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Question Why The Oversaturation of Lists?


Imma Just ask what many people are thinking..

Why are their so many MU Charts and Tier List going around now?
Is this a phase? People are sick of waiting and demand official answers now? Or are people just infatuated with Debating(and sometimes drama) even if its sometimes unnecessary?


Man of Tomorrow
Imma Just ask what many people are thinking..

Why are their so many MU Charts and Tier List going around now?
Is this a phase? People are sick of waiting and demand official answers now? Or are people just infatuated with Debating(and sometimes drama) even if its sometimes unnecessary?

Boredom, fun, the want/need for discussion, giving their opinion, drama, so on and so forth.


Yeah I've noticed too. Well, there normally garner a lot of attention so I guess that's why they're in right now. It won't stop until someone comes with the perfect matchup chart and tier list...
Reactions: SLy


The Netherrealm beckons
I do not mind the matchup number discussion, because at least that leads to people discussing the actual metagame. I think it's kind of dumb how people take these discussions so personally sometimes, like even suggesting a that a matchup is at a disadvantage or not for one character is somehow a slight to a player's skill. But whatever, discussion is discussion.

What I don't like are the threads that simply list top 10 or top 5 because there's no discussion. It's just listing lists. Who cares? At least hammer out some match ups. List threads are boring, a waste of time, and dumb, and lame, and I don't like them.


As opposed to...?
Character against Character.. But I guess at the end of the day the player will come up with their verdict itself..
The best part about a place like TYM is that you can pick and chose what you read & look at.
Yea. Everyone has different opinions now. I personally don't knock it because I find some opinions interesting.. its just it can lead to drama and uneeded attention sometimes.


Online Punching Bag
I dunno, you would think they would be better off playing online as lousy as it is, it would still give you match up experience instead of arguing and insisting who's the best and who beats who with frame data playing this like it's a numbers game like pokemon.