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Why hello thar

Hey everyone, HG here!

I've cycled through quite a few fighters since I started playing competitively (2009). It all started with Brawl, then after I got a 360, I slowly drifted off of Brawl to SSF4. Then I got into BB:CS for a while, back to Super, back to Brawl, to TvC, to MvC 2, back to Super, to MvC 3, to Super, to MK9. Strange pattern, I know.

But anyway, In MK9 I main Sonya, so expect me to be posting in her forums.

My GT is: bluestar149
I need to play people outside of Ranked and Player matches, I'm tired of all the Scorpions and Subs that like to run away.

I hope to get to know you guys well! Have a great day/night!


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You are NOT welcome here. GTFO. :)

J/k! Welcome, and enjoy your stay! ;)