of the zombie family chosen to kill the protagonists in Cabin in the Woods?