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Will Injustice be a Day One digital download on PSN/XBL?

Any confirmation on Day 1 or not? If not, any idea when? Has NRS said anything one way or the other about this? It'd be nice to know.


Blue Blurs for Life!
I don't know about it being available from day one, but if the demand is great enough...it could happen. I know Metal Gear Rising is being released as a digital download on PSN and it's only been out for a few weeks, so I see no reason Injustice should be denied that fate.
If you're going to get it day one anyway just preorder and get the bonuses. there's literally no downside.
I live on the equatorial island of Pohnpei in Micronesia. I am closer to Cthulhu's sunken city of R'lyeh than a Gamestop. Literally, the nearest GameStop is over a 1000 miles away.
I live on the equatorial island of Pohnpei in Micronesia. I am closer to Cthulhu's sunken city of R'lyeh than a Gamestop. Literally, the nearest GameStop is over a 1000 miles away.
what about walmart, bestbuy, or amazon? i guess amazon you wouldnt get to play till it's delivered, but still
Honestly, I'm not too keen on Zombie superheroes or Commie superheroes. I like my DC Heroes alive and American, lol. Yeah, Amazon will be pretty far from same-day shipping for me. I'd wait to buy the DLC if it was available for download on Day 1. If it isn't though, you are right, I'll probably have to pre-order from some place that'll ship Priority Mail and still have to wait ~10 days.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
Someone who properly knows how to use a twitter, or knows how to entice an interview from an NRS developer, needs to ask if a download version of Injustice will be available for PSN and XBL upon the release date, April 16th.
Those of us in living groups with two PS3s; who would like to be able to play the game simultaneously, online with eachother, while not paying for discs twice, would greatly appreciate this.
As would those who generally prefer download games over physical copies,
or those of us with broken disc drives..


too smart to play MKX
I've been wondering about this for ages. I assume it'll be available for download on the 360 just for the amount of shit I've seen about it on the dashboard. I just hate all the non-biodegradable plastic involved with hard copies. I also fucking hate waiting for delivery men/going allllllllll the way down to wherever to pick up the game then racing back.

Confirmation would be awesome.
XBL has Day 1 downloads? (I'm pretty sure it doesn't) PSN does.

I've never seen games on demand versions release on Xbox until a month or more has passed. It has a better chance releasing digitally (day 1 or week 2 or whatever) on PSN.

GOW: Ascension big sony title and its not getting a day 1 download. Bioshock Inf and Army of Two however, got spots.

Tomb Raider was announced LAST MINUTE as a day 1 digital release.


Burn in my Light
XBL has Day 1 downloads? (I'm pretty sure it doesn't) PSN does.

I've never seen games on demand versions release on Xbox until a month or more has passed. It has a better chance releasing digitally (day 1 or week 2 or whatever) on PSN.

GOW: Ascension big sony title and its not getting a day 1 download. Bioshock Inf and Army of Two however, got spots.

Tomb Raider was announced LAST MINUTE as a day 1 digital release.
Lara Croft in Tomb Raider 2013 is the hottest girl to ever appear in a video game.
OT: I prefer digital downloads mainly cause I'm paranoid about Xbox eating my discs but I guess if its not I could just install it


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I could just not have a clue what I'm talking about, but I think some games (like PSN All Stars) have even came out as a digital download early on PSN. I don't know that for sure but I swear there have been a couple of games I thought I've seen that happen. Dead Space 3 being another I remember off the top of my head...maybe we get lucky with Injustice.
Lara Croft in Tomb Raider 2013 is the hottest girl to ever appear in a video game.
OT: I prefer digital downloads mainly cause I'm paranoid about Xbox eating my discs but I guess if its not I could just install it
Agree about Lara 100% lol.

OT: I have an old Xbox 360 that I still play games on and wow does that thing sound like a struggling trash compactor when games aren't installed. The slims are a lot more forgiving. As for digital vs physical, I like the convenience of digital downloads, though the prices aren't always as cheap as you can get them physical, but that's usually only after a certain amount of time has passed since a game's release.

If it's a day 1 release, then I'll get physical depending on the game. It would be nice to have physical copies of some of the best games of 2013 :) Tomb Raider, Bioshock, Injustice, etc.

I could just not have a clue what I'm talking about, but I think some games (like PSN All Stars) have even came out as a digital download early on PSN. I don't know that for sure but I swear there have been a couple of games I thought I've seen that happen. Dead Space 3 being another I remember off the top of my head...maybe we get lucky with Injustice.
Yeah, certain games get put on the PSN as Day 1 pre-orders. DS3 and PSAS were some of them. Obviously, you'd get to download the game the day it was released. I don't see any reason why Injustice can't get this perk :)


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Agree about Lara 100% lol.

OT: I have an old Xbox 360 that I still play games on and wow does that thing sound like a struggling trash compactor when games aren't installed. The slims are a lot more forgiving. As for digital vs physical, I like the convenience of digital downloads, though the prices aren't always as cheap as you can get them physical, but that's usually only after a certain amount of time has passed since a game's release.

If it's a day 1 release, then I'll get physical depending on the game. It would be nice to have physical copies of some of the best games of 2013 :) Tomb Raider, Bioshock, Injustice, etc.

Yeah, certain games get put on the PSN as Day 1 pre-orders. DS3 and PSAS were some of them. Obviously, you'd get to download the game the day it was released. I don't see any reason why Injustice can't get this perk :)
Oh ok so you couldn't actually play it early, gotcha. That was what I thought. Shit seemed crazy to me I guess it was just my imagination. I didn't know though because I didn't try it lol.


Man of Tomorrow
They also did the same "pre-order" thing for Atelier Ayesha, I think they do it for exclusives but non-exclusives have also been up for day one downloads. Recently it's within a week that games will get a digital release.
Downloaded copies can also run better. A bunch of us played Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine for the longest time and would experience freezes about once every couple hours. When Space Marine went free to d/l on PSN for PS+ members, a bunch of us downloaded it and saw the freezes all but disappear.

Like Killabyte said, I just want to get some word from NRS whether it will be Day 1 or not. If not, I'll suck it up and order from Amazon, I guess, and get it on Day 11. If yes, I'll d/l it and probably have it by Day 2. I just don't want to wait and wait hoping for it to be available for d/l when it won't be. Likewise, I don't want to order it and be waiting 10 days for it show up while in the meantime it pops up on PSN. What value is there in keeping the consumers in the dark about this rather important fact?

This is the most important reveal to me. Everything else is secondary. Keep every unannounced character a secret if you must. Just let me know this: Day 1 or not? Ask Stan Lee what he thinks about this.
Personally, I prefer cases and disks. Just my personal opinion. I don't dislike downloadable games, but if it's in a box, I'd rather have the box and disk.
I like digital downloads on PSN for the sole reason of sharing content between two people lol. It's basically a 2-for-1 purchase if you have a friend or someone you can trust. Too bad Sony caught on and restricted it to 2 people only. 5-for-1 games back in the day was freaking amazing haha.
Would you not be able to go to a retailer and purchase it on release day?
The nearest GameStop is in Guam over 1000 miles away. The next closest one is in Hawaii which is over 3000 miles away. If Cthulhu opens a GameStop on R'lyeh in the next couple weeks, then I have a shot. This is the price I pay to live somewhere on the equator where the temperature is 75-85 F year-round. On the plus side, if there ever was a real Mortal Kombat tournament on an island in the middle of the Pacific, I should be able to get tickets, lol.

Well, I see your predicament I was unaware of beforehand. The only bit of advice I can give you if you don't get the exact answer you want from NRS and co. is to check out the PS Blog every week up until before, and including the game's release date. It'll let you know games put on the PSN store each week the store is updated, which includes disc releases, day 1 downloads and even games you can pre-order weeks in advance.

I'm not sure what region your PSN falls under but I'm sure you can find the info.

Edit: I know the link is to the U.S. blog.
Awesome, thanks, I will do that. Luckily I have a USA PS3, which doesn't go funky when you move, so it still works the same, and I still get Netflix. Come to think of it, the government of the place I live could give a squirt about American copyright, so these guys should be happy I still want to actually pay for anything and make it easier for me to give them money. It is hard to get sued for copyright infringement when your agent for service of process is Yog-Sothoth.


Well, I see your predicament I was unaware of beforehand. The only bit of advice I can give you if you don't get the exact answer you want from NRS and co. is to check out the PS Blog every week up until before, and including the game's release date. It'll let you know games put on the PSN store each week the store is updated, which includes disc releases, day 1 downloads and even games you can pre-order weeks in advance.

I'm not sure what region your PSN falls under but I'm sure you can find the info.

Edit: I know the link is to the U.S. blog.