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Will there be Online Ranks?

Will there be Online Rank Titles?

I did some searching and could not find any information on this subject. I hope there are online ranks, because playing for one in Tekken 6 and SF4 is very addicting.


I did some searching and could not find any information on this subject. I hope there are online ranks, because playing for one in Tekken 6 and SF4 is very addicting.
MK's online ranks have always been garbage. But seeing as how they are getting rid of the god-awful lobby, and applying the SSFIV endless system. I think things might change.

As far as an online fighter goes, im 100% sure it will have one. But I hope it works like SSFIV's grade-point system. Meaning you don't get to play people more advanced than you, unless you start winning more. Other than that, it all depends on how well the net-play will work for the game. If its as bad as MKvsDC, then a grade-point system wont matter.

Also, in past MK games, pulling goes unpunished...

I like the grade-point system, because even if you are online, at least you get to see yourself get better. Then you can take it to a tournament, and see how well you are doing. This of course is if you are playing people in your area... lol


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Not true for MKDC on xbox ^ if you pulled you get the loss, I don't know about PS though.

But the ranks were improved in that game because half the time the true skill was higher then the people "in top 5 spots" which shitty true skill...example, the best I got in MKDC when it was hot was 24....my true skill was 38 while everyone elses ahead of me was barely 30 or 33 max...the other players on here etc though were also high 30's so you knew who was better and who was crap.

Overall though, rank means nothing other then "hey look it's my name" since a good player can beat any dope in 1st trying to be 1st for the sake of being so...
What I ment by ranks was Rank Titles. Example - 105 W , 65 L (Dark Lord) or 1100 W , 445 L (Ruler of Outworld)


Premium Supporter
What I ment by ranks was Rank Titles. Example - 105 W , 65 L (Dark Lord) or 1100 W , 445 L (Ruler of Outworld)
Considering it seems MK is following SF (so it seems) with some online modes, if it hasn't been discussed I believe it most likely will.

In short, I don't "know" but I believe that there will be.

I'll do some research for you. Good question.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Then the answer would be yes, Ed Boon stated a few times in a few interviews when asked if there would be leaderboards, he said yes. Now, I can't remember which ones lol since god knows he's done a million since MK9 has been announced...
Will there be Online Rank Titles?
Frankly, I hope there are no 'ranks' period. All these pseudo titles do is elicit on-line scrubbery and 'Ryu' whoring.

If there were a system/algorithm that awarded points/rank based on in-game goings on, then I'd be all for it. If a player's SKILL was what garnered rank and reward, that would be great in a fighting game. But when you associate title with victory/loss alone, you get what happens in S/SF4 - every scrub and their pacifier whoring the easiest to win with training wheels character(s) and spamming 'whatever works'. This kills the enjoyment of the experience and rendersvoid the one element fighting games have over most all other video gaming genres - the prerequisite of skill.

Do rankings right or don't do them at all.


I agree with Sab, I think the way ssf4's ranks work is a joke. My biggest gripe in ssf4 is the "player point" system which basically regulates you to play one character if you want to keep your points. Learning a new character online kills your points really fast. I hope they go with a per character ranking like the "battle points" system also implemented in ssf4. As far as skill based points go, I believe this is the way MVC3 is dealing with online rankings. How well it works is yet to be seen.


How about a promotion where if you achieve a certain rank you win a trip to a tournament where you could prove whether your actually good or not? :)


I really want to go to a tournament. When Mvc3 comes out I am going to hit the semi-local ranbats and try to convince some guys to play umk3.