What's new

Why hello there

Hey guys, how's it going. I've already made some posts around here so I figured I may as well make an introduction thread here.
Well I'm mPariah, I'm pretty new to the MK series in general. I come mainly from an FPS background although I *tried* to play SC2 somewhat competitively for a year or so. After that I went over to SF4 for a bit and played that for a few months but could never really find a character that i liked to play. So I've been semi-serious in a wide variety of genres. Speaking of characters, I'm currently experimenting with Kabal and trying to decide if I want to main him, but right now anything is possible. If there's one thing I've learned about myself over the years, it's that I always gravitate to the low-mid tier. SC2 i played Zerg, and SF4 I played Vega/Sakura/Makoto.

I'm living up in Monroe, WA currently and am looking forward to some tournies that will hopefully be popping up around here soon. If anybody lives in the area I'd love to get together for some games, although I'm pretty bad right now. You can also add me on XBL @ mPariah if you want to get some scrubby games in there as well :p

Anyway, I can't wait to start growing the scene locally and beyond!