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Wii U Players Unite

Swine of Omnipotence

Lord of Swines
Not sure where else to put this because the Wii U doesn't have a sub-forum yet, understandably, but I know there are others out there who don't feel like paying M$ anymore and don't feel that PS3's amount of exclusives justify having one.

Here you can post your Wii U username/ID/gamertag or whatever the hell you wanna call it and we can have a some other people to play with on Day One.

My username: OmnipotentSwine
As you can clearly see, TYM isn't very fond of the Wii U. Better give up now or you won't see the end of it.
Which makes no sense. It is technically a bit more powerful than the PS3/360. But I really think the big problem is...it doesn't have anything. All the really good games for it are ports. Heck, the only non-Nintendo exclusives it had are being ported to other consoles(Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge and Rayman). And the delay of Rayman and the ongoing delay of Pikmin 3 hasn't exactly been helping the Nintendo crowd out a lot, though Rayman isn't Nintendo's fault, or the developer's, that was pure marketing BS on the part of Ubisoft.

In any case, I wouldn't expect any Wii U players to show up on Injustice until the system gets some real momentum which won't be until they get some must-have games on it. My opinion? Nintendo should've taken some more time, squeeze a few more drops out of the Wii, and released the Wii U after the PS4 and NeXtBox after beefing the console up some more. This would allow it to compete fairly and would've allowed time for the big games like the next 3D Mario, the next Zelda, Smash Bros. 4 to be finished for launch. There really hasn't been anything that's been so spectacular that it's just begging to be played. At least not to me. From the looks of things, New Super Mario U looks good, but that's not exactly a system seller.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Which makes no sense. It is technically a bit more powerful than the PS3/360. But I really think the big problem is...it doesn't have anything. All the really good games for it are ports. Heck, the only non-Nintendo exclusives it had are being ported to other consoles(Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge and Rayman). And the delay of Rayman and the ongoing delay of Pikmin 3 hasn't exactly been helping the Nintendo crowd out a lot, though Rayman isn't Nintendo's fault, or the developer's, that was pure marketing BS on the part of Ubisoft.

In any case, I wouldn't expect any Wii U players to show up on Injustice until the system gets some real momentum which won't be until they get some must-have games on it. My opinion? Nintendo should've taken some more time, squeeze a few more drops out of the Wii, and released the Wii U after the PS4 and NeXtBox after beefing the console up some more. This would allow it to compete fairly and would've allowed time for the big games like the next 3D Mario, the next Zelda, Smash Bros. 4 to be finished for launch. There really hasn't been anything that's been so spectacular that it's just begging to be played. At least not to me. From the looks of things, New Super Mario U looks good, but that's not exactly a system seller.

Still...it's the WiiU, I really don't want to specify all the problems it has just because of the fact that it has too many. I'll just agree with you on the fact that it needs a seller. *ahem* Smash Bros 4 *ahem*
Still...it's the WiiU, I really don't want to specify all the problems it has just because of the fact that it has too many. I'll just agree with you on the fact that it needs a seller. *ahem* Smash Bros 4 *ahem*
Well, from what I've heard, at least Nintendo's trying to iron out the problems. If it were Sony...well, just look at how they're treating the PS3 players with the PS4. "All those games you bought on our store? Yeah, better keep your PS3 if you want to play them." Fuck Sony. Hell, fuck Microsoft too, now that I think on it.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Well, from what I've heard, at least Nintendo's trying to iron out the problems. If it were Sony...well, just look at how they're treating the PS3 players with the PS4. "All those games you bought on our store? Yeah, better keep your PS3 if you want to play them." Fuck Sony. Hell, fuck Microsoft too, now that I think on it.
Not quite, it's more like all of the NextGen consoles are going to be shit. Not defending one over the other. They are all going to blow.
Not quite, it's more like all of the NextGen consoles are going to be shit. Not defending one over the other. They are all going to blow.
Well of course they are. Mainly cause they're all going to "borrow" Nintendo's currently unproven concept. At least when they "borrowed" motion controls, those were proven to be, at least, likeable. But the Vita and Microsoft's "Smart Glass" or whatever the fuck it is are acting far too much like the Wii U's Gamepad. I know that there's no such thing as a new idea anymore, but surely they could've done something better. But then, what do you expect from the company that refuses to acknowledge that backwards compatibility has a place in gaming or the company that still makes you pay monthly to play online?

Not that I'm defending Nintendo much either, they should've made the jump to HD a long time ago. And personally, I think with the economy being the way it is right now, this is a bad, BAD time to launch a new console.


Well-Known Member
backwards compatibility
Pretty lame, many classics won't be playable.

Example: Would enjoy play God of War 1, 2, and 3. Theoretically I'd have to go plug in a ps2 or buy the stupid collector's edition with all 3 on there. Inconvenient. And somewhat surprising based on the technological strength of the manufacturer.
Pretty lame, many classics won't be playable.

Example: Would enjoy play God of War 1, 2, and 3. Theoretically I'd have to go plug in a ps2 or buy the stupid collector's edition with all 3 on there. Inconvenient. And somewhat surprising based on the technological strength of the manufacturer.
No classics will be playable. They haven't even discussed putting in support for emulation. And as I said, none of your PSN purchases will carry over either. It's like they want to lose money. At least Nintendo lets you transfer everything from your Wii to your brand spanking new Wii U. Oh well. Just another reason to not buy a PS4 new. And at least the rumors about the PS4 not playing used games turned out to be false.


Tired, But Strong
Backwards Compatibility isn't as easy to do as you'd think. Especially when the hardware in there shifts as much as it does between PS3 and PS4. No longer usin DA POWER OF DA CELL.

Hell, I have one of those early PS3s with backwards compatibility. There are a whole lot of games with tremendous problems. Soul Calibur 3, for instance, is absolutely buggered (not that it ever wasn't as a fighter, but still...). Unplayably low framerates. Same problem for the original TTT.


Well-Known Member
Backwards Compatibility isn't as easy to do as you'd think. Especially when the hardware in there shifts as much as it does between PS3 and PS4. No longer usin DA POWER OF DA CELL.

Hell, I have one of those early PS3s with backwards compatibility. There are a whole lot of games with tremendous problems. Soul Calibur 3, for instance, is absolutely buggered (not that it ever wasn't as a fighter, but still...). Unplayably low framerates. Same problem for the original TTT.
Surprising. With the other new impressive features, and with the ps2 playing ps1 games and the ps3 playing ps1 and 2 games, it seems like an easy task to the average consumer at this point.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Who the hell releases a console with such crappy games and almost no marketing/build up/publicity.

I'll buy it, as soon as Metroid Prime 4 or the next Zelda comes out. Would of bought one at launch if it meant getting one of those 2 games. In a world ruled by shooters you'd think they'd make Metroid Prime their killer app aside from their gimmicks.


King of the Jobbers 2015
Which makes no sense.
It makes all the sense in the world.
1) Wii U = barebones compatibility with sticks, meaning you won't find dual modded Wii U sticks.
2) The console is not used in tournaments.
3) TYM is mainly an offline tournament-based community.
4) No sticks + no tournaments in the console + casual-only console = no Wii U love.