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Tech Why you shouldn't block high against Skarlet



After a combo ending with 1, 1, 2, you can do 1, 1, 4 to increase damage and gain meter. The opponent cannot poke out, otherwise he will be hit by 1, 1, 4. However, the opponent can armor out. You can condition the opponent to block by ending with a Red Slide. Delaying Red Slide can trick your opponent into thinking you're going to do 1, 1, 4. If your opponent is standing while blocking, you can confirm 1, 1, 4 into Double Dagger. Once your opponent knows to crouch block, you can use Dual Down Slash for a reset. Even if your opponent guesses right the first time, he will have to guess again. Anytime Skarlet does a Red Dash, the opponent is put into a guessing situation. You can also stop the second Red Dash and do 1, 1, 4 again, but this can be poked out of. Be careful when doing so as the first hit of 1, 1, 4 will whiff on low hitbox characters. The Red pain frametrap won't work on Skarlet's higher damaging combos.

I demonstrated this in another video but I feel like I didn't explain it very well. What the Red Pain frametrap does is it adds a whole 'nother mix-up to Skarlet's game. Your opponent is put into two or more guessing situations because anytime Skarlet does a Red Dash, she has three options: Dual Down Slash, Red Slide, or 1, 1, 4.

This also builds meter, which is essential for Skarlet. Another thing to note is that if Red Slide hits after 1, 1, 2 it only does 3% damage. If you do 1, 1, 4, Red Slide and it hits, it will do 8% damage.

Special thanks to Ninj for the combos and Somberness for the frame data.

At the end of a combo after 1, 1, 2, Red Dash you can do 1, 1, 4. If your opponent blocks high, you can use Double Dagger and dash cancel into another blockstring.

This video is only to show those that always block high against Skarlet. You can't just "take" the Red Slide. If you block high, 1, 1, 4, Double Dagger will jail you into standing block and she can go into another blockstring.

All combos were found by aNinj.

jip, 2, 1, 2, Dagger Toss (dash cancel), 2, 3, Dagger Toss (dash cancel), 1, 1, 2, Red Dash, 1, 1, 4, EX Dagger Toss (dash cancel), F2, 1, 2, 1+2, Red Dash, Red Slide (32% + 16% = 48%)

jip, F2, 1, 2, 1+2, Red Dash, Up Slash, dash, F4, Red Dash, Down Slash, dash, 1, 1, 2, Red Dash, 1, 1, 4, EX Dagger Toss (dash cancel), F2, 1, 2, 1+2, Red Dash, Red Slide (38% + 16% = 54%)

jip, B1, 1, F4, Red Dash, Up Slash, F4, Red Dash, Down Slash, 2, Red Dash, Down Slash, dash, 1, 1, 2, Red Dash, 1, 1, 4, EX Dagger Toss (dash cancel), F2, 1, 2, 1+2, Red Dash, Red Slide (40% + 16% = 56%)

jip, B2, Down Slash, dash, 2, 3, Red Dash, Down Slash, 2, Red Dash, Down Slash, dash, 1, 1, 2, Red Dash, 1, 1, 4, EX Dagger Toss (dash cancel), F2, 1, 2, 1+2, Red Dash, Red Slide (44% + 16% = 60%)

(Wall Combo)
jip, B2, Down Slash, U3, U3, Air Dagger (Far), dash, B1, 1, F4, Down Slash, B1, 1, F4, Down Slash, 1, 1, 2, Red Dash, 1, 1, 4, EX Dagger Toss (dash cancel), F2, 1, 2, 1+2, Red Dash, Red Slide (57% + 16% = 73%)


Zoning Master
Those who have experience vs Skarlet can keep low blocking and then stand up and block the overhead on reaction. Slide / overhead is not a 50/50 mix up because the overhead is a lot slower than the slide.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Those who have experience vs Skarlet can keep low blocking and then stand up and block the overhead on reaction. Slide / overhead is not a 50/50 mix up because the overhead is a lot slower than the slide.
This is where EX downslash comes into play. No, it's not a true 50/50 in the Scorpion Vortex sense. Technically someone who guesses what Skarlet is going to do everytime beats her. I feel like maybe that can be used as an argument against most characters for some reason...

Off of a 1,1,2,Red Dash the following are realistic:
Down Slash
EX Down Slash
Up Slash
Nothing into throw
Nothing into combo
Nothing into crossover
EX Dagger into safe B1,1,F4 launcher
EX Dagger into riskier combo
Dagger into back dash
NJP into down/forward dagger
Jump away into down dagger

I personally like that more than a 'true 50/50'.


Fear the Skulls
I do like this char alot but i cant get her going shes too hard to use and im too used to kitana nice stuf
she has one of the highest learning curves. after 2 hours of practice with her the inner part of my thumbs are sore sometimes. they rate her at 25th which is ok cause you have to burn alot of meter to really pressure the opponent. If she doesnt have meter you most likely will lose imo.


Those who have experience vs Skarlet can keep low blocking and then stand up and block the overhead on reaction. Slide / overhead is not a 50/50 mix up because the overhead is a lot slower than the slide.
Same thing applies to Scorpion and people keep saying it but they never follow through


"Strength isn't everything"
Awesome, I love when opponents just stand block after a red dash, it takes all the guess work out for me, it's great.

Against some real stubborn players, I don't have to even condition the stand block, I just get it free.


Hey, RedRaptor10 im having trouble with this combo jip, B2, Down Slash, dash, 2, 3, Red Dash, Down Slash, 2, Red Dash, Down Slash, dash, 1, 1, 2, Red Dash, 1, 1, 4

I can do everything fine in tell the 2, red dash, down slash after the 2, 3 red dash, down slash it just doesn't connect =( any advice?
You gotta input 2, Red Dash, Down Slash early like as soon as the previous Down Slash disappears off screen. The 1, 1, 2 at the end is also really hard to do. It's not really worth it unless you have really good timing so I recommend removing the 2, Red Dash, Down Slash part of the combo. Simpler combos would be:

jip, B2, Down Slash, dash, 2, 3, Red Dash, Down Slash, dash, 1, 1, 2 or 2, 3, Red Dash, Red Slide
jip B2, Down Slash, 2, Red Dash, Down Slash, 2, Red Dash, Down Slash, dash, 1, 1, 2 or 2, 3, Red Dash, Red Slide

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
If you land a combo into a reset... then yeah fuck blocking high.
I've been a STRONG proponent of blocking high on a naked red dash or exRedDash. That is all. How often are you actually going exRedDash and do a combo in my face? Not often enough.

She is female scorpion but with footsies. Slips said it best really. She is very punishable though, and needs good setups to get that type of pressure.


Fear the Skulls
You gotta input 2, Red Dash, Down Slash early like as soon as the previous Down Slash disappears off screen. The 1, 1, 2 at the end is also really hard to do. It's not really worth it unless you have really good timing so I recommend removing the 2, Red Dash, Down Slash part of the combo. Simpler combos would be:

jip, B2, Down Slash, dash, 2, 3, Red Dash, Down Slash, dash, 1, 1, 2 or 2, 3, Red Dash, Red Slide
jip B2, Down Slash, 2, Red Dash, Down Slash, 2, Red Dash, Down Slash, dash, 1, 1, 2 or 2, 3, Red Dash, Red Slide
just to throw in my two cents try:
jip, b2, down slash, dash, f4, down slash, dash, 2, 3, red dash, f2, f4, red dash, 4 = 44%
jip, b2, down slash, dash, f4, down slash, dash, f4, df1(dagger cancel), 1,1 2, red dash(reset) = 39% or something

I create all my combos on my own if people want to know some more


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
You gotta input 2, Red Dash, Down Slash early like as soon as the previous Down Slash disappears off screen. The 1, 1, 2 at the end is also really hard to do. It's not really worth it unless you have really good timing so I recommend removing the 2, Red Dash, Down Slash part of the combo. Simpler combos would be:

jip, B2, Down Slash, dash, 2, 3, Red Dash, Down Slash, dash, 1, 1, 2 or 2, 3, Red Dash, Red Slide
jip B2, Down Slash, 2, Red Dash, Down Slash, 2, Red Dash, Down Slash, dash, 1, 1, 2 or 2, 3, Red Dash, Red Slide
lol i ended up geting it so i deleted my post, but the 2 red dash, down slash x2 combo is alotttttttttttttttttttttt easier

i might be able to take my scarlet out of the lab now that i have combos im happy with =)

thanks man


After playing with this for a few hours with my training buddy, it actually helps her mix-up game A LOT. The fact that she can put the opponent into a guessing situation 2 or more times in one combo/blockstring is scary. After each Red Dash the opponent has to watch out for an EX Down Slash, and if he's expecting that then you can go into another 1, 1, 4, EX Dagger Toss.

1, 1, 2, Red Dash, 1, 1, 4, Red Dash, Red Slide
1, 1, 2, Red Dash, 1, 1, 4, EX Dagger Toss (dash cancel), F2, 1, 2, 1+2, Red Dash, Red Slide

1, 1, 4 doesn't always have to be used after 1, 1, 2, Red Dash. It can also be used after a blockstring into naked Red Dash but the opponent can poke out of this. It's so much fun once you actually pull this stuff off.


I Guess it is time for me to restudy scarlet. Hopefully i can bring her for my next tournament, flaswless victory.


Just want to say that moves that place your opponent standing while in the air like 112, you'll actually have more advantage the higher you land it.
I figured that's the reason why 1 is able to hit low hitbox characters after 1, 1, 2. Every combo in the video except the first one can be ducked after 1, 1, 2 by low hitbox characters. -.-


Updated original post with another video and better explanation of the Red Pain Frametrap. The opponent actually can armor out of it, so you should either condition them with Red Slide or use 1, 1, 2, EX Dagger if you want the guaranteed blockstring. Hopefully now everyone understands why this is crucial to Skarlet's game and how deadly her mix-ups are. :D